Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gold, Oil & Coal

Is Alaska all about Gold, Oil and Coal or more in tune to Lions, Tigers and Bears? I will try to explain the truth upon this matter. Finally, we see a bill passed through the Alaska legislature that has “Equality” written all over it. And low and behold justice, as Jerry Prevo along with his devil disciples and snake oil worship had nothing to do or say upon this “Equal Rights” landmark legislation. I am talking the “Oil Tax” break that basically fixes what Sarah Palin messed up! And a caution is required, as in Alaska the word “Equality” has nothing to do with human rights. So far this 28th legislative lesion, it has been a banner year for new “Public” laws, wherein those hiding in Juneau must think those with some semblance of intelligence and against the congregation have evaporated. Sure Alaska has changed, and is today a very unsafe place to raise a family, as when religious fanaticism and polluted politics combines it equals a “Tea-Party” mentality wherein Sunday worship takes place at a shooting range instead of at the altar. But before I try to explain what the “Oil Tax” break means for Alaska, let’s backtrack to see what the Tea-Party has done for mankind here in the “Lost Frontier”. “Shoot First” is a senate bill by Wild Fred Dyson that allows the 2nd Amendment to trump “Freedom of Speech”, through off-the-hook legislation that permits a republican senator or a republican house member to shoot “dead” those liberals that form an out loud expression and a difference of opinion – with immunity comes what could become a mass murdering so liberals should, well buy a damn gun! Then we have the Wild Fred Dyson on “Steroids” senate bill that prohibits a Federal Marshall from arresting a corrupt politician, this bill in honor of Ted Stevens. I guess had this bill been in effect when Ted was arrested, get the point. It means that sonny boy Ben would be NOT on the run still. Then we have HB80, or in laymen terms of endangerment, “Kill the Salmon” bill. This legislation proves the point that the trickle down “stench” from the broken toilet bowl theory still finds precedence here in the 49er, which allows MoanaLisa MurCowpie’s cruise ship industry to “crap” on the governor – with immunity! So all we have left is a little oil, some very expensive coal and lots of missing gold. With that, good thing this state still gets its above share of federal assistance, especially taxpayer loot to measure the penis length of the male Musk-ox. In all honesty, the amount of assistance this state receives from Uncle Sam is an automatic disqualification for the Tea-Party! If Alaska means big this and big that, it includes “Big Government” intervention! This state still receives 3x the national average for Congressional appropriations – a.k.a. Uncle Sam welfare. But as soon as you tell a Tea-Party member that his job is going away because smaller government means a reduction in military base jobs in Alaska, they go ballistic and the militia mentality goes crazy. See, without a job they cannot buy weapons and bullets to mutilate the hand that feeds them. Now with the new tax bill for “Big Oil” in effect courtesy the fact that Alaska remains the most politically corrupt state of the union, today the oil industry can now join the rest of the hoodlums and carry away to its offshore “1% only” bank account as much in un-taxed profits as does the mining industry. Finally, there comes some semblance of “equality” upon those that find resource development an opportunistic venture here in Alaska. See, since “Big Oil” was paying its fair share but the rest of the miners were not, it made sense to lower “Big Oil’s” burden to be in-line with all the other crooks. That is how our goons down in Juneau think! Does the Alaska Constitution state for sure that the “resources” belong to the citizens? Trick question for the Alaska senate, house and governor Parnell! But now that the verdict is in, I hope “Big Oil” digs in and demands a rebate from years and years of over-taxation. In comparison to “mining”, the oil industry has been taken for ride. So by holding hostage the governor, they have finally prevailed – after 30-years! Honestly, to those “liberated” and finding twitter rage over this passage, get a grip on reality! Do you have any idea how much gold is taken out of Alaska, not by those flee-bitten monkey miners that take the History Channel stage of fame – but hoarded away in some private bank with an unknown whereabouts by “Big Mining”? I am talking the “Big Gold Diggers”? Hey “NO Alaskan Left Behind”, those Japanese looking people are not coming here for the shitty tasting salmon, as they are smart enough to avoid the genetically altered stuff, from cruise ship crappers belching “shit” and in turn altering the once clean waters of the “Inside Passage”. Look, liberated Alaskan, this is not something you or your party changing representative really wants to know about, this gold heist. Except these hi-tech outfits can mine gold for about $600 an ounce and with a going rate of $1600, that amounts to well over a $1000 dollar profit and the state gets enough to buy a burger from the Bear Tooth – for our gold! Really, $15 bucks for a burger that taste like…. At least its better then from salmon reared on “crap”! So let me allow Phineas J. Whoopee and his 3DBB to perform the math for you as to how much Alaska – that’s you – has lost from this scam with assurances that this math was double-checked by Chumley. Drum roll please. Alaska has lost well over $800-Million from the “Golf Finger” shoved up our “you know what”! But the same kind of loss occurs not only with the bullion, but also with that other “black gold”, from Joe Uselessbelli’s coal mine. “Mine”, what the hell does it really mean? See, Joe gets away with, well ransacking. Does anybody out there realize why the Healy Clean Coal Plant that cost the U.S. Taxpayers well over $300-million is still “Closed for Business”? Joe sabotaged that technology and this “Green” project, one that was designed by scientist in efforts to lower the price of electricity to Fairbanks and at the same time keep the air clean. This is Alaska, wherein “Greed” takes on another dimension! See, back in 1999 when this experimental power plant’s testing was beginning to paint a picture of success for the Department of Energy, Joe said no way would he sell “good coal” to the plant in efforts to lower the costs of generated electricity. What? I thought Alaska was the “Brotherly Love” state? See, at that time Joe was in a pissing contest with Golden Valley Electric Association. It was like this. Joe owns the coal burning power plant in Fairbanks. Joe owns the coal so the electricity generated from that plant makes for a handsome profit, as with free coal all it takes is a train ride on the Sheffield Express and Joe’s kilowatt output meter is red-lined. But that plant was at one time owned by the city, and when Fairbanks decided that “privatization” was a ways and means to save the consumers some loot and the city’s utility infrastructure went up for sale, Joe had the cash as his coal mine was under the same taxation as was the gold rush, hardly nothing in return to the state. Look, Joe has become a “$billionaire$ on your dime and doesn't give a rat's ass about anything but screwing us all. And with that mentality and means to “screw job” the citizens, well there existed some controversial contracts that were still in effect between Joe as the new owner of the Chena power plant and Golden Valley, the electric company. So Joe was using “our coal” from “his mine” and selling electricity to GVEA and at the same time buying it back at elevated prices, to electrify his mine and that giant shovel that punches massive holes into the Healy coal seams. Thinking it was unfair, Joe went stuck-up and greedy. And because of that cost difference, though unjust but in reality any other way would have been just another way for Joe to line his already deep pockets - from “our coal” - Uselessbelli would not provide the grade of coal required to make our air cleaner, just out of greed. In fact he sued Golden Valley and he sued the regulators that were looking out for the people of Fairbanks, it went all the way to the Alaska Superior Court – Joe never prevailed. So to punish, he never agreed to sell coal that would have made the HCCP a worthwhile taxpayer venture. It worked for the “greedy” factor in effect, but was a failure for Alaskans due Joe’s corrupt ways and for the past 12-years this entire project fits the definition of a “boondoggle”. So today, with the “Big Oil” taxation debut, we have set the stage for “equal treatment”, as oil is now treated with the same respect as coal mining and gold mining - which means the citizens are getting screwed over “Big Time”. Who to thank? Look south! One thing for sure, this state never learned from its mistakes, no matter how corrupt once upon a time the political mood found itself and was thus indicted for its malfeasance - it made no difference and today it is as as bad as before maybe more! But this has been my sentiment for a long time over the “Corporate” taxation issues, and maybe Alaska can be used in the greatest litmus test of our trying times. This test not only here in the “Last Frontier”, but across the nation. Here in Alaska, with the corporate tax almost at “nothing” and can reach “nothing” when film tax incentives are purchased as a tax deduction, we have set out on a “mission” of monumental proportions. My sentiment, NO TAXATION on the corporation, to see if it works! No longer can “Big Oil” in Alaska hide behind the falsehood of “Sorry, it’s the tax” when jobs are being cut and no new jobs are created and the oil throughput is fading way, to “Nothing”. With the tax realignment, there is no longer an excuse. So I guess it is time for “Big Oil” to step up to the plate, and if we hear “strike 3 you’re out, we will realize that there was never ever any attempt to play fair and they are just a bunch or sore losers, like the miners, like the panners. All with a single purpose and intent, screwing us over some more. I guess it is a case of Lions, Tigers and Bears! Hey what's your problem? Please don’t shoot Mr. Politician, as I am innoc….I’m bleeding from a bullet wound. And all I did was bring forward the truth, but he went threatened and pulled the trigger and Mr. Policeman finds him innocent? And that is it in a nutshell. This state has let down its guard and allowed corrupt politics to suffer our Constitution, wherein giving away the hen-house finds new meaning. Whores, that is what Alaska politics is all about, the Stevens' family legacy with a “Red Light” district advertising, please come rape us some more! And DON'T EAT the SALMON!

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