Tuesday, March 4, 2014

John Kerry

Dear John “Shitboat” Kerry;

Please leave the EU and go wind surfing and leave the Crimea mess to the professionals, like Obama. Look, Putin is not about to invade the world and your WAR mongering is not appreciated as our nation cannot find itself engaged in another conflict. And your sick like rhetoric, about Putin invading another country, where were you during the Iraq invasion – wind surfing? That “Yes” vote of yours cost over 4500 young kids to find an early grave, not to mention the 320-thousand that have returned home with prosthesis as a crutch, or brain disorders for following “Your” orders! And remember this, that red stuff that goes flying every which way loose and paints the battle field a hellfire, it ain't Heinz Ketchup!

PS: Dear President Obama, isn't time to get rid of this jerk?

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