Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So long Pete

Sorry, as I am not going to fall for the snare-trap set by the impostors. See, it is a “Happy Day”, as I can say that I was in tune to Pete Seeger's trials & tribulations as one of America's greatest of heroes. Folklore wise and politically correct wise. And proud to divulge that at one time had the opportunity of a one-on-one smile with Pete, at a low-down dirty laundromat in Fairbanks, Alaska, back in the mid-70's when Pete was praising the “Union” that built the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline. Oh, that impostors' snare-trap, the fact that Pete's departure as a “brother of love” was the last covered story for the morning news this day, on NPR even so, wherein like the norm political corruption continues to steal away the main stage thunder. What in hell do you think Pete was trying to tell us all these years? When is enough political corruption truly enough wherein we start to take back our “Union”? Yes, if only we would put down that damn hi-tech crap shoved down our throats and just listen, for once....but the “snare-trap” is working! “Don't you weep after me”...... Thanks Mr. Seeger, enjoy the next journey.

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