Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Citizen Pirate - For Real

Citizen Pirate

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of stealth fighting snakes
I've been around for a long, long time
Stole a corporate man's dream and wealth
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
Every corporation is a criminal
And all us workers saints
Just call me Lucifer
I am Citizen Pirate.

NOTE: The information contained herein is disseminated to the “General Public” due in part the “Statute of Limitation” in effect, wherein this information now falls under the auspices of a “Freedom of Information” mandate. It is NOT intended as a self-inflicted indictment but serves as a self-published means to cover matters of importance to all Alaskans – or anyone concerned about the “ENVIRONMENT” with respect to how the Alaskan “near-shore” marine ecosystem it is being “trashed”. The author and publisher’s claim upon the accuracy of this information is NOT arguable therefore not open for debate! This information may be used by others for any intelligent means in efforts to further our understanding of “when and where” oil exploration to exploitation can and could, or should not, occur. This information cannot be used for ANY legal purposes against the author or publisher, as allowed for under the immunity and protection clauses of the 5th Amendment.

This writing is dedicated to the “Bush Rat”!

“Citizen Pirate” defined: True Patriot.

1st Gear – it’s NOT alright: The storyline herein may shed some insight upon the leading cause of the abnormal “Seal Deaths” event Alaska has witnessed over the past few years, with seal pup mortality peaking in 2010 along this state’s near-shore continental shelf. Especially so this unprecedented tragedy in the vicinity of Harrison’s Bay, of the Colville River delta runoff into the Beaufort Sea - between the Kuparuk River oil field seaward the open waters claiming the National Petroleum Reserve’s boundary. Oil development has encroached westward this region, which may celebrate a good sign for the state through the sale of leases and royalty obtained once a field is producing, but alongside the Dom Perignon and caviar, a shorthanded sad sign approach upon “Nature” - as the “Mother Earth” is under attack some more. And for the first time made public, the author of this writing admits guilt in a conspiracy of “Citizen Pirate,” wherein an individual takes it upon himself to destroy the “corporation” bent on destroying the “ENVIRONMENT”. Unlike some other so called “Environmental Terrorists” wherein the “mission” finds obstruction and possible fall-out that could injure innocent workers or innocent bystanders, the “Piracy” described herein was a carefully sanctioned plan to eliminate any adverse effects upon the “Innocent”. It was a direct attack upon the “Corporation”, which means an attack on the profit motive. This “Citizen Pirate” was an “Insider” and likewise that which goes with the territory - “Insider Trading” that is - a foot in the door finds security lacking this eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, person for a person retaliation - the latter being now a “Corporation” so defined! In a recent article posted in Alaska’s best publication providing “Comic Relief”, there came to Alaskans who still know how to read instead of “Twitter” madness setting in, information regarding one of this state’s non-caretakers upon which this “Citizen Pirate” found the opportunity to wreak havoc upon the bottom line – the buck stops where? NO, it is not British Petroleum this time around in the category of “Non-Caretaker”, so please pay attention! According to Pioneer Natural Resources, it was a year of “Phenomenal” results, as posted in Petroleum News – the oil industry comic book! So good these results so claimed for 2012, it allows for the company’s plan to waste another $190-Million in a “lost cause revenue” attempt to suck much needed oil out of some “cruddy” formations it paid the highest price ever of record here in Alaska. That latter fact an indication this company had not done its homework! To date, this project by the 1st Independent oil producer to venture “North to Alaska” in search of the “Black Gold”, it has been a money loser for the shareholders. And if it were not for this Texas based company’s thirst for success in Eagle Ford and Barnett Shale sales - through controversial annihilation of the earth by the “fracing” madness - it would be but another bankrupt index missing from Wall Street for what its venture in Alaska has cost so far - with respect to a meager return on the investment for the shareholders. Being a publicly traded company, it is a real blow-hard job sold the innocent like snake oil! And if the good news comes from this “phenomenal” celebration, the bad news tells a completely different scenario, as Pioneer has abandoned hydrocarbon exploitation efforts almost completely upon its Ooogurk-Nuiqsut and Oooguruk-Kuparuk unit leases. Why so? Because the original units are ailing, sick and can’t produce, just like a young stud with erectile dysfunction and not producing anywhere near close what was too be expected or predicted. And the author this writing can take credit this dysfunction that is costing $millions$ in lost revenues, through a “Citizen Pirate” campaign. In the beginning things looked pretty promising for the new kid on the block, until “Citizen Pirate” doomed the project - or at least taking the initiative to fail this “Corporation” by setting the catalyst for destruction that would prove to bust the Oooguruk. It also proved to “Citizen Pirate” that a single individual can still make a difference! That name, Oooguruk, it means the “Bearded Seal” - how ironic! But being so far in the “Red” through this “Citizen Pirate” sabotage, this new to Alaska oil exploration and exploitation company, well it has finally reached what appears the point of diminishing returns and is today desperate to hit the big time. Like one more slot machine chance gamble.

