Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Great Alaska Hunt

Wow! The “Nose” reports that there is a bill floating in the legislature down in Juneau titled the “Great Alaska Hunt” that will support “Our Troops” in a real 49er way. The bill is designed to forfeit all year-2014 moose hunting permits away from the normal random drawing process - approximately 12000 permits - and hand the permits over to the U.S. military. Then the “brass” will disburse the hunting permits to members of the military in a ways and means that awards many troops who would love the chance of a lifetime to big game hunt here in Alaska. That list of eligible hunters includes many that are now disabled, from the years upon years this nation’s presence in the Middle East. In Alaska, this according to the bill sponsor who remains anonymous, Fort Wainwright will be used as a staging area to transport the troops with permits to areas where moose are known to congregate. The base food preparation unit will process and package the meat taken back from successful hunts. Local airlines are jumping in to provide assistance to fly the lucky permit holders up to and back from Alaska – hopefully with a few hind quarters of moose meat! This is great news for the troops, and a way to say thanks. Now who thought of this wise assignment of this state’s natural resource – for such a cause? For years, 33% of the permits have been assigned to very wealthy white man hunter hustlers. During September, the hanger at Sadler’s Airport - adjacent to the other airport the peon class must use – it has several private jets on standby, for outsiders here to rob us of our resources on the hoof. And many permits go to those not in need of “extra” meat. So it is about time we see a bill like this that finds merit, as how many troops in boots could afford a hunting trip to Alaska? So I wish the legislator that came forward with this great idea that supposedly has garnished more then enough votes to win support this bill, please step up to the plate and let us know who thou art? As the rumor mill has it, one of the female legislators. But maybe the originator is afraid, as the hunting guides are fit to be tied, as are the “Great White Hunters”, whine, whine, whine! So 2014 may be a great year, for the other hunters! But get this. Don Young is in support of this temporary restraining order to take away the permits and offer them up for grabs to members of the military! So I hope the meat lockers are filled, and our troops can breath a sigh of relief that somebody appreciates their time in uniform, boots on the ground, troops in the trenches. In fact, I hope it is successful and maybe this bill finds extensions into the following years. Alaska hunting for those that deserve it! Now this is an idea that has my “Gun Support”. But don't hold your breath, as there are already signs that the hunting lobby is up in arms, doesn't give a hoot about the troops, and cares only about their bottom line. Imagine, greed getting in the way of decency! Sad it is if so true that there is a faction trying to derail this genuine gratitude, for our troops! Call or write your state senator in support of this “bill”! In fact, call Governor Parnell at (907) 465-3500 right now......Help SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!

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