Tuesday, October 8, 2013


What the Fruitcake? I thought John Kerry was excommunicated from the Obama mainstream administration after he tried to pull a George Bush-Whack Dick Lick Cheney Yellow Cake masquerade – also known as “I'm the Great White Hunter, I'll shoot you in the damn face if you get in my way”? Honestly, John wanted to punt and go for broke, go to WAR so bad over Syria's attempt to eradicate the poor folks through living better through chemistry, that the Dom Vito Corleone of the Ketchup Kingdom tried to pull a fast one on Obama, while Barack was practicing his continued GOP jokeathon. Kerry is a prime example of an individual with way too much time and way too much money and the reason why any income over a $million$ should belong to Uncle Sam. Anyway, Kerry's ambush backfired, as Obama has his finger on the pulse of things. Wow, it was a close call, but Obama is cool, calm and collective and Michelle would kick Barack's ass in if he started another WAR - not on her watch. Go Michelle! Honestly, I hope Michelle runs for president - no NOT that bimbo Bachmann fruitcake - Mrs. Obama, as she has enough cool and a Nelson Mandela serenity and sincerity to bring peace across the universe. She has that aura, needs to say nothing, just smile with us and “We the Lemmings” will follow that eternal road to freedom, at last! I honestly believe she is the profit. Don't you hate that “auto-spoof” checking? Prophet she is! I mean look at her qualities in comparison to Silly Hillary! It is where that word looses its faith in “Dictionary”, as there is no comparison, never was any comparison and never will be anything even close in the comparison category. And think about it, Barack Obama never had to cheat like Bill – talk about dedication! And she is the 1st “First Lady” this nation can salute in a long time. The last leading lady with any credibility was Mrs. Carter. After that, Nancy Reagan – I'm starting to laugh. Barba “The Elephant” Bush – I'm starting to laugh even harder. Hillary – wow I feel sick! And what's her name, Lorna doone – try laughing and puking at the same time, its tough! OK, and before Rosalynn there came Mrs. Ford, but she was always in that drug rehabilitation place and I don't believe Tricky Dick had a wife – unless she was confined in a white armless robe in a secret location? Hey, listening to Dick sing “Camptown ladies sing this song, doodah, doodah” all day long would send anybody to the looney bin! Now back to the Bush Whacker. Rumor has it that Yellow Cake George is GAY! And today we see his old man embracing the LGBT nation, by signing off as the master bader witness for a marriage certificate in a same sex marriage ceremony over in Kennebunk. Why is it when something becomes “vogue”, politicians who would have nothing to do with a subject during its inception break-in period are soon that subject matters leading expert, embracing it like it was their own idea! So George was an Oval Office gay. The sad thing, how much good could he have done if he had confronted his fears and came out of the oval office, a free man. Anyway, we live in a changing and dynamic world, with cultures so vast and rich, it means indifferences that will keep us fighting each other for the rest of mankind's' stay on earth, fight each other forever, unless we get the Prophet Michelle to take matters into her own hands. Fighting wastes, it is expensive, and when is the last time you saw a troop in boots smiling. “Hey mom and dad, I'm so happy know that I have my prosthetics.” WAR is sick, is an outdated tool if ever truly a tool to advance mankind and when we have idiots like Kerry trying to keep the agent orange napalm flame throwers on high alert and ready for action, that strike-first mentality, it appears he is trying to find something as his legacy of shame. Maybe individuals with too much money and too much time need to spend a little time, with Betty in the looney tune vault. Kerry, please take up another hobby that doesn't kill, like growing tomatoes without hormones! And I hope Michelle kicks your ass for trying to trick America into another WAR!

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