Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Racial Incident

"Juneau Police say a racially-fueled incident marred the closing of an Alaska Native dance and culture festival on Saturday in the state's capital city. The incident happened at the end of Sealaska Heritage Institute's Celebration 2014.

On Saturday morning around 9:30, Native veterans were serving as flag bearers as they led a parade through downtown Juneau. The vets formed a corridor on Willoughby Avenue next to Centennial Hall for dancers to pass through as they finished the parade. As they stood in place, a white man grabbed an American flag out of the hands of a 67-year-old Native veteran located at the end of the parade and began yelling "racial slurs" at the man and the crowd "and attempted to spit on the flag," Juneau police reported.

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2014/06/16/3520042/racial-incident-mars-close-of.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2014/06/16/3520042/racial-incident-mars-close-of.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy
Juneau police Lt. Kris Sell said her department doesn't know if the man was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. No witnesses reported the suspect as being visibly impaired, she said."

How about under the influence of the "Discovery Channel" or any other of the many "Reality" crap TV shows that makes Alaska look like a state gone "MAD"!

"....." from Alaska Dispatch

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2014/06/16/3520042/racial-incident-mars-close-of.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy

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