Saturday, February 1, 2014

Miracle of M....

Finally, we have before us NOT a miracle of modern medicine, but a miracle of medicinal music! Of course, this is what the song bird's morning melody has been telling us for a long, long, long time. In a recent report form another more “peaceful” nation that may never find medical import credibility with the United States' Federation of Drug Addictors(FDA), there is hope. Yes a “more peaceful” nation as Obama's State-of-the-Eunuch was more good news for the WAR Machine – just read between the lines my friend. I guess if a medical remedy - a.k.a. snake oil - can't make a buck-billion for a CEO of a not a spelling mistake, as in reality medicine has become a “farm” - Maggie's Farm - wherein the contestants are merely guinea pigs under the influence while the hen-house gets raided by the pillferage lords. No not another spelling mistake... Hey if DarthSarahVada Palin can get credit for making up lies, I mean new hypermedia words, so can I. OK, so name one drug that works? Viagra, what you insane as any pill that causes an erection lasting longer then 4-hours and diarrhea at the same time has too be a “joke's on you abusing user”! And if drugs of today really work, then why all the hidden “fine print” designed so as not to be read wherein one would need a PHD in psycho-helter-skelter-ology to comprehend? Look, try sitting on the shitter with a hardon! Now for years, the medical profession has been studying remedies for loss of memory accompanied by aging, which if continues unabated without treatment can lead eventually to Alzheimer's, which means those affected refuse to give up that drivers license – read what line? It affects 3 out of 5 elderly and since drugs have shown that “Mother's Little Helper” has not been a workable solution for this disease, other means have been tested. One of the saddest of our times comes before us today wherein Wall Street youngsters - children of the Romneyites - see it fit and proper to take advantage of an elder's loss of memory. It happened to my dad, it happened to my mom, it happened to my dad again. The first time my dad was ripped off, I had to go rescue the local bankers from a wayward gun toting World War II veteran. Now I buy him more ammunition, as the elderly are under attack. Not by crooks, but it has become a normal business venture. True, they can't take it with them, but why in hell try to steal it away from them before their time is up? Of course when the youngsters are coached by criminals like Fred Thompson – that Reverse Mortgage BS guy – well that goes to show what Congress produces – crocks in, crooks out! Look, do you think he has a “Reverse Mortgage”? Of course not, he is a $millionaire$ with a Congressional salary, a congressional health care plan, you name it! He is the ultimate congressional “whore”, selling out America's greatest of assets, our elderly! He was never a good actor, accept when he was facing his constituents and today in those AAG adds, that everything will be OK by letting us screw you over with one of these “Reverse” scams - it is just a class ass act! See, my dad is contemplating an “RM”, because he cannot ever pay back that unscrupulous loan offered by that youngster working for Bank of America. If there is not a crime against this, there should be. But the one institute that should be protecting our elderly heritage – namely Congress – well they are all AWOL and that heritage that was constructed by our elderly is wide open for abuse. Back to the subject of memory loss. Now one of the original non-addicting remedies for the loss was something that kept the brain engaged, something with a semblance of a logical thought process. Games, simple math, sex, all seemed to prove its worth to extend the reasoning chemistry and ward off loss of memory. But it wasn't enough, as like any “drug” used to combat a health issue wherein more and more is needed over time to combat, the brain can only engage logically to a certain level of competence. It's like a game, you trump the brain disease, then the brain disease trumps the remedy until such time, “TILT”! So in the beginning it would work, but whatever it was that causes this loss would get stronger and wickeder over time. We are not all like Einstein, so there exists that limit! So now this new research has found the ultimate, and it comes by way of music. When originally discovered, it puzzled the researchers as a confined group of individuals subjecting themselveses to a memory lose placebobo showed positive signs of relief, all because a young nurse was a die hard rock'n roller and kept the jive going and enticing the elderly under his wing to embrace the music - it was the music that was causing the brain to remain engaged and ward off any future memory loss handicaps. This was the placebo group, nothing was added to their diet, except the Rolling Stones, some Jimmy Hendrix, a little Joplin! Yes, music! Some simple and extended research indicated this group showed advanced stages of relief, in a research place that had several similarly situated groups that saw not the same results, only this one particular group showed promise. So it was music that seemed to be another remedy worth testing. Now the research has narrowed the music down to a specific kind. NO it is not classical gas, nor is it country music - which actually indicated a worsening of the memory loss - but Reggae finds the best beat to beat the memory loss blues. Yes, good'ol Jah Love medicine. So this is catching on here in one of those 50'n older communities down here in California as Reggae music can be heard coming from vehicles, golf carts, you name it. So start now, turn up the vibes and start preparing for a peaceful old age. And Fred, get a life before you are cause for the loss of another great American because of your unpatriotic skunk oil sales pitching. Hey, you ever serve your country – sorry Congress no longer counts in that category. Remember, you are aiding and abetting the enemy, entities that take it upon themselves to swindle away the dream. But for now, with this new music gig providing free listening relief to our elderly and stalling off memory loss – maybe the TRUE Dylan Dream has come to be! Fred, you suck, that's what my dad said.....and he never told a lie!

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