Saturday, July 12, 2014

Counting the Days!

Wow, something is getting me up then down for the count! For the last few days I have been awakened out of a sound sleep, with nightmares. Now I usually sleep well, Sam Adams helps out and I have not been angered by nightmares for many years, most of my adult life all the way through to AARP entitlement initiation. The last time I had a nightmare was from a slip of LSD, a flash-back about Vietnam when that war was still fresh in our memories – right after we lost our Davy, the scroungy little rug-rat that wanted to fight for his country and enjoyed infiltrating the Viet Cong tunnels until a “Booby Trap” ended his thirst for “Go ARMY” adventure with excitement. When back in the states for a break, he would amuse and amaze us with his “underground” hell-fire stories, but never made it back alive from “Tour de Tunnels” Act 3. “Three strikes your out”, resonates still today over the loss of my friend. I honestly thought that with the ending of that “WAR”, we would have as a responsible race learned a lesson. Many of us did so, others not so and still today accommodating excuses for the horrors of torching villages, napalm cocktails and agent orange Julius as attractions for condemning a human race bent on cultivating rice. The ugliness of “WAR” comes in part from what we must do to protect the troops, as when the insurgents infiltrate the common folk as a means of disguise, it becomes “Free Board” and many innocent victims find torture and death their only reward, for remaining silent or else. It becomes a no-win situation. Rat out, loose out. Remain silent, into the melting pot. For those that enjoy “WAR” still today, maybe we should all pitch in to build a humongous theater, like a WWW bout ring - somewhere in the middle of a dessert - and when the “WAR” machine wants to duke it out have at it, wow a place wherein the innocent are free from such horrors. Honestly, as “WAR” is an outdated mechanism with no apparent use in efforts to “onward” civilization. Maybe it was something of interest once-upon-a-time, but that interest has vanished. But for some reason, “WAR” still fascinates – must be an “IQ” handicap or DNA dereliction, as the nightmare of this fascination lives on. I saw a live nightmare the other day, when tuning onto FOX to have a good laugh. There it was, half-dead and in livid color the beast called Dick Cheney, who is credited with inventing the “Great American Face Shoot-Out”. And remember, we learned not to trust the “Dick” back when Nixon was trying to ban rock'n roll! Talk about a pathetic nightmarish goon, Cheney that is and he is still part of the problem, that which may have something to do with my sleeplessness. For myself, these new departures away from a sound sleep, it finds reason justified and at the same time troubling at such justification as nothing is being done to curtail the evil arousing eviction from a sound sleep off. Yes, the “Beast” is alive and well. See, there is only 924 days remaining for Barack Obama to exercise his Commander-In-Chief duties under the will of the American electorate – “We the People” have spoken, as to who should lead us not astray. “We the People Majority” voted for Obama, why cannot we give peace a chance? In my book, Barack Obama stands for “PEACE”, in a world that finds peace forgotten at times. What is with all the shootings, right here in the homeland, from sea to shinning see nothing but another muzzle flash! Is the gun lobby so corrupt that it is promoting these shootings in efforts to sell more guns, to pressure a “Stand Your Ground” defense wherein at birthright one is given not only a SSN, but a weapon? And now that OBAMA has gained a cache of political clout called “Capital”, shouldn't he be able to enjoy the remaining time as “Commander-In-Chief” and allowed to cash in on that reserve, to do what he sees fit for this nation as a whole holding no prejudice, as no matter what he does it is for the betterment of mankind here and there and everywhere in between? Well that notion of exercising this “clout” excites the insane bent on destruction and the “Joe the Pimp Her” - a.k.a John McCain and his ruining mate Sarah Palin - the goons associated with “Desolation Row” are starting to mobilize in a force majeure fashion that is upsetting – the reason for my nightmares. Plantation Bundy is a prime example of mean spirited thugs that hide behind the RWB, but would rather be accomplices to destruction upon the nation then to preserve what our young kids have fought and died for. Their true flag is missing the white, missing the blue star studded field signifying “Unity”, which means it is a blood bath only salute. “RED” is the color of their true identity and destination dooming prophesy, “commie” like red rhetoric that has infiltrated decency. The Tea-Party is nothing short a dysfunctional rendition of the “commie” movement of the 50s, so where in hell is J. Edgar Hoover? Yes, my property being invaded by squatters and there is nothing us law abiding citizens can do? Nothing the Fed.'s can do either? But when the border finds squatters, low and behold call out the National Guard. How come Rick