2nd Gear – I Mean Right: When Pioneer sanctioned its Oooguruk Island development project, located in the “once” pristine waters of Harrison Bay of the Colville River delta, production started in earnest and was supposed to peak at 20000 barrels per day, each day for 25-years.  That’s what they thought, that’s what they told the “regulators” that gave permission to drill where no respectable oil company had drilled before. As these leases were scouted out by “Big Oil”, like EXXON and once upon a time ARCO, those efforts abandoned due factors that made it almost impossible to recover the oil and gas - unless one wanted to enter into a premeditated losing proposition. One would think that watching what “Big Oil” does and finds success at is paramount to underling undertakings – especially in Alaska, especially on the North Slope! Not so, like pain and suffering is what this company’s “mission statement” was all about – surely the “Environment” has suffered. But imagine had the Pioneer dream come true and that oil was making its way to market, at the going rate of $100 bucks a barrel one gets the point! Today, with this prospect that has sunk millions of the company’s own loot down-hole in what appears to be a history of lost circulation blues – wherein the return remains nowhere near what the board room executives expected – one would think enough is enough. But at the same time, this Texan sees millions in state tax incentives along with a “Royalty Free” operation wherein the State of Alaska gets almost nothing in return – so the “Green Light” remains illuminated by virtue of free-loading economics. If “Big Oil” were treated the same way, there would be plenty of jobs and plenty of oil being pumped out of the ground, without ruining the environment and causing seal pups to die prematurely. At least “Big Oil” tries to do it right. This Pioneer venture is not worth the risk, it is that simple! Due leniency from the state, both on the “revenue” front and the “oversight” front, It is the only reason Pioneer is still around these parts. And the pain and suffering of failure, well it is shared with the state, with the citizens as the owners of the resources – being also a stakeholder when holes are poked through the permafrost. And enough said about dead seal caucuses littering the shorelines outside of Harrison Bay! Here it is in a nutshell as too why second thoughts this venture is required and not just more entertainment. I worked for the Pioneer at the Oooguruk Island Cesspool, yes cesspool, that’s where the “Non-Caretakers” indictment comes into play. In fact, I was the first operator to be hired as a direct employee for the Pioneer, a position that allowed some wriggle room with respect to controlling contractors bent on breaking the laws. But it also brings along with it more responsibility, especially when it comes to safety and environmental stewardship. Because of my experience in the oil patch in Alaska, not to bore you with my resume, I had become well known and respected by my peers. As both a proficient worker and also one that had no qualms about “Blowing the Whistle” on those that pretended they cared about safety and stewardship wherein action or inactions proved dereliction. I have received a “10” on many performance appraisals, when a “5” means “Meets Expectations”. Can I walk on water? I wouldn’t admit to it, but some of my past supervisors thought so! I know the routine. I understand the laws. I respect the environment and respect the owners of the so-called “inhospitable” tundra - the Native Inupiaq Eskimos! This kind of work comes easy to me, so there was no mystery as to why I was chosen as one of the 1st direct hires for Pioneer, when others chosen as contenders had nepotism contacts but didn’t cut the muster. So early on the career of Pioneer’s Oooguruk prospect following the initial start-up, I was at the helm to make sure things were performed according to binder after binder of rules and regulations. It’s all on the books, but if nobody is watching, it may as well be just a bunch of pages “Left Intentionally Blank”, just like Sarah Palin’s memoirs! Look this is serious business, but it is also important enough to save some room for humor, as it appears to be a “Back Room” laughing matter for the Independents along with the state of Alaska bureaucrats bent on giving this band of gypsies free reign to do as they please! And it was Palin that started this mess. The “Independents” have positioned themselves to ruin what required 30-years to build, that being respect and a law abiding industry. But for a single individual that knows what is supposed to go down in the oil patch - the respect thing - it is a very trying disposition when you have to be constantly correcting your fellow workers, many so young they have no idea what is wrong to right, except they fear for their jobs if they question authority and are committed to do whatever the “Boss Hog” directs them to do – said again, wrong or right, they know not the difference! See, when Pioneer realized how much “Big Oil” pays out for its seasoned workers, those with the skills set to abide by common sense decency, that was cost prohibited with respect to this “Independent’s” budget, so you do indeed get what you pay for. In this case, bodies but no talent as required! I must admit that for this guy, it was not the money – or lack of – that promoted my interest towards the Oooguruk, but a curiosity as I wanted to see if there would be a difference between the ways and means of how “Big Oil” performed in comparison to how the “Independents” would act. I honestly thought the Independents would perform according to the book, so embraced this newcomer to Alaska! Pioneer gave me the opportunity to test this theory at the Oooguruk, an upbeat opportunity it was as this was the direction Alaska was heading in its quest for more oil, which means more money for the state coffers. Now since I came not as a threat to many workers that held disgruntled feelings about things suspicious and was highly regarded as an individual that had been around the block several times with respect to Alaska’s oil migraines, I found this attribute allowed workers to open up, like they wanted to tell someone about something that was bugging them. Look, it’s an oil field with a drilling camp, wherein everybody has a gripe! All kinds of things bug the workers postal, like cheap hot-dogs that allows rat hair as a USDA approved ingredient to concerns about inferior evacuation planes, should the island go into “blow” mode. Look, what was performed in the Gulf to “kill” that out-of-control well owned by BP, that would never succeed in this environment! But that gained respect from my fellow workers, it carries along with it the challenges. Management can get pretty jealous when they see and hear this kind of camaraderie developing. And there appeared to be many things bugging the workers, wherein I became an ear-piece and a mouth-piece for that “respect”. Yes, in order to be given the