Friday, February 28, 2014


Finally and with good riddance another state of the Union is taking away the “Realty Crap” gusto and maybe this will allow Alaska to get back to its true reality roots – and instead of the “Lost Frontier” we can take back some of our true worth and get some semblance of the “Last Frontier” back in check. Those “History” reality shows - started when Sarah Palin was Queen for a Day - have a tendency of checking-out reality and replacing it with pure bullshit, a pathetic waste it is – especially with that Alaska State Troopers show'n tell lies. Then again, maybe the next episode about the men & women in uniform will be when the troopers arrest one of their own, a retired Commander-in-Pervert. Look, have you watched yet a “Reality” TV show that documents through film footage the “True Grit” Alaskan hard at work? No, because “Big Oil” would not want to be laughed upon and will never let those idiotic film crews from the lower-48 into the North Slope oil patch. And NO, “Big Oil” is not interested in the “Film Tax” credit sell-out – as Parnell just gave them a $billion$ dollar well deserved infusion. Look, if Sarah can give away $millions$, why cannot the governor give away a little, at least we see some jobs created by “Big Oil” and the tax break - with Tans-Canada and Palin's AGIA, we have paid out good money for nothing but lame excuses! Fact of the splatter, when these jerks that came north with a camera and turned a civilized haul road into an “Ice Road”, isn't impersonating the IQ of George Bush a crime, as that was the equivalent intellect we were seeing with this waste of celluloid and a bunch of baloney fool hardy “Pork Chop” characters trying to claim fake fame. For those that have been taken for a ride, it AIN'T AN ICE ROAD! And that “Smelliest Catch, what a way to tell your kids, “It's alright to smoke cancer causing cigarettes”! Anyway, those in the Northwest will be taking the “Reality” momentum away from Alaska with some new show about a real looser, a guy named “Mick, The legend of a Draft Dodger”. This guy thinks he is some prehistoric cannibal, and eats “scat” for survival. Not just animal scat, but any pile of crap found along a trail. But many in the know that area of the Olympic Peninsula where once upon a time “Big Foot” reigned as the thriller chiller, many think this guy “Mick” is a fake - as he is often seen pigging out at the local “Billions Served” burger joint in some podunk logging town. In fact rumor has it that those vacationing in the rain forest west of Seattle can enjoy the newest sensation in honor this fake-you-out con-artist, its called the MickScat burger. I watch these shows just to see what we as a nation find interesting. It is sad, but when the news media has been taken over by Mutt & Jeff idiots also - OK, we no longer have to shoot the TV - there ain't nothing worthwhile to waste time upon. Yes, TV shot itself in the....In fact, watching Congress, well at least its a laughable situation, especially when Cruz calls Obama a “monkey”. Imagine, another American thinking he or she has the luxury of calling the sitting President a “Monkey”. Isn't this a crime punishable by...that's it. A diner date with Mick! Would you like cheese on that scat Mr. Cruz? Wow, reality worth its meaning!

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