Sunday, July 13, 2014

ATTENTION Americans!

In a recent “Futuristic Political What If” poll by the renowned Crapo Institute, according to the documented results of this poll, if Hillary starts advancing and gaining popularity in the political mainstream towards an attempt at the U.S. Presidency in 2016, we are in for some dire predictions and threatening consequences. According to that poll just released under secrecy, if Hillary makes a run towards the primary and wins out, divorce rates for American's claiming to be democrat will increase 5%, along with suicides increasing 7% for males that claim to be republican or with tendencies toward the “right”. And wait, there's more! For both sides of the isle, an increase in domestic violence reaching 20% and road-rage becoming a tragedy. If furtherer success in her political aspirations, if Hillary were successful in gaining the White-House, low and behold that divorce rate increases to 15% and the suicide rate goes to 17% across the board and the domestic violence, statutory rape and road-rage murders escalating like this nation has never experienced before - the National Guard will have to assist local lawmen keeping the peace. Yes, if Hillary finds victory in 2016, we may find our nation under a “National Martial Law High Alert“, basically a “Police State”! This will find itself a major blow on the economy, so we must begin to realize what may be in store if “election central” finds no other worthwhile candidates. And this poll's research is accurate, for predicting such a mess, by using state-of-the-art predictive modeling along with algorithms formulated by the brightest scholars from the highest levels of academia. But the poll is not gaining any steam, as for some reason those responsible for getting this information front and center have been threatened into hiding the truth, so has the media run away from this story for reasons troubling, and we all know the story about Vince Foster? So I was asked to read the report and provide this information in hopes that it would send out a warning, before it is too late and turning back be not an option. Think twice about letting the “Clinton Clan” back on stage, as this nation deserves better, a whole lot better and when super-Cray computers supply such results, we must trust this over “I didn't have sex with that dog”! Remember, Bill already said he would enjoy being the 1st Lady? What in hell does he mean by that!

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