Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm Exhausted

Mutiny: A conspiracy by members of a group of similarly situated individuals through a majority voice to openly oppose, change or overthrow a Commander-in-Chief authority to which they are sworn under a Constitution. Mitch McConnell thinks that his job as a U.S. Senator is exhausting? I guess that tells it like it is with the 113th Congress. Yes, it may be “exhausting”, but not to the perpetrators of Constitutional malfeasance, but “exhausting” to “We the People” Americans listening to them battle away. They don't accomplish anything, accept fight amongst each-other and by letting down the guard, it allows for more lobby like take-overs. Really, when the Congress is AWOL their sworn duties, guess what takes over? Yes when they are afraid to show for work, the keys to the House are checked at the front door, of “K Street”. And Tom Delay, being still a free-man due “Delays” in justice, he knows his way around! And we don't have much left in the name of “Liberty”, as the divide is starting to show an ugly side of things. Maybe that is their plan, like a mutiny! Maybe Mitch and his cohorts in crime should try a real job, to see what that word “exhausting” is all about. And do I really have to pay for MissHell Bachmann's retirement? Imagine a lucrative money laundering career for performing none other then the likes of a clown. Yet, I am glad that Mitch and company have taken a two-week furlough, in efforts to help cut costs in government spending. What do you mean it's a paid vacation? How many vacation days does this “exhausting” job really need? I am lost for words, as when did the institution get taken over by con-artists? Scorecard: It is March 25th, 2013 and the U.S. Congress has worked only 31-days, to your 64-days! Who should be claiming “exhaustion”? Wow, what a concept. How about a “Tax Rebate” for actual days on the job!

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