opportunity to establish and maintain a foot in the door in Alaska’s “Oil Frontier”, there is no room for any other option but to respect the environment - above all other priorities. It is the “True” bottom-line! But soon into testing my theory and hoping for the best that the “Independents” fostered a responsibility “mission” above and beyond their counterparts, namely “Big Oil”, soon it appeared as naïve. And this was the “litmus”, with Pioneer being the 1st to take advice from Palin and venture “North to Alaska” now a reality. Maybe it is truly a “bad dream”. OK, so Pioneer was new to the Alaskan scene and would make mistakes, but maybe development at the Oooguruk was too much in a hurry? Maybe time is not on an “Independents” side, like it is with “Big Oil”, so this hurry up and don’t wait doesn’t fit the “mission”. At the “Oooguruk” there came an insane thirst for producing oil, at a very fast pace like there was no tomorrow planned. Tough paying the bills I guess. With that said, haste does find waste. I remember one particular eerie like and foggy evening when right after the chow bell went silent the “Incinerator” operator found an empty barrel abandoned without notification. See, when he left his post for a burger and fries, somebody made the score. Sure it was premeditated dumping. When I inspected the “crime” scene, as the empty barrel showed indications that it had been recently punctured by forks of a forklift and purposely hidden in the trash, it was that out-of-site out-of-mind mentality that was running rampant this island, like some of those islands in the Aleutians wherein rats have taken over. And even though this small man-made island was like a prison wherein escaping was impossible and word gets around quick, I never did find out what happened to 48-gallons of highly toxic and highly regulated “biocide” except for the fact it was loose somewhere on the “Oooguruk” – a football sized gravel grave site sitting out in the middle of Harrisons’ Bay. Not a peep from the drill rig workers on who may have been responsible for the mishap. And you don’t go looking for this stuff, as it will cripple one’s health even with a very small dose finding an ingestion path. “Biocide”, it is designed to “kill” living things! And with snow melting and runoff taking toxic crap and urine sculptures away, accommodated by the heat of the midnight sun re-appearing after a long winter’s rest, without a doubt came assurances that a lethal dosage ended up killing stuff along the way! Said again, this “glutaraldehyde” is potent stuff, where a drop can cause death to humans! The MSDS for this stuff is supper scary: Harmful to Humans & Animals; Corrosive; Causes irreversible eye damage; Harmful if inhaled; May be fatal if swallowed; Toxic to marine life – enough said. Look, it ain’t rocket science, just read the “Warning” label then “RUN”! And that “Not my responsibility” appeared to be the “mindset” that ruled for many still, don’t ask and don’t tell if you wanted to keep on the “right” side of the “Boss” – a Canadian! It is sad, as there should be a “no holds barred” attitude shared by all, especially when something like this occurs that could bring harm to fellow workers. That may be the true “litmus” test, how workers show respect for each-other! So needless to say, besides testing out my theory that the “Independents” were different hopefully in a positive sense, I was here to change that polluted “mindset” bent on polluting this environment. Criminal it is! In all honesty, this island was an eyesore to the surrounding beauty found in the hidden estuaries of the Beaufort Sea. So it occurred early on my new career that I had my work cut-out. I could have just quit, but that would have been an easy cop out when I knew I could or at least try to make a difference. I was in that position, but had no idea it would turn into a “Citizen Pirate” affiliation, wherein I would become prejudice against the “corporation” with a mission to destroy the destroyer.  I never did own or acquire any allegiance towards Pioneer, as I wasn’t looking for a career! And if indeed the “Corporation” is a “person”, the latter comes with a death certificate – so cold. At first it was overwhelming as just about every rule on the “books” found room for compromise. There came so many “atrocities” this project with respect to disrespect upon the environment that it is all covered in a publication, basically a report of what I had witnessed firsthand. This report, titled “Alaska’s Deadliest Sin” is also “public” and available for review from the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Committee. If you want a “free copy”, ask me! It is a digest of what this state should expect with the “Independents”. So by befriending those with a feeling of “Trust”, that I was on board now to make a difference, I was beginning to uncover some pretty ugly insider irregularities. This was a good sign in my book, with “free speech” being exercised as that is what an “Open Door” policy is all about, getting the facts and taking action – fixing things that demonstrate dereliction to conviction. And it follows a long held opinion of my own, that deep down inside we are “environmentally” conscious and want to perform out our capitalistic fantasies with some semblance of respect towards our actions or sometimes inactions that could prove detrimental to a healthy earth. We like to breathe clean air; we like to drink clean water! We want to raise our children in a clean and healthy environment. But I soon realized that unlike other oil companies working on Alaska’s North Slope, wherein “Stewardship” is more than just a suggestion and a requirement included without dereliction upon every worker’s responsibilities - and the cost of doing business - this outfit being new to the “Last Frontier” was “clueless”. Even though the office at the Anchorage headquarters maintained a staffing list which indicated positions for this and for that, like “Big Oil”, it appeared as though many were merely “seat warming specialists”, again said without regret “clueless”. There came about but a single “priority”, get the production to the goal post, no matter what! Every morning at 6am during the previous day’s “recap” teleconference, it was “How much Oil”. And when the goal for that day gone by was not accomplished because the underground was stubborn to let loose the oil, there came criticism from the executives that without oil there might not be any paychecks to go around. They didn’t give a rat’s ass the fact that the island came within 2-seconds of getting blown away, because some Company Man wanted some donuts so had a fork lift operator drive through a methane gas venting operation. If I had not been there and waved off this idiot, Oooguruk would have been but a sink hole with oil squirting out of control and a bunch of missing workers! Yes idiot, as there were more than enough warning signs posted along with rotating beacons wherein the Martians from outer space could have used the