Thursday, October 24, 2013

Runt for Red October

The “Runt for Red October”, an award given to the individual that promotes Scott Walker Communism by attacking “workers rights” here in America, that award goes to Alaska's Anchorage Mayor Dan “Fuck Your Brother” Sullivan, for making the GOP Pete Goldbug think police & firemen are lazy and have not dangerous occupations. See, with Sullivan and his “coffee” Gestapo clan, it is like an intestinal virus that attacks the decency of the entire infrastructure that is supposed to work together – in union-son! But Mr. Sullivan is toast, will never amount to anything above a “snot” - sometimes called a booger(DNC) or goober(GOP) - and the only reason he was elected was the fact we thought he would be trustworthy like his father George – Anchorage's Mayor during the late 70s. Like father like son, hardly and what a disgrace - were we conservative “voters” so wrong to vote in a “Runt”! Rumor has it that his dad disowned him when as Mayor elect, Dan swindled the old man's insurance policy away from the rightful owners. And since it appears a “Red” bug has crawled up Pete's ass – his comment about pansy wimp workers that fight our fires and make safe our streets – it appears that Mayor Dan is way up Scott Walker's ass, so this award stinks of “Communist” infestation augmented by Alaskan style “Corrupt Bastard Club” diarrhea! Congratulations Anchorage!

Scott Walker 
"Fuck Your Brother(FYB)" & Communist Party  Leader

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan
After Receiving "Runt for Red October FYB" Award


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