Sunday, October 20, 2013

Congressional Report

OK, so now that Congress at the last moment caved in and passed a budget that allows government to re-open, and right after that midnight hour vote the entire Congress left for another vacation splurge following the spending spree, at least that representative body had the courage to finalize and send out its “Report Card” before it went AWOL again. How many days this year already has that body of government been absent and delinquent? See, Congress has total immunity but feels it still has the responsibility of “self-grading” how well it is doing upon its sworn efforts at upholding the U.S. Constitution and the citizens fight for that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. To hell with those “polls” that favor incarceration for the buns. So here it is, hot off the Library of Congress printing press. 

United States Congress 2013 Progress Report

PS: Some say if you look close enough you can see the pattern of a human face – called a pedophile – that of House Speaker John Bonner's face-print. Sorry, Mr. Soylent Brown Bonner, so it's called a parliamentary pareidolia, - I stand corrected!

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