Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Einstein's Alaska

I di belivi that Einsteini's theori of relitiviti has some fliis. Not a spelling mistake that last thought, speed of light typing! So as the scientific community amuses itself with discoveries so bold that hold nothing worthwhile humanitarian reasons, finding ”non-existent” things like the quark and hardons and bosoms and babylons along with charms and something called the “strange” particle, I have come to the realization that “kid scientists” will forever discover the “snot” and its cohort the “bugger” along with the “fart” and of course the “burp”. I guess evolution is making today's smart kids! See now, the theory of Einstein may find complications when we realize that time halts when one tries to burp and fart at the same instance, according to this little kid on the plane trying to amuse others with his scientific knowledge. “Try it mister, try farting and burping at the same time!” I don't know why he targeted me as the guinea pig for his experiment. What seat belt warning? Maybe because it was a red-eye flight heading towards Alaska, which was already seeing snow cover and it wasn't yet Halloween and everybody else was asleep – sleeping off the misery facing the facts that another “long” winter has arrived for the 49er. OK, a true reality check upon this relativity thing no common man I have befriended has ever really understood. See, the instructors of the “theory” always use the passing train thing. But up here in Alaska, the Alaska Railroad...that's another story! So the experimental testing – the litmus test – it took place during the 2-months of summer in Fairbanks, Alaska. Not only is it hot - into the 90 degree heat - but the mosquito population has by now exploded beyond decency akin to Don Young “exploding” at congressional hearings. “You Mr. Scientist, shut-up, shut-up. You are just like that rabid skunk Pelosi. So just shut-up”. Hasn't Young become an embarrassment? I guess if laughter is the best medicine, bring it on Don. OK, back to the experiment. Now you jump into your vehicle, and no matter how quick you try to dodge the blood suckers big as humming birds, you are accosted by gangs, bug clans - they cling to every thread and hijack their way aboard. So you close the window and hit the pedal to the metal. Now you are pissed and irate, because the bugs are trying to get the buggers in your nose and continue to hum “Praise to the Vampire Goddess named Sarah” while your nostrils vibrate out of control - so road rage sets in as blood is flowing down your forehead, from that bastard that got away. Honestly, road rage with no other vehicles on the road! “I'll get you, you stupid mosquitoes.” But you soon realize that the vehicle is speeding away at 60mph, and the squitoes are still in pursuit, in the vehicle. If they fly from the windshield towards the target - that's you Mr. - they are driving in reverse at that same speed, defying something way beyond Einstein's theory. Now we all know that a squitoe could never drive that fast, as its fragile body made up of a wing and a giant sucker like nose, it would vaporize into snot, or a blood bugger if already ordained a vampire. Get the point now, that is Einstein's theory of relativity in bug talk. So in Alaska, we don't need the useless and waste-not-want railroad to teach us what the one shoe man was so popular upon. That's the point I am getting at this writing. Like scientists looking for the “Charm” such a waste of resources, the Alaska Railroad is also a big waste of U.S. Taxpayer money, while looking for something that doesn't exist. In the rail's case, trying to look for a way to make an honest living! For those not in the know, the Alaska Railroad has never been a profit making self-sustaining venture. It relies on a government subsidy equal to half its operating costs. And gets the money only by genuine “Fraud” and of course an endorsement by none other then Mr. Young. Shut-up! Yes, Uncle Sam throws money away in the tune of $45-Million each year, just so the railroad can cater to the cruise ship industry, cater to the coal mine mentality that stiffs the military with crappy coal at a ridiculous cost to transport the crap, and gives the KOCH Brothers a $4.5-Million discount! Think about it, as it is not a complicated matter, your tax-dollars are subsidizing the Koch agenda which is top heavy with the Tea-Party. In this scenario, the citizens as passengers are the “miss-treated” particle, along with the U.S. Taxpayers. We get screwed. The Alaska Railroad was bankrupt since it was taken over from the Fed.'s and remains still broke today. Here is what I find also confusing. Talk about cutting a military base in Alaska, “them'a fighting words”. See, 45% of the income for Alaskans comes from the military budget. And a majority of the workers align themselves with the Tea-Party. So they want less government, but at the same time want a weekly paycheck from Uncle Sam. Talk about a two-faced mentality. And as the saying goes for many contractors working the lucrative military mission, “Bill the military, deliver nothing”. Pathetic it is that we have become a society that feels it is OK to rip-off the entity that was designed by Congress to protect us! Generations are learning this evil mindset. So wave the flag of less government then at the same time use Uncle Sam for your own benefit. Time to barf, no experiments allowed, just pure sickening mentality that would make Einstein, barf!

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