Wednesday, March 12, 2014


It is March 12th, 2069 and today celebrates an historic moment, that the National Rifle Association's fight during the early part of the century, to protect the 2nd Amendment and arm all of American has worked. As today the final street sign not so named in honor a slain officer, Penny Lane, today this last-of-a-kind street sign icon was taken down and changed to LaPierre Drive, as the great-grandson of the NRA leader was killed in cold blood during a shoot-out when he pursued a robbery suspect “Standing his Ground”! Here is my point: As an American that drives across “This land is my land, this land is your land”, down along Route 66, to enjoy this pride and joy called America from sea to shining sea, it is a shame to see so many highways and byways now sadly named in honor of slain officers, slain peace officers, because guns are out of control and in the hands of those that should have not the luxury to enjoy the freedom hinged upon the 2nd Amendment - as it is no longer a “right” for some. But when the NRA decided even crooks should be armed, when that association's leadership went adamant that there would be no gun control even for trigger happy satanists, it set this nation on a no return dead-end detour called Armageddon, and today we see the results. So as I look across this once great land, those signs are reminders that something went wrong with righteousness, and that “guns for everyone” association became not associated with America, but with clandestine doom. And when in time it comes to be that all the Penny Lanes are no longer, when all the roads are named in honor of those trying to uphold justice but were out-gunned by the  thugs against justice, then we have come to the crossroads we deserve. And those historic drives across America, that will also be a thing of the past as it will be unsafe forevermore! When that enjoyment and so deep an American passion finds not our company, then the “Gun Powder Supremes” have succeeded in the greatest of killing fields, and that is when freedom will be but a far away “Dream”. This land was My Land.....

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