Thursday, October 17, 2013

Crowd Cheezer

Crowd Cheezer? Wow, did you catch Sarah Palin “passing” wind - yes farting - which aroused the crowd she was entertaining, like a real crowd pleaser - this crowd cheezer! See, her following is according to the “Book of Shit” according to Testament of the Fallopians 6.6.6 wherein it is set in stone – Thou shall smell another's gas passing! And it was good for some, this “passing”, as we needed something of interest to get another terrorist attack off our minds and break the menopauseny. But the seed for that attack has been sowed and watered, so look out! What you mean you NO Understanday! OK, so with re-opening of the government, in that bill that allowed the national parks to re-open just in time for hunting season, there is an earmark rider that offers $2,350,000 to fund the Kentucky militia in efforts at continuing to disrupt Obama's term as the Commander-in-Chief. Look, here it is a nutshell. The TEA-Party won this go-around. Yes they did! But the failed democratic party used this opportunity as another abuse of power, wherein the age-old cronyism made it look good on their part in front of the American Observer. See, Obama was ready to sign an “Executive Order”, if there came no compromise by the midnight hour, but the only way a compromise was forthcoming out of an inept and corrupt and dysfunctional Congress, well Reid had to give into Mitch McConnell, and that is where that “loot” to finance the terrorist movement was treatised. So Mitch has that handsome amount of U.S. Taxpayer loot to continue to ruin this nation, by attacking Obama. There is something wrong with this picture, it's totally insanely “Corrupt”! Look, the democratic party was out of favor many elections gone by, way before Congress went “SORRY, Closed for Business”. What you mean I don't know what I am talking about, as Obama was elected by that party. No, the vote went Obama's way not by party affiliation but out of desperation. Can you imagine if Mitt had won, we would all be eating according to “Ann of Soylent Green Gables” recipes, which are part of that “Book of Shit”. You thought “shit on a shingle was for the ARMY”, it would become our main staple, as the 1% dined on caviar and steak, maybe baby kids stolen away from the masses. Look, the 1% faction would eat our baby's if Ann cooked it up. And look, Obama is the President, he takes no sides as he represents “All Americans”. Now when the democratic party was smothered and obliterated out of existence during the Bill Clinton affair years of endangerment, the rules of the road indicated that it would only be a matter of time before the GOP found the same exit stage right strategy, as without them dems, the GOP was toast. It is the way of inhumane nature. So what was born out of this, out of the desperation, it was the TEA-Party. What's missing, the final demise of the democratic party due its cronyism still, along with its trademark lies and cheating spree, it has not seen a party contrary come along to take over but I can hear it on the horizon, that rumble, like an out-of-control freight train coming our way. It will happen, as in time soon it will be the TEA-Party against the FREE-Party. Look, I embrace some of the TEA-Party's “mission” as in the beginning the original signatories of that party held some very good and strong ideas for America. But opportunists hijacked the momentum and set the party on a crash course. See, it wasn't until Palin and Joe the Scumbag Plumber entered the stage did the KOCH Brothers see a ways and means to disrupt a true revolution, by embracing that party and making a move to take over what the party really stood for, which by now has been lost forever. So the FREE-Party is here to take up the slack, and compete against the Flea-Party, I mean TEA-Party. Are not you tired of botox fueled legislation, tired of the Pelosi in-bed-with Reid mentality, then it is time to jump ship and come aboard the “party” ship NOT of fools that finds a single “mission” not yet accomplished, to get this nation back on track. We need not to limit government spending, we just need to police how and where that money is being wasted – it is that simple. We need to reign in the out-of-control military spending, take that money away from the “Masters of WAR” to build new infrastructure, like a “Truckers' Highway” across America. We need to build a multi-redundant underground electrical grid from sea to shining sea and litter the Nevada landscape with “Wind Turbines”. Mass transportation has found its time here in America. We need to upgrade the rail system, for freight transfer and public transportation. These are projects that support the working class, not multi-billion dollar defense contracts that support the wealthy! We can reduce our thirst for hydrocarbons by 15% a year, and by the year 2020, we could see America as the greenest nation on this earth and an economy vibrant, as money spent on the infrastructure instead of the “War Machine” has the potential to make us proud, instead of running us on empty. It is a proven fact that “WAR” has no longer an advantage or meaning in modern day society, as does an overly strong and zealous military, as it erodes and drains the American spirit and finds depression as its fix. We are tired of war, yet spend how much of our GDP on a no-return handout policy? We are tired of potholed roads, yet how much is not yet spent to fix such a mess? Look, keep a few nukes, if we are threatened, give Ted the CRUZ control - just kidding! So we must see to it that another party is able and willing to take over where the donkey has failed, and that is not a hard chore. Yes it is time for the stalemate cronies to retire, as they have not contributed to anything except a circus and crisis fabricated stooge show, wherein today we have a Congress that plays the “narcissism” card for self-centered gains. So join me in supporting the FREE-Party, as we join arms against the TEA-Party, or at least it may be the time for dueling banjos to play in tune, and get something done that helps this nation, not hinder its importance in the form of impotency! The FREE-Party, coming to a voting booth near you soon!

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