island as an emergency landing base! Had this occurred at a “Big Oil” field site, several workers would be on a one-way trip south to the unemployment line! At the “Oooguruk”, it didn’t matter, just like the time a massive sheet of ice hit the island un-expectantly and within 60-seconds dumped icebergs 30-feet high, sent the workers running for their lives and shaking the drilling rig off its anchorage - leaving in its wake an environmental disaster as more biocide went missing overboard. Yes, the hundred year storm had hit, and it was only year two of the operation! And this was never covered by the media, for a reason. Remember, it was not nice to pick on the “Independents” as this was Sarah Palin’s legacy after she pissed off “Big Oil”. And with three strikes you’re out in vogue especially for crimes committed, there came a 3rd time wherein toxic biocide went missing when a convoy of “frac” trucks became delayed and were denied access to the ice road over to the island. No worry, just wait until night-fall and make your own road across the frozen sea no matter what the ADEC has said isn’t allowed! And this was a major violation because this area was identified as a polar bear denning area. Once again, not a single “blip” of concern on the “oversight” radar, state or Fed. In my short two-years at the Oooguruk Cesspool, I decided this was an opportune time to act as a “spy”, an informant passing the time with that “with us” company smile in efforts to collect as much information as possible, to tell the “rest of the story” like it was. Said again, I had spent over 25-years with success in the Alaska oil sector, from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, so I knew what the “mission” at hand was all about. It costs time and money to do things right, and this is what was missing this project alongside an attitude unbecoming environmental respect with the sentiment that the surrounding eco-system was, well foggy. And I could see right off that “management” held a mindset that did not allow for a comfortable forum or stage of opportunity for those with concerns to be heard. Once again said, the fear factor was like a disease! Now I plead the 5th. When I finally made the decision to “quit”, I had corralled enough information including 27 8×10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence, only to have the judge enter the courtroom accompanied by a seeing-eye dog”! Thanks Alice! It should have been enough to send this “Independent” packing. There came all kinds of atrocities, wherein the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and or the Environmental Protection Agency or somebody in authority should have raided this place and posted a “Closed for Business” sign, surrounded by yellow “Crime Scene” tape! Seeing-eye dog? But by this time in history, Alaska had entered into a new age, where the priority is giving away the resources like never before, a fallout of the Palin & Parnell administration and going strong with Parnell still in control. In fact, I would say that “oversight” is missing in action upon the “Independents”, as it is this band of so far misfits that are being smoodged by Parnell, to get the sate back on track with today’s decreased oil production. At one time in history, Alaska was “King” in the category of oil production, now maybe 4th and going down for the count. The golden goose days of “Black Oil” in “them thar reservoirs” is done with, we had our heyday, now it’s time to start cleaning up the mess or at least stopping in its tracks an Armageddon like madness! “Big Oil has finished business here in Alaska, it is now up to the “Independents” to try and fill the void, in production going south! During my “spying” aboard the “Oooguruk”, like already mentioned, I had authored a “private” report that was turned over to Pioneer, in hopes that they would take it seriously and react – basically get their you know what together before it was too damn late! I had no intentions of bringing my concerns to the proper authorities, like already eluded upon, regulators were facing the same dilemma with the state’s “Open for Business” - fear for their jobs if they raised a stench of a stink. Especially if a state job, as the governor’s mansion has a “Hot Pursuit Line” and since the days of Palin, that has set a precedent that workers are disposable if they get up on the wrong side of the bed! Just ask Walt Monegan, once upon a time a police chief in good standing the law-abiding citizens of Alaska but not on Sarah’s favoritism list. Need I say more about that! So when I had made the conscious decision – an easy one at that – and cut my trying times with the Pioneer, I sent this report to the powers to be. Why go public, as I was not looking for that “10-minutes claim to famine” and much of the information I had retained could be considered “Confidential” – especially photos of leaking chemical totes and hemorrhaging Caribou, from salt licks of drilling chemicals left sloppily behind. So my exit was one of planned silence, as being a “Whistle Blower” has no rewards and all protection once offered has been gutted, by Alaska’s very own D.C. delegation. One of those “who’s you lobby daddy” things!

Neutral Gear: Alaska’s very own Alyeska Pipeline Service Company had gone under the microscope of Congress, for spying on workers and spying on members of the House not aligned with “Big Oil” in the Last Frontier. During the 90’s Congressional hearings referred to as the “Alyeska Pipeline Service Company’s Covert Operations”, it was discovered that Alyeska had set up a fraudulent environmental action group called “Ecolot” and staffed by Wackenhut warlords, in efforts to find out who was spilling the beans on environmental crimes unreported along the 800-mile long Trans-Alaska-Pipeline-System. For instance, how about the incinerating of thousands of old and used useless lead acid storage batteries at Pump Station 4, a crime aided and abetted by that out-of-sight out-of-mind let the contractor who fears his job get sick - these embarrassing hearings caused Alaska’s senators and lone Congressmen a whole lot of grief. The entire hearing was like a stage set for the opening of a Bond 007 movie and the latter mentioned “Covert Operations” read like a spy novel. Soon after that time wherein it was learned that “Big Oil” in Alaska maintained a “Black List” which meant the possibility of protracted litigation those harmed by such deviant behavior, our Don Youngs and our Ted Stevens’ and our Frank MurCowpies, they made it a point to get rid of things like “whistle-blower” protection clauses in the Clean Air Act. Basically speaking, there is no protection today when blowing the whistle, and for those that do come forward, believe me there will be more then grief and a whole lot of pain and suffering - just to raise a concern. My sentiment, don’t do it. But that is why this writing provides an alternative, for those still strong on convictions that “we can fight city hall”, it’s called “Citizen Pirate”!

