Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Can You Hear Me Now?

The price of crude oil is today close to $100 a barrel, which when manipulated through the commodity supply chain and regurgitated as motor fuel, $4 a gallon is what we Americans are paying at the pump in efforts to drive to the beach to cool off. What global warming trend? Back in the last century, the price of oil was tame in comparison, sometimes sinking to $10. But even so, “Big Oil” made a handsome profit margin. Then all of a sudden a creep show started sending oil prices through the roof. The economists blamed it on the escalation of war and conflicts around the globe. Did you ever hear of the Hsub effect? Yes indeed, it is designed into this nation's economy equation that if a “Republican” is taking over the White House, it means an automatic increase in oil prices – because it is a hedge bet that a war will be started and that threatens the “supply”! Anyway, so was global warming a blame factor for oil price increases, by the same idiots that think the “warming warning” is a hoax. So there came many finger pointing opportunities as to what was a plausible target, the blame game found a scapegoat. But even today that “scapegoat” remains but a mystery. Regardless, it found rage as gasoline prices were also on the move, and where it would end and how it would effect “my” economy was heard from sea to shining sea. But when the smoke cleared, even with the rapid increase in the raw material that is used to make that stuff to run our vehicles and heat many homes, the end result was not as bad as some had predicted. Why not? Oil jumped, but had been the experience of the past, gasoline prices did not stay in tune to that jump and remained somewhat acceptable. Well the escalating price of oil had nothing to do with “supply & demand”, as that theory we learn about in Kindergarten is no longer part of the “Truth in Learning” statement. Instead, it was based on what is called “Bratism”, a discipline in “how far can we screw the American paycheck”. Yes, Wall Street pays handsomely those that find just how far the “supply” can be manipulated to satisfy the “demand” and at the same time avoid a back-fire – so that is where we find the “Brat” element and it is a discipline studied by many sons and daughters of the wealthy – as in order to be considered for this line of American Greed, a “Trust Fund” is a prerequisite. See, if “Trust Fund” babes had to work for a living, they would then realize what it takes and how it feels to be a “True American”. I feel sorry for many rich kids, that they will never be able to experience that first hand salt-of-the-earth freedom. Yes “Proud to be an American Hero” freedom, the kind money cannot buy! IMAGINE, going through life without an understanding of what it takes to be a “True Grit American”! And this “Bratism” practice borders on “Anti-Trust” violations, laws that used to have “guts & glory” but any “crime or penalty” associated with “Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations” went AWOL by...need I identify the criminals? Bratism is a talent taught at leading higher-learning schools of disintegration - like Harvard & Yale - and engaged in predicting just how far Americans can be pushed before boycotting. See, everybody is in competition for your hard working loot. Basically, how much can we “TAX” that American paycheck? But not only for “taxes”, but for greed. Look, I get something in return for “taxation”, I get only grief in return for this idiot faction bent on a lazy lifestyle at thinking up ways to pilage my hard earned loot. “Extra” disposable income is but a dream for most – as it is paycheck to paycheck to payoff what it takes to serenade even a modest lifestyle. Hand out there, hand out there some more, nothing left-over in the end. Sure I am fortunate to have a job that offers “Over-Time”, but it ain't worth it to be gone away from the family way too much. And back when Carter was in charge, he proposed a bill that would “Un-TAX” over-time, realizing that when we are required to spend more time at work then at play, why in hell should we be made to pay for it – as it was a penalty especially if it sent an individual into a higher tax bracket! That bill failed, due the Hsub! We have become guinea pigs to this ”Bratism” faction. See, when gasoline prices started interfering with decency, even Bill O'Rilley couldn't get his followers to face the music, as he called for a boycott during the 4th of July. Nobody came, for once nobody listened to the bad breath of Rush! But in the end, we let them have their cake and eat it too, we suffer, they smile over Don Perignon and caviar – that we paid for! Why are we so weak when it comes to protecting our hard earned income? Oil companies have been in the business a long time, but what was too become a sweeping blow to “Earl” came about from the “Brats” taking over the greatest personal income threatening lobby today, that being the “Telecommunication” industry. That which provides a service that interferes with privacy, interferes with decency and interferes with my peace and quiet – at bus and train depots, soon on planes and just about everywhere one tries to find some semblance of solitude. Look, I don't want to hear about your problems, or your prejudices or your...please just shut up for once! I was in the mountains the other day, instead of minding their business and enjoying the legends of John Muir, it was just a rude blitzkrieg of cell phone maddness – I for one am not addicted to a silicon chip! And talk