Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sorry Alaskans!

I tried, but I guess the Alaska Railroad cannot stand hiring an honest person to takeover the helm. See, this crooked rail system is not only all over the map with its steel wheels on rail, but when a train is out-of-control due the in-house caboose crookedness condoned by a misfit executive management team, money abuse can get foot loose and fancy. In this case it is U.S. Taxpayers’ money that is “blowing in the wind” – to date, close to a $billion$ for the escapades or follies! See, the Alaska Railroad thinks it can stand behind the CBC mask of immunity. CBC? The famous “Corrupt Bastard Club”, made famous by the political climate in LesilLand and still hoping for a pardon. Look, “Casey Jones” runs a very a corrupt organization that tries to hide behind the cover of an “Alaska State Corporation”, like that title gives it immunity. Do we citizens ever get to see what it pays out for salaries? How about an audit of what the “Fraud Board” rakes in – including Bill “Impeach Me I’m NOT Clean” Sheffield, how much has that board swindled away? But I tried, but I guess the “rail” is still not ready to admit it has gone from a respectable entity and over the cliff, by following Don Young’s advice, that “Bridge to Nowhere”. Yes, it was a respectable entity, when under Federal jurisdiction. Below, find my application that was received by the HR department, yet praytell I didn’t even get an interview:

To: Alaska Railroad Corporation CEO Search Team
Look no further, I’m your man, for replacing outgoing President & Chief Executive Officer Christopher Aadnesen.  And I have a “Palin” game changing plan that will take the Alaska Railroad out of its present “Hell Hole” and make it once again a respectable “State” corporation. Those polls that have shown so must distrust the ARRC, it must be changed and I can fix the bad image if elected as the new CEO. First and foremost, from surveying what is required this head-honcho position – responsible for “ensuring that the plans, operations, assets, and real property holdings of the Alaska Railroad Corporation are unmanaged and miss-directed, on behalf of the cruise ship industry, in a manner consistent with an unsafe, inefficient and non-profitable rail transportation system, and in compliance with applicable outlaws, regulations MIA, and industry standards just a suggestion”  – I request a salary that is based on the current Alaska “Minimum Wage”. That may be a whole lot less than what the outgoing boss was taking home, but I feel that minimum wage makes sense this position, as when considering the meager pay that the railroad’s hourly hard working salt of the earth workers take home and always fearing security of their jobs if Uncle Sam decides to cut off the welfare funding - that FTA “grant” stuff the rail has relied upon - I take the stand to lower the salaries of the top brass, take away the board’s credit cards and make a difference where it counts. The “Buck” will STOP HERE, at my office! In fact, by 8:15am on my first day on the job, I will fire the entire BOD and appoint Joe Hazelwood as the acting board, as he knows what ship wrecks are all about! But of course with my “minimum wage pay”, I would still like to be covered under a Bill “Nosebleed” Sheffield medical health plan. If you don’t know what I am talking about, just ask Bill. Now I realize that the ARRC has never been a profitable venture, so we must get back to common sense spending and away from artificial images of Vanderbilt grandeur. Get over it, the ARRC is a Podunk infrastructure catering to the Princess instead of the citizenry. So reducing my salary, that is where it all begins – the “buck starts here” approach! Secondly, I will quit the relationship between the ARRC and the Koch Brothers, allowing only for “Qualified Track” based on what is an honest assessment, not the entire railroad’s asset, basically eliminating the “kickback” and use that money saved to hire back some trustworthy workers that were recently furloughed, right before the train wreck. Standby please: Just in, another wreck in Fairbanks! So yes hire back mechanics, rail yard men & women, true Americans. Look, we can no longer give away loot that belongs to “All Alaskans”. And I understand that money - that questionable “Transport Credit” - that is accepted as a gift may be a convenient way for the Koch to engage in campaign spending the wishes of a few select Alaskans, and since the ARR is supposed to remain neutral political issues, this underhanded bribery must end, and it will end on my watch and the perpetrators behind this scene indicted. And we all know how the Koch dynasty treats the American “workforce”. Third on my agenda, I will approach the legislature in Juneau in efforts to secure money from the CBR in efforts to start paying back the American taxpayers. From my estimates, the ARRC has milked Uncle Sam in the tune of $1-Billion. The “Fixed Gateway” giveaway has always been a fraud scam as has been the requirement to provide “half fares”. So I plan to change the ARRC’s corrupt mindset, and make it an instrument of the state the citizens can take pride upon, for decent workers’ pay and an infrastructure of interest the citizens can enjoy, wherein the corporation strives to cater to the state instead of some business interest not interested in this state’s economic posture. And one other thing, I will provide “Transport” credits to the coal cars that support our troops, getting away from the present day rip-off that if not derailed will see some of the interior military bases candidates for the BRAC if this state continues on a crash course. And since Barbara Amy is a fraud investigator, it makes sense to hire me as together we can get to the bottom of the present day con artist approach that the ARRC has become so engaged upon since Bill’s nosebleed and to the detriment of decency and ethics, on how a “State Corporation” is supposed to mind its manners. And of course I will be more open about the “Herbicide” issue, stopping this ground poisoning free-for-all where so many go berry picking – along the ROW. And wait there is more! I have been endorsed for this position by Don Young, MoanaLisa MurCowpie and Phineas J. Whoopee. I an available for an interview any time, day or night. And if you need me for a live interview in Anchorage, I would request that a date be set when the ARRC abides by the FTA guidelines and offers “half fare” as required by law, another thing I will mandate, “half fares” on a yearly basis not only during the off season when a trip to Fairbanks means getting stuck for an entire week. Hey, there ain’t much too do in in this hoe-dunk town when it is -50! So I hope that I have presented my qualifications in a way that makes the search team realize that there is non-other candidate then this true Alaskan patriot, a true Alaskan that understands how the ARRC has gone off course and is fit and willing to fix things, for peanuts in comparison. By the way, it will only require about a year’s time to fix the ARRC mess, so requesting at this time only a “One Year” contract.

Thanks…..S. Pam MaGee

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