3rd Gear – Hang on Tight:  So my exit strategy had a “mission”, get Pioneer to listen and act, not react negatively! Low and behold, the first thing Pioneer did was send some “Security” goon knocking on my front door, the typical intimidation attempt, trying to find out if I was holding back any information that might sink the ship – “know when to hold them, know when to fold them” ring a bell? Talk about unfamiliar territory, here is this guy from Texas begging to be invited in because moose were roaming free just outside in the front yard, sure why not as I had nothing to lose. “Coffee?” “Cream or sugar?” “Shotgun?”  Actually he seemed to be a decent individual sent way “north” to Alaska by some executive freak show that couldn’t face me alone, yet this underling had no idea what he was getting into as the intimidator in this case wore a different style of shoes. I wear Converse. Look, this was not the minor league by any stretch of the imagination, and so it is time to brag as I had unleashed the “Trojan Horse” upon Pioneer – it was gaining traction “fast & ferociously”! But it was rather ironic of what came down like overnight and caused Pioneer to react so quickly, I am talking hours, maybe a day or two. See, it was the fact that the British Petroleum Ombudsman had become involved, as I had already established credibility with this office as part of BP’s employee concerns program. And I went that route, by filing a separate complaint against the Pioneer, as from past experiences I knew that Mr. Texan would not take my direct complaint with any seriousness and probably do nothing, unless, unless there came pressure. From an entity that had “stroke”, as the state was like a limp dick, suffering from erectile dysfunction with respect to oversight.  And it is no different today, maybe worse off. Since Pioneer may have sent human crap and toxic chemicals down the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline, which was a big NO-NO to the owners of that “highly regulated” 800-mile long money making extravaganza, there came cause for concern. Praytell had an innocent worker come in contact with this stuff and Congress found out about it? Hear Ye, Hear Ye, more hearings and “Big Oil” did not like invites to Capitol Hill. That “money making extravaganza”? See, during those “Covet Operation” hearings a Congressmen John Dingle, who was a target of the “Alyeska” spy network, he went frustrated over the “cash cow” pipeline and went on record that it was the “cashist of cows”! And since those hearings and court room battles by “whistleblowers” that followed, in the end “Big Oil” cleaned up the act in Alaska, or else! So there came a healthy reprieve in Alaska for the oil field workers’ rights, where “Big Oil” moved away from that “shoot the messenger” mindset and placed focus on the bottom-line along with insisting upon “environmental” stewardship. That is why today it is so puzzling with the “Independents” moving in as they should have studied history to see how NOT to act. It’s all there for the taking, but back then what went down may have been merely fallout from “greed” and today we see the return of the “G” word along with stupidity. That in itself is a toxic mix! Anyway, with my complaint now knocking on doors of opportunity, it appeared BP wanted answers. It is sad when a “Big Oil” corporation has more concern upon the environment and the safety of workers then does the entire “array” of state oversight agencies – those that follow the ex-governor Palin’s creed of do not “trespass against, and lead us not into temptations and deliver us from evil oversight” Armageddon! So to deal with the attack on its credibility, Pioneer hired a law firm to address my concerns, some outfit not yet getting its feet wet in Alaska called “Stool River”. And of course like all idiot attorneys do so well, “DENIAL” was the first cause of action. It amazes me still just how much this word is worth in the legal arena! Anyhow, within days there came a response from the “Stool” delivered to everybody of record that had anything to do with “oil” in Alaska. It was hand delivered to the Attorney General, Parnell the sitting governor, the EPA, the Alaska legislatures and I am sure the same message was carried to the Alaska delegation. For the crocks in power, most likely a sympathy note around a bottle of Dom or a campaign check. It was a blitzkrieg counter-attack, upon my credibility and my livelihood – even though I had already thrown in the towel with respect to the job. Look, there was no way I was going back to the Oooguruk, as it was a toxic nightmare. I knew it, I saw it and had evidence to support it, so I had to take myself out of harms’ way – that’s how the law works. If through the surrounding evidence I sensed that the “Oooguruk” was a death trap or a candidate as a cancer causing breeding grounds and stayed on board, what jury would ever find in my favor for future medical claims? Look, the place should have been evacuated, shutdown and quarantined until such time an assessment was made with respect to my allegations. I will say it again without fear of backlash: From the state’s Attorney General, the sitting governor that took over for a quitter, the EPA, the state legislatures, the Alaska delegation, the numerous state agencies so empowered by “Public Law” with “oversight” responsibilities, nobody gave a crap of a rat’s ass except British Petroleum! So here I was, legally naked and fending for myself. Remember, I had been in similar trying situations before, with “Big Oil” and had learned from the best “Whistle-Blower” attorney of record on how to do it right. Now one of the denied allegations front and center the “Stool’s” counter-attack was the “illegal” dumping of contaminated fluids used during the start-up of the Oooguruk oil production. There remained several “Beer Tanks” that contained thousands of gallons of “contaminated” glycol used to thaw the numerous pipelines from the island to the shore based processing facility. Glycol is used extensively on the “slope”, but when it becomes “intoxicated” due poor engineering capabilities, it can’t be sold and must be reclaimed – which is a very costly endeavor for an outfit like Pioneer. It meant sending the stuff to the lower 48, which meant a convoy of hazardous waste on a long journey south. And sure enough “Big Oil” maintained facilities that could have been utilized to clean this waste for reuse, but they were not on the side of the “Independents”. It is like this. Pioneer and the rest under the umbrella of a “mom & pop” are trespassing, so there came about a turf battle. Remember, for some 30-years by now the ”North Slope” oil fields had been the exclusive playground of “Big Oil” all by themselves and nobody else invited! Yet today, I can set