Perry, Hannity, Rove, Palin, O'Reilly and the Lush are still free and not yet been arrested, as to call Obama an out-right liar and....why not just get to the point, just let loose your ambitions and call him a “Nigger” - as that is what your hate mongering is all about. Just say it, yell it out, as it will make you feel so good. These idiots bent on destruction of Obama give me the creeps, they hate OBAMA for no other reason then the color of his skin. So as Obama is out and about making laughter in efforts to make the public realize that what is going on with Congress is a laughable situation but in essence should not be allowed for such sentiment, I feel for his safety, as does his security detail. There was a reason that Obama did not visit the border crossings when down in Texas the other day, as the “Please Spit On Me” commie movement lead by Perry has taken up residency there to protest this nations “Good Will” towards the huddled masses that are down and out on their luck. This is a crazed faction, that carries guns not roses to bed. Even the White House is under tightened security, not due increased chatter upon a possible terrorist attack from abroad by those that insist they hate capitalism due reasons of religion, but it is the home grown goons that are attracting the attention of those responsible to protect the U.S. President. I fear that these rabid FOX inbred idiots dressed in camouflage will try to exercise their “STAND Your Groin” option, as it appears that Obama is a threat to many of these wackos for no apparent reason, said again only because of the color of his skin. Yes, I fear Obama will be assassinated by interests with ulterior motives – a motive that finds a sick reasoning as in reality there is “nothing to fear but fear itself” with Obama at the helm. Obama is a great man, like Abraham Lincoln. In fact, when one analyzes Obama's reign, it is so much like what this nation realized when Lincoln was in charge. And there is indeed a battle going on, call it the modern day “Civility War” and when the smoke clears out, we will see before us a modern day “Emancipation Proclamation”. So therein exists the problem keeping me awake, as Lincoln was gunned down by someone that did not welcome his vision – a “Traitor” amongst us was John Wilkes Booth. No different today with those idiots that travel around putting on an act of indecent exposure, trying to proclaim that they are what “America” stands for – hogwash, as they really have no home! And when I not only hear but feel the increased “chatter” from locals that “Hate” Obama, as seen and heard on the FOX and Limbaugh network, with non-stop hate mongering as seen and heard with idiots like Sarah Palin calling for Obama's impeachment based on the fact she thinks with an IQ of “Ignoranus” and is adamant that Obama is a liar, it will be only a matter of time wherein this crazed rhetoric constantly broadcast will incite another Jared Lee - as we witnessed with Gabrielle after Palin placed this amazing woman with a future for America in the cross-hairs of doom. Let's face the facts, Palin went jealous over Gabrielle! I would bet that Palin prays each night that some nut case will become addicted to her Booth following fascination of doom and dissatisfaction with Obama and go over the edge. It is sad, that we have not the guts to place those that commit treason behind bars, as there exists more then enough guilty this crime of trading away our American heritage – we have failed, to stand up too such inappropriate behavior and arrest it before it causes more destruction. I mean, what in hell does a Palin speech do for the youngsters growing up listening in as their parents get aroused, from a flea-bitten monkey lady that is the modern day definition of a miscarriage narcissist? When someone threatens the well-being of this nation, or the well-being of the President, it is no longer a 1st Amendment “Free Speech” right - as like is found here in Alaska, we have that right to say as we please but remain responsible for any action or inactions that speech, especially if what we say causes harm upon another individual. So I fear, that there will come a sad time once again from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans, there will come a horrific horror upon this “Great Nation”. And in the end, we will shed but another tear when we try to figure out what has been gained, except with the realization the steps forward under Barack Obama for “equal Rights” the “Right” has so succeeded and sent us three steps backwards – we gain nothing and loose a whole lot. Yes, 924-days and counting, so I will hopefully have as many days with nightmares, which means Obama made it through to the end. And the saddest fact, there is not a damn thing I can do, except face my nightmares. More Sam Adams I guess.... And if Obama asked me what I thought would be an appropriatee “Executive Order” that would benefit this nation, so simple. Lock up Sarah Palin, as a display of deterrence against home grown terrorists inciting a riotouss following for a hatred caused by the color of a man's skin! What century is it?

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