Sunday, October 20, 2013

Palin, Sarahites, Parasites & Fallopians

OK, so since the time is of age wherein age-old religions have “gone down” for the count and are no longer counted, the void left behind by disappearing perverts and your child's “Holy Communion” molester, these goons in gowns now AWOL seems to have aroused the “Snake-Oil” preachers and daily sermons on the FOX are trying to win us over. Not just with the religion aspect of “Holier then Thor” but trying to make it mandatory in efforts to erase over 216-years of separation this regional religious fanaticism away from the political scene. Have you forgotten about what we gained by inciting the “Great Emancipator” into action, our Constitution? We may not have a “Right to Privacy” as the Citizen's United Supreme Court believes, but separation is necessary yet be perish away to insanity. Church away from State is one area wherein segregation finds meaning. There is today a weakness in “who we are” and there are opportunist that see it as a ways and means to disrupt that separation, the goons in gowns left standing are trying to take advantage. And today, new age religious factions that use the “political podium” to advance there religious leprosy, it is starting to allow a sneak preview of the “New Testicle”, and the word according to the Sarahites as told by the Fallopians! Look, when the FOX has a hard time trying to decipher what in hell that UFO was all about, Utter-nonsense from a Female Orifice - in this case from Sarah Palin in a recent interview with Mrs. Foxy Lady Kelly - it is basically Fallopian Rage and Rant. Wherein that message for Sarah's followers - those lemmings wearing a coat-of-arms indicating that leprosy is alive and well - it is a message hinged on this new beginning – that the “New Testicle's” time has come! So Kelly FOX, Sarah meant and said exactly this in Fallopian tongue: “All women shall go down”. Now just ask any male - especially an oil-filed worker like her husband Toad - what this “shall go down” means and you will find out what is behind Sarah Palin's subliminal message in a bottle that is shaped like a dildo, that all women are “Blow-job delivering whores”. What else is she trying to spread around with her eunuch breath? But, she may be on to something, through her mean spirited attack on the women kind and narcissistic like crucifixion used to get that message across....No I will take that back as when Lennon sang out that “woman is the nigger of the world”, that had true meaning....With Palin, it's like a stuck up toilet, wherein a plunger would work wonders! Parasites you ask? Her following!

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