Friday, October 25, 2013

People Please HELP!

People of My Country 'tis of Thee, when is enough truly enough? From the east coast of America: A young math teacher throat slain in Boston by a 14-year old kid. From the west coast of America: A 13-year old kid carrying a fake AK-47, killed by police! We have become so reckless, can we not just put down our fears for a time and act civil? At least during the World Series! Seriously...has civil disobedience and civil dysentery become the normal course of events upon the Red, White & Blue machine? Maybe just try for once to smile at one another instead of shooting at eachother. What motives? A dysfunctional society has no motives, as it has no clear cut goals as many think the “mission” is accomplished - we have become stagnated and it is strangling us from sea to shining sea! America has become the “Killing Fields” extraordinare and we have found ourselves on that “Dead End” round-about circus merry-go-round with “Hell” the only exit. And what exercise upon the 1st Amendment allows for abuse upon the Constitution, with the “Quick Draw McGraw” blog-shooting gone wild, wherein you can camouflage yourself in the comfort of your home surrounded by hi-tech hi-speed “crapola” and take wack like pop shots at your fellowman – it is not in most cases a “freedom” of speech – as it surrounds itself with Palin like “HATE”! This sort of thing continues to segregate our freedoms. Why the news' media allows for this maniac revenge to rage on is a demonstration that Neanderthal behavior is modern man's corporate demensia! Yes, we forget we want to advance civilization, yet at the same time we practice a ways and means to set us back. And forget about any higher intelligent race finding those “time capsules” of value, as I am sure those things smell of corruption and are forever banned from possession. Who in hell would want to see how we live and act? And didn't we learn from our past mistakes? Sad it is, as there was hope on the horizon, until..... It brings back memories, of where we may have gone instead of gone way too wrong. Some of us were trying to head us all in the right direction, even though it appeared we were off course and ready to run “Hard Aground”, but not there yet then “BANG, Bang, Bang Bang! Like there exists a faction out there that wants failure, that “Total destruction is the only solution” kind of “mindset”. Look, there came to be a prophet in our midst, one that may have been able to keep that civil flame of “Brotherly Love” from poofing out. “Glory Be” was on the horizon, then, well the narcissists – aborted fetuses from zombie whores - invaded what was left standing at Tranquility Base and that was the foundation of our very existence, so today we see this nation has fallen overboard as that foundation has been corrupted - maybe today beyond repair. The reason we have a failed Congress! Look, Congress fails only if it is failed by the “People”. Don't blame Congress for all that is going wrong, just look in the mirror to get a glimpse of who is to blame for this mess! We are all accomplices to the crime spree wave. Back to that prophet that once upon a time was here to deliver what was needed to right all the wrongs of a dysfunctional ballot. See, Gabrielle Gifford was smart, a good looker, a hunter that cherished the 2nd Amendment's right to bear arms and a liberal from the Madman state. With those qualities, hey move over Mr. McCain and company! But Gabrielle was a threat, as she was supposed to become this nation's 1st “Woman President”. But she was targeted by the Wicked Witch of the North and probably attacked from behind the scenes by “Filthy Hillary” - Bill's whore piece! See, this is what has happened to America. When we have before us a middle ground thinker, that supports the 1st and 2nd Amendments and all the others, this is quality leadership that has the ability to mend those battered bridges we stand upon today. Too bad her passion was cut short, by a short-circuited nymphomaniac. Yes, John McCain unleashed Godzilla's “Montezuma's” revenge, when he decided to bring a bimbo aboard his sinking ship during the 2008 “I'm a black prisoner” race. Yes, I can be frank and honest and correct that the reason today we see Gabrielle struggling to regain consciousness, it was due to a jealous sore looser named Sarah Palin. OK, so I take back what I said about the “Filthy” one, maybe she is innocent! And why Palin was never arrested as an accomplice in that massacre down in Arizona a few years ago, it goes to show that Texas is winning the battle being fort and wants to turn this nation into the old west shoot'm up statutory night special every night special edition of Nazi Germany! Instead of the gas chambers, our streets and our schools have been turned into asphyxiating nightmares. And Sarah still prances around like she has a toad stuck up her twart. I'm serious, she is a bimbo bitch and has done no good for this country. When she was affiliated with that web-site called SARAHPACS, that site posted a U.S. map that held Gabrielle in the cross-hairs of the sights of a deadly and lethal hunting weapon, what do you expect, as you are asking and looking for trouble. Sarah killed Gabrielle's chance at the White House, because she was angry that there was another woman in Uncle Sam's life, a good looker that had a brain, and was about to surrender away forever Palin's piss & vinegar - away for good. Yes, Sarah is an accomplice and should have been escorted off to the sing-sing loony-toon farm. But we act as if it were some nut-case, that visited those Palin “sites” with the “sights” of destruction, and then was summoned to do the “Dirty Harry” deed, and the real instigators go free. That is what is wrong today! When you put his scenario into the DaVinci “Time Backwards” Machine, you see a civil society that does not tolerate this kind of hate rhetoric and political blasphemy. In that “re-wind” results from the DaVinci “code”, after the massacre, Palin is lead off in chains, through the streets where once obedient now angry citizens are allowed to rock Palin to a brain dead state, which doesn't take but a flea-bitten monkey pebble, as she was already brain washed dead to begin with. But that is what was supposed to happen, but we have not come a long way even though we have come a long way. For better or worse, just look at Gabrielle today, from who she is today to what she could have been, the answer to our problems here in the Heartland, well praytell it is not difficult to comprehend. And maybe, maybe that “screwup” by James Taylor during the opening of game II of the World Series was supposed to inflict a subliminal message, as America was at one time “Oh, so beautiful”, until the “bombs bursting in air” - the killing spree of today - made it so “UGLY”. We will know when we have learned from our mistakes and another new dawn is on the horizon, the day when Sarah wakes up and turns herself in to the authorities, that is when we can begin to fix what is ailing! Until then....Thanks Gabrielle, for caring and trying!

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