Monday, June 24, 2013

EXXON Valdez

EXXON Valdez ~ 25 Years Later

In the making by Eagle Rock Press/Eat Pie Productions is a very intimidating documentary called the “EXXON Valdez ~ 25 Years Later”. Simple title, and probably one of many documentaries that will soon surface, as next year marks the 25 anniversary of the ship wreck that wrecked the ecosystem of Prince William Sound - still today showing discouraging signs of a very slow recovery. This documentary tries not to exonerate the EXXON Corporation or Captain Joe Hazelwood, but through never before divulged circumstantial evidence - this documentary's credibility will surely and finally set the seed of “who was too blame” in motion - as either the biggest controversy of this century, then at the same time on the the other front, the biggest conspiracy ever. Said again, the evidence is mind-boggling and will forever change many opinions as to where that finger of blame is so pointed this lasting nightmare. All that can be said at this time about the documentary is the sorry fact that environmentalist, congressmen and whistle-blowers will be alarmed then ashamed – with respect to who may have been behind this atrocity. Due out early next year. A true story!

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