Thursday, July 17, 2014

Almost WWIII?

Appears Obama's attempt to trump the Erectile Dysfunctional U.S. Congress and the Ted “I Shit In My Pants Again” Nugget Dick lobby and the NRA crowd of cowards, with Wayne's World “I Live for Bleeding Bullet Holes” LaPierre still crying out loud a pathetic excuse of why we need to arm every man, woman and child molesting pervert, well the Commander-in-Chief's attempt to impose some semblance of gun control has failed. See, back in 1983, KAL flight 007 left Anchorage, and flew too close for comfort prohibited air space claimed by the Soviets. The passenger jet with 269 humans, including 62 Americans, was blasted out of the thin air by a Soviet SU-15 interceptor missile – and with another Soviet Missile Crisis facing mankind, it set the Doomsday Clock to 23:57 – just 3-shy clicks short of all out nuclear destruction. The closest setting to John “Armageddon” McCain gets his way, which finds a no-return policy when the clock hits 23:59, came in the early 50's when civilization saw trying times and the Nobel Scientists that keep wound this clock reset it to 23:58. Yesterday, the Doomsday Clock was at 23:55, a status that has been pretty stable for the last few months but creeping ever closer to “WAR” due insurgents finding more and more weapons at their disposal in efforts to rape young girls at gun point. The creep is also affiliated with John Kerry taking over Hillary's positions as Secretary of Fait. But today, with another passenger jet blown out of the sky over Ukrainian air-space – yes restricted by the insurgents protected by the Soviets – this plane supposedly targeted by the Soviets, or an attack assisted by the Soviets, that clock may find a fast forward mode to...yes the NO-RETURN option! Which means things will escalate, get out-of-control, then either Putin or Obama will have to gamble - to see who has the Galahads to hit that “Big Red” bottom designed for one-sided doom – which we all know is just a fake out as when “For Whom the Bell Tolls” sounds out a warning , in reality it means “red” missiles here and our missiles there, missiles everywhere! So, one can ask why the Soviets would deploy a missile and attack a civilian passenger jet minding its own business? Why, because that plane was supposed to have a bunch of Americans on board and just yesterdaythe Obama administration set get-tough sanctions on the Soviets, upon individuals and companies that support insurgents - including a ban on the maker of the AK-47! Wow, which means it in effect stops all imports, for the most favored weapon of choice for the Tea-Party and those bent on civil unrest and gearing up for more Clyde Bundy “Summertime” fantasies at attacking biologists on BLM lands – “this land is your land, this land is my land”. Yes, in America's cities wherein many think they have what it takes to be a militia and dress in camouflage yet are afraid of the draft, AK-47s were being sold out faster then Sarah Palin going negative in the opinion polls. IMAGINE, as today we may find civilization closer to total destruction just because of gun control fall-out? Well, the gun lobby stands for one option, it is a “Stand Your Ground” dysentery dynasty, and maybe that “Stand” has finally “Ground to a Halt”! But unlike the thugs that hide behind that “Don't Shit on Me” flag of disgrace, Obama and Putin are not thugs, and we will get out of this mess without a major escalation that causes mankind to sink back in time towards the “Cold War” times. Sure there will be finger pointing and name calling, but sticks and stones break only bones, not civilizations when men like Obama have a dream!

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