about solitude lost, what is with that guy selling cell phones that one can take to the grave, with a battery that lasts forever, so spouses can “chat” with the deceased? “Hi Al, how are the worms”? See, when cell phones started becoming a common nuisance, many of us saw an opportunity to regain respect, by trying to limit the nuisance – either through restricted zones or by incorporating technologies used extensively in Israel – where cell phone blocking technology makes assholes addicted to the wireless voice “chip” behave. But the “TC” lobby went crying to the Congress, as any interference with “service” even for a flippant micro-second meant a loss in revenue. So it became a “crime” to utilize any sort of blocking technology – wherein the “TC” brats convinced those in Congress with a blank check. Look the reason we see traffic accidents happening at increasing rates comes about from assholes addicted to the “chip” not paying attention, and everybody's rates are escalating, it is due that addiction with “Twitter” and instead of fixing the problem we see another ways and means for competition taking away more of that paycheck – “Tax'm” to the poor house”. Yes again, the “Brats” at work. So with Congress in its back pocket, way down deeper then any other lobby and a realization that this industry had succeeded in addicting an entire nation on “Cell Phones”, it saw an opportunity to reign “Almighty” by unadulterated price increases, basically the “Brats” had figured out just how far the addicts would reach into their savings to placate “Can You Hear Me Now” and that was about to interfere with “Big Oil's” interest, as it was cited that people would boycott and stay at home and pacify that “communication” addiction and not waste gas. So it was an old technology verses a new technology, both fighting for every penny it could scrounge upon, as a penny spent is a penny earned. Bottom-line, when we see how much influence a “lobby” has upon Congress, that evaluates the “evil” villain factor behind such obstructionism. What's good for the lobby is not essentially good for the economy – that means US! So the oil men saw what was coming down the pike by the “Telecommunication” giants trying to rape us from the front and behind at the same time, so intervened, by framing an interest and excuse that oil production was at a plateau and would soon start a steady decline. And over-night, the price of oil that had been sitting in the $30 range jumped, it spiked, then settled down at $100 and has been pretty much stable in that arena for a long time. How & Why? Because when it is all said and done, the oil investors are now getting their fair share of our wealth, yes the “Brats” saw another opportunity to strangle the oil industry, which means we take it in the.....again. Take the essentials, food, shelter, fuel and unfortunately the “cell”. Hey, doesn't the word “cell” have a different meaning? Yes, we are all in prison with this device now our vise. On the average, we Americans are paying about the same for those services. But oil men are smarter then the phone jockeys and “Brats”, as they also realized that they have a stake in the entire economy, not just a side-show. So even though the balance is in effect, in retrospect “Big Oil” wins out again, as they have the entire supply chain now catering to its demands. Why do you think a majority of oil companies and local “COOP” utilities have by now engaged in “Telecommunications”? Because of the lucrative loop holes, the encouraging loop holes that allows for unabated wealth, tax shelters with tax benefits alone that make the oil man's “shelters” timid. They just didn't see it coming with the “TC” so were slow in getting on board. Honestly, we always hear about attacks on “Big Oil” CEOs and humongous corporate profits! Want scary news, compare that to what is happening in the “TC”, as that is where most of the 1% are hiding out. And when one considers the infrastructure to get oil from a well to a refinery to a pump, in comparison for radio-waves to get from here to there, the “TC” industry is by far the “evilest”, and yes we are addicted to it - far more addicted to the “cell” then we are to oil. We drive nowadays for necessity, with respect to a “cell”, only a 911 call is of necessity. Most “providers”, which boils down to political clout have Congress at bay. Matter of fact, some leading economists blame the “TC” for the economic wows this nation is still facing today – following the “IT” bubble bursting as it doesn't provide anything towards a solid foundation that encourages an economic wellness – basically toys will be toys. And Alaska is to thank for this preferential treatment that the “TC” now enjoys at the consumers expense - as when Ted Stevens was still in control of Washington, he saw too it that many of the existing “TC” regulatory rules that worked to the consumers advantage were so conveniently gutted, ruined for favoritism. I don't need to go into details, but Ted was killed being a whore for the “TC” lobby. So when I hear people continue to bash “Big Oil”, hey “Can You Hear Me Now? But we should be on guard with this “Bratism”, as this new age rich kid game is infiltrating all sectors of the economy – it is just a game to those that never have to worry about working for a living - being gainfully employed that is - and when they find out how lucrative it is to start wars...then the “Bush” doctrine has won and failed this nation, like it was intended to do so - it just takes time!

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