Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Enemy of the Senator

Enemy of the Senator

“Enemy of the Senator” has received monetary backing for initial production from an anonymous source. The production of this documentary finds overwhelming evidence that U.S. Senator Ted Stevens(Alaska) was the target of an assassination by his very own “friends”, due a break-in at the IRS headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska. The IRS maintained its enforcement branch at the very office building owned by indicted VECO chief Bill Allen. Over the years that Steven's enjoyed the position as one of the most powerful U.S. senators, Anchorage found “pork money” to rebuild almost every Federal government building, except that of the U.S. Treasury. And this came about for a reason. Allen was one of Ted's closest compatriots, until the law caught up and Bill ratted out what he knew in a plea bargain agreement – wherein he was even acquitted for taking advantage on under-aged girls – his bimbo whores. It appears that the IRS office in Anchorage was security compromised, wherein the bimbo whores were allowed to ramshackle the tax returns of powerful politicians that were being audited – basically a back-door ways and means to resolve and erase $millions$ in fines and overdue tax payments. One of the worst nightmares for a politician is a “Tax” problem, so this back-door was how powerful state lawmakers and campaign contributing friends were rewarded and problems erased. The evidence that this documentary portrays points to a connection, wherein Ted was about to spill the beans as to what he knew of the IRS breakdown – with names, rank and serial numbers of those that were rewarded amnesty. The reason the entire Ted Steven's trial has come to a dead halt – as one thing the Federal government cannot and will not stand for is to find proof that the Tax system had been compromised, as that would be the death wish of those adamant that it is a failed system and must be destroyed. Eat Pie Productions - which is also moving forward with a documentary on the EXXON Valdez wreck and how that was also a well planned sabotage attempt by a local environmental group from Valdez - plans to have the “Enemy of the Senator” available for viewing by late 2014. Any inquiries into this documentary should be forwarded to

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