Monday, January 6, 2014

Holiday Wrapper

And so...that was Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm glad it is all over with again, along with putting to rest 2013. Now there are 2-things only I do still enjoy about the Holidays, listening to Ave Maria's countless versions and tasting the countless revisions of fruitcake – especially if from England, spotted Dick in disguise. I used to have a 3rd liking for this time of year, when there came good music played outrageously loud to bring in the New Year's “hell fire red” fireworks display. Like with Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Dylan – the icons of a civilization with hope for peace, love and..! Nowadays, what the hell has happened to good'ol R&B, and peace seems to be but a suggestion and of no interest to the infidels – John Kerry's legacy as Hawk-of-all-Hawks, sorry Hillary. Honestly, had NOT Obama intervened and sent Mr. Windsurfer to detention to count his “blood red” gold doubloons, we would have been once again engaged in a serious WAR. How much ketchup does John sell to the military when our troops are on foreign soil? Sometimes I believe WAR is just that, a ketchup throwing contest! What a concept, how about “food fights” instead of napalm! But what do I know? How about this said with authority, I despise “Saran Wrap”! Has anyone out there figured this stuff out? It reminds me of Congress, comes off so smooth but turns to confusion immediately upon entering the constituencyosphere – when out of the closet. So that is my biggest gripe for the year now passe', and I have put away the “wrap” until...OK let's give Congress a break, as they did accomplish 2-things of importance during the 113th session wherein the Sargent-of-Arms was again “blackmailed into leaving his post”. That dereliction has been going on since our last good president – I didn't say “Great”. See, since old man Bush vacated the premise, the SOA has refused to arrest the “Beast of Burden” unrest – with Congress! And when Congress is AWOL, we find that the Oval Office gets turned into a “Red Light” district or pre-school. So in 2013 Congress granted itself a “pay raise”, and that same ceremony will be blessed upon them again upon their return next week and they all signed on the dotted line to fund the WAR machine, again. See, there are 2-things that will get a representative castrated - which only affects the he-male gender representation – as those women in Congress have no balls! So want to come on strong as an individual force to act again as an American for real change, just refuse a self-inflicted raise or refuse to fund the multi-trillion defense industry, and that spells doom. See, politicians have placed this country in a precarious situation, as our economy relies upon the WAR machine finding such glamorous funding – courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers. Because we went stupid at the polling booths and elected in idiots that did bring home the bacon but fostered a bigger and bigger tyrant in the WAR machine, we were entrapped, and instead of a moving forward economy that was based on what was happing “globally”, we went sidetracked with the Reagan-Bush Doctrine. Yes, we thought we could destroy every other form of commerce except “Capitalism”. What a joke, as the latter has destroyed itself and while this nation treads water and hovers for existence on thin ice, other nations are, well moving forward towards “friendships”. And yes, old man Bush was the last decent U.S. President, because he was only allowed to serve one term, as two-consecutive terms are against the Constitution. The last “Great” Commander-in-Chief was Jimmy and brother “Bud”. Mr. Humanity was for “peace”, not WAR! Obama is trying his best, but the “Machine” has its own mind! And are people really this stupid, to entertain another Clinton in the White House? Anybody that votes for another... it's sad. Look, Hillary was seen at the Carlyle Headquarters the other day, swooshing her way through Wall Street, which is just “K” Street in a “Leprosy” camouflage. Any political aspiration that must make friends with this Bushwhacked - the Carlyle - organization, well it is a link in that “Machine” of destruction. We must start weening ourselves away from the death grip we find ourselves in, with the WAR machine as our only economic saving grace, as we are no longer a match to take on the “world”. This can only be accomplished if we start to see the light, that there are individuals of strong mind, will and character that want to steer this off course ship – the U.S.S. America – towards safety. Who would that be? Bernie ring a bell! In closing, the WAR machine has become an ugly weapon, like a boomerang heading back our way to haunt and hurt. We must take that “loot” used for total destruction our own existence and start rebuilding America, with new highways, new railways, electric grids, de-salination plants along the East & West coasts, nuclear energy power plants and re-institute a manufacturing policy based on corporate taxation so we can finally place that “WAR Machine” on a Keith Richards withdrawal program. Hey if Keith can kick the habit, so can we. Look, we are the ones addicted to the “Machine”, our representation just continues to provide us the “fix”. Cold turkey, it hurts, but in the end, maybe we can recover and be proud once again, not at who and what we can destroy at the push of a button, but who we can smile along with – our brothers & sisters of this “one” earth!

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