my left foot on a Pioneer lease and my right foot down on a “Big Oil” lease, it’s that close. The “Big Guy” pays out 16 percent as a royalty to the state treasury. With the “mom & pop”, well they get preferential treatment and pay only 1/3rd that amount! Get the drift? So this is where Pioneer management tried the cheap-shot routine with the “missing” glycol, realizing that “Nobody Was Watching” - by trying to pump this contaminated stuff nobody else wanted over to the island and inject it down-hole as an enhanced recovery fluid. It was a “stupid” plan to save a buck. The problem with “it’s not easy being stupid”, I mean “Green”? Well first off nothing comes cheap when doing business in Alaska and Pioneer had not the “permit” for this type of injection! Talk about being “stool stuck”. So within an hour of the “Stool” trying to shove some legal hurdles in the way of progress through an expensive “Denial”, I trumped the verdict and produced that “Ace”. Yes, withheld documents of evidence legally copied from the “Oooguruk Operations’ Log” which is in essence a legal document, with signed or initialed entries that proved without a shadow of doubt that the operations’ under the guidance and request of “Pioneer Management” had “attempted” to shove this “crap” out-of-sight and out-of-mind. This counter-attack occurred on a late Friday, wherein I trumped their efforts to make me look like a disgruntled fool and in the end that lying cost Pioneer a measly $10,000 fine. I am sure the “Stool” made out quite handsomely. Yes, after it was all said and done, the Alaska Oil & Gas Conversation Committee allowed the Pioneer to laugh all the way to the “happy hour” and evidence enough that even when it “spanks them right on the cheek”, those entities with “oversight” still let things slide on by. In fact it was the first time that a “Commissioner’s Order” with a monetary penalty was not appealed! Due the fact that a crime was committed and in the end the fine was testament that “crime in Alaska” does indeed pay! In reality, that fine was missing at least 3 other zeros and the EPA should have taken over this matter when the “Stool” brought it to their attention. When one observes the Pioneer penalty for the same magnitude crime when it involves “Big Oil”, there is definitely “preferential” treatment and Alaskans wonder why ”Big Oil” is pulling out. See, it gets back to the present administration, they don’t give a rat’s ass about the environment; they care about one thing, that job for a life far and away from reality and responsibility. But for those still reading, an attempt to flush the contaminated “glycol” never occurred, so Pioneer was right to “deny” it in the beginning maybe, but the “Missing” glycol now raised an entirely different concern. When the AOGCC levied the fine, it was based on the fact that after the denial and my entry of evidence trumping that denial and Pioneer on the lookout that I may have been harboring more potentially damaging capabilities, the investigation could only find two instances wherein this illegal dumping occurred. And this was followed by Pioneer now admitting to the occurrences and trying to estimate just how much contaminated glycol ended up where it was not supposed to be dumped, in an oil field formation that was producing, wherein eventually this stuff will end up top-side. So for the most part, it was not a big deal, as even though it was an out-of-sight out-of-mind illegal act, in the big picture show it was not a show stopper. I knew that, and would not have gone out on a questionable limb just for a simple “mishap”. Look, a $10000 fine amounts to a “mishap”, which is not even a slap on the wrist when one considers that Pioneer was spending upwards $250k/Day for a drilling rig!  But in Pioneer’s denial turned upside down, they opened up a can of worms wherein they fell right into my trap, as the “Trojan” was now well lubricated. See, Pioneer’s engineers investigating what was thought to be a dead issue by the “Stool” issuing a not guilty verdict, the educated were smart to realize the inventory spoke of a major lose, and the best place for admitting to this loss is the fact that it just went into a pipe somewhere and ended up down-hole somewhere as a freeze protection plug. And that is why it was a no brainer for Pioneer to admit that 49000 gallons had disappeared, yes disappeared. But that gross amount violation didn’t matter to the lawman, the AOGCC, as it could only point a finger at the “Log” as evidence, which without any doubt  found guilty written all over it. So unleash the “Trojan” as here is where it gets to the nasty. The contaminated glycol, well it never ended up in a pipe and pumped to another location, only a very small amount ended up in a somewhat safe location, even if not allowed for by the Pioneer Oooguruk permits. See, if you can convince the AOGCC that you need “glycol” to flush the oil out of a stubborn reservoir, you can get a permit to do so, which is exactly what Pioneer did when my complaint hit them where it counts, as a means to look proactive – my ass! Again said, even though Pioneer admitted it disposed of 49000-gallons of used and possibly contaminated “glycol” with a ph that would kill even a New York wharf rat, it was no big deal. Except, that stuff never ended up anywhere else but leaked on the ground then leaked through an inferior protective moat then into a slip-stream right into Harrison’s Bay, where the food chain develops for the invertebrates that will eventually become food for the seal population. See Pioneer went stupid as did the “Stool” pigeon to admit the inventory “loss” as the pumps that were utilized to attempt this “hide and seek” maneuver with the stuff nobody else wanted, this equipment never worked right and could not overcome the head pressure that would have allowed the “glycol” to get to its intended location. Yes, from a hydraulic consideration and perspective it couldn’t work. It is like this. As the under-sea pipe comes out of the ocean over at the “Rock”, there came a head loss that could not be overcome by the inferior “cheap” portable land based pumps some 2-miles away. OK, hydraulic gradient is not understood all that well by many, but after 15-years dealing with it on the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline, I need no introduction. OK, I am bragging again, but in my case one could say that knowledge is dangerous. In fact, most of the times when the management tried to get rid of the “crap”, the portable pumps found more fluid being blown overboard, which eventually saturates the tundra. In fact again, when I witnessed a swimming pool amount of contaminated glycol from a broken hose find freedom, what do you think happened? Remember, the fear factor instilled by management upon keeping a job at the Oooguruk, it allowed for a very convenient “don’t ask don’t tell” mentality. In fact again and again, there came control room rumors that “giant leaks” under the structures at the OTP during start-up - the land based facility about 2-nuatical miles from the “Rock” - these environmental atrocities where just bulldozed over, per direction the local management. I was there to witness this pumping “failure” on many occasions – said again with confidence, it didn’t work! So for hours these pumps would try an attempt to pump this “Crap” that nobody else wanted and couldn’t be sold and was supposed to be sent to an approved hazardous waste facility many hundreds of miles away, it was a losing proposition all around. And without an inventory control, like a ways and means to test the tanks’ level, was it working or not was questionable! So once again said and the intent of this writing to provoke outrage, where did all that contaminated glycol end up? It was leaked upon the impound basin holding the storage tanks, a facility that was supposed to provide a protective moat for spills but instead showed compromise by 4-foot long rips in the liner, with perimeter walls crushed flat by heavy duty drilling pipe left to rot, it was in such disrepair that it allowed for anything that was supposed to be contained an easy exit - that is it in a nutshell. And it is not a mystery as to what happens to hazardous waste once it finds freedom outside its protector! How will Pioneer and the “Stool” respond to this withheld information? Maybe now the regulators will get off their ass and perform! So over time, thousands of gallons of contaminated glycol were sent overboard to pollute a once pristine environment – the latter sentiment until Pioneer showed up. And that hurts, as the animals and migrating water fowl don’t know the difference, not until Donald and Rudolf have keeled over! And the reason as to why nobody within the organization ever suspected a leak, there wasn’t any evidence left behind. Since the “Beer Tanks” were one of those things left over from start-up, no one paid it any attention so there came no inventory control. And in the control room on an environmental like dart board designed to instruct the operations, an indication that the “Beer Tanks” and impound basin were NOT subject to ADEC oversight! ADEC? Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. So over time, it just leaked from hoses and header pipes left to rot in the brutal arctic winters. And one time a valve had been kicked to the open position and while under the cover of snow it leaked for days, until empty! Now my assessment that it all leaked away a little at a time is somewhat flawed, as it was actually mixed with snow and stockpiled on the tundra, off of the Pioneer permitted work-pad which in itself was a crime. You don’t mess with the tundra up here, or at least not supposed to when you sign on the dotted line of that land use permit. It takes thousands of years for growth to stick, and once disturbed recovery is questionable. Now when breakup commenced and the rotting looking stockpiled snow pile melted away, a sickening like “scotched earth” was found as a substitute where wild flowers and arctic cotton once flourished. Yes, come the greening of the tundra with the sun coming out of hibernation, well there appeared this area of dead vegetation that was an eyesore never before witnessed by those that gave a damn. The fox would even avoid it as did the migrating snow geese! And carried away with that pile of toxic snow was a deadly concoction that would end up as runoff into the virgin bay. Just when the fragility of the ecosystem was trying to establish itself, as a means to provide nourishment for the food chain. If the “chain” is attacked, sure it can recover, but in the wake of a broken chain we find the ecosystem victimized. Once again said with sadness, the “oversight” is not interested in the leftovers and what’s a little bit of broken tundra when there exists thousands of acres of still healthy vegetation? It ain’t the tundra as the worry, it was the crying out loud shame that 49000 gallons of contaminated “crap” went missing where it should have been never allowed to find freedom. And since then we hear and see that the seal population has been victimized with some kind of disease still not identified by the scientific community. We must remember that 99% of the earth’s living creatures live in the ocean waters. It is not a cesspool! I would have to say that this “mindset” of “Nobody is Watching” may be the cause and effect of the devastation we are witnessing today. It is not one atrocity this “Independent” has gotten away with, there exist many instances that finds for a unanimous guilty verdict. But at the same time, “Big Oil” with big pockets is getting pick-pocketed for minor infractions, just down the road from the Pioneer project, and at least “Big Oil” maintained some semblance of an attitude that they do indeed care about the environment. Said again, it wasn’t always a slam dunk environmental statesmen like behavior practiced by “Big Oil” when it first arrived to Alaska many years ago, but they learned from the lessons at hand early on that it costs a whole lot of extra loot to do it wrong the 1st time. And with that, the entire “oversight” rulebook was re-written. And accidents do happen, so there will be times wherein man loses control. But when we see the likes of the newcomer “Independents” with a blatant attitude of total disregard, what has been gained for energy independency? Besides dead seals! There is a big difference between the “Independents” and “Big Oil”. With the latter, they at least try their best to do it right, as it is costly to not act responsibly and the good’ol days wherein the “solution to pollution is dilution” mentality and mindset is over with – and we don’t want any more “Love Canal” nightmares. The only problem way up here in the north, nobody really lives in close proximity to where the Oooguruk project finds its disturbing menace, except the food chain - which becomes a piece of the chain puzzle utilized by the local subsistence hunters, a culture that has called this so called “inhospitable” tundra their home. Said again, unfortunate accidents which subjects the ecosystem and environment with challenges, we must make every attempt to make sure accidents are minimized. So far from what I have witnessed with the “Little Guy Independents”, especially with Pioneer at the Oooguruk, the atrocities are not accidental but a premeditated attempt to give not a rat’s ass. Exception being the Pioneer does give a rat’s ass about making oil so it can post a profit and with that, keeping the shareholders at bay, when at the same time the “bay” of Harrison is under attack.

Faster – with Citizen Pirate: I guess this is where I get into the “No guts No glory” episode of this story. Sure the uncovering of Pioneer’s crimes with respect to environmental atrocities was of concern to anybody that maintains some semblance of respect for the “Mother Earth”, but getting caught proved nothing of real consequences as “guilty” proved practically nothing deterrent wise to hurt the bottom-line. I knew with some precision that would be the outcome, been there before makes one learn a lesson. And the fact that corporate wrongs are penalized at a bargain basement rate these days, it makes one think twice at blowing the whistle. It doesn’t pay, but that doesn’t mean we need to end our efforts to make a difference. And that was about the size of things when I went “Helter Skelter” and unleashed “Alaska’s Deadliest Sin”. But like already mentioned so many times already, with the state bending over to the “Independents” to fill the void left by “Big Oil”, well it means “oversight” must hide and NOT seek out injustices. When people fear for that job in a market that finds fewer work opportunities, one has a clear cut choice as either “with us or against us” finds a very easy decision made. It is so sad. Said again it doesn’t mean we just give up, as “We the People” have the ultimate weapon that has been hibernating, it is time to awaken this beast. Call it “Citizen Pirate”. When Alaska went “Open for Business” with Palin’s thirst for oil, it changed what had taken 30-years to develop, with respect towards respect. So I held another plan of attack which today has proven to be a surprise attack with success and has found its target vulnerable - that being the Pioneer’s bottom-line in Alaska which is in jeopardy. In my few short years at the Oooguurk – sometimes referred to as the “Rock” in reference to what life at Alcatraz may have been like for its prisoner population, there came this slimy and nauseous like camaraderie that I was not used too in the oil patch, an attitude that was rather “Bow Weevil” reckless. One that would never get my approval and an attitude that needed an enema of change! I guess it was that “with us or against us” mentality, wherein I preferred the latter. In fact I realized it as a challenge, as nobody should be treated this way, or forced to contribute to a “Dueling Banjoes’ Deliverance” like existence. And I knew this attitude was based on the fear factor, as the management was fostering such ugliness amongst the work force. When I first started gaining the attention of fellow workers that wanted to speak their minds about conditions, by reason I was not afraid to confront the “management” and feared not my job for taking a stand, as soon as things started coming front and center for attention there was just as fast a cancer like about face reversal and “shunning” was starting to corrupt good intentions. See, the environmental guys were the first responders to a concern that could jeopardize this project with respect to environmental accountability – which included just about anything and everything. The laws, the rule books, the permits when broken finding a hefty fine depending who you are, it doesn’t make it easy doing business up here – the intent of regulations. But those with local oversight responsibilities and on the Pioneer paycheck, they were more interested in taking captured arctic foxes away from the island on a mission of yes, target practice! It’s allowed, trapping of the fox on the “Rock”. At times, there came population explosions of these cuddly looking balls of white fur with beady little black eyes – a picture taking frenzy it was for the workers. Then one day like magic, gone was the fox and off in the distance you could here, bang, bang and another bang. Then the chopper would return, “mission accomplished” again. It was disgusting. See, many “newcomers” – workers new to the “Last frontier” – they became intrigued by the fact that polar bears could roam within eyesight and following in the “White Bear’s” footsteps, the fox. Now the bears would be chased away, but the fox could hideout - in hopes of a handout. When a small little island has a camp that can sleep over a hundred workers, it means a whole lot of food and a whole lot of leftovers. And with no soup kitchen nearby, it means a whole lot of food is thrown overboard. So workers that never learned to read, they basically “baited” the fox so they could take pictures for the crowd at home, by purposely leaving bags of groceries outside and within hours the white balls of fur where running rampant everywhere - so darling looking from the outside but many carrying a dreaded disease called “Rabies”. And like already mentioned, this is not how it worked in this oil patch. If a worker at one of the “Big Oil” facilities was caught feeding a wild animal, even if you get caught looking at one cross-eyed, you lose your job wherein fast and furious finds a new meaning for dereliction at the workplace on the “Slope”. Sometimes I would look across the road from Pioneer’s land based logistics facility and see how Conoco was doing it, by the book. There wasn’t a book at Pioneer – or at least one on hand that was understood by the workers. Pioneer had a “mindset” that was rather ugly, and instead of fixing problems, compounded problems – said again, it was the fear factor. So over time, I found myself suffering mildly with industrial depression, that this was how the new age of oil development was about to go down. And I was not alone on this save the earth kick, as many of my past fellow co-workers on the pipeline that were avid hunters, at the same time they considered themselves stewards of the environment. Look, if every animal in the wild is diseased from mans’ handout, what’s there to hunt? So we braved this “Last Frontier” as oilmen with a purpose to make a living but also made damn sure that the environment was off the trashing detail. We have fought hard against the beast for the last 30-years or so, and one of the reasons as to why the oil scene in Alaska remains pretty tame with respect to atrocities. Unfortunately, things are different today. With “Big Oil” taking a back seat and the state reeling in the Independents in a panic call for more oil, it is like we are starting all over again. Sure I will mention the EXXON wreck, Alaskan’s had nothing to do with that mishap, as it was out of our hands. But so far as witnessed and now documented, how this 1st Independent thought was the proper way to conform, It was not by any stretch of the imagination what I had thought would occur – in fact completely opposite.  This is what happens when they get comfortable and too damn close to the politicians – like that campaign check buys immunity. And I was not about to let this sick and polluting mindset succeed, not on my watch, as I was now positioned to take them down. I was an insider with a wealth of knowledge, from the exploration side of things to the crude oil delivery process, the mechanics to the automation controls, a one man multi-disciplined walking time bomb! I would wake in the middle of the night, not due to the fact of insomnia provoked by psychological issues affecting my well-being, but bothered wide awake from the guy three suites down the hall of a “rotten” paper thin walled camp snoring his ass off, so I would retreat to a place wherein there was some semblance of peace and quiet. Not for sleep, but for study. I soon found myself looking at ways to sabotage the system, and the bulls-eye was aimed at the production. That meant a plan targeting the producing wells, maybe a total of 5-holes already completed and producing up to standards and predictions. With production, it meant money was starting to trickle in and that was where the sabotage needed to focus. Hit them where it counts! When an outfit like this is making money and at the same time cares not about the environment – “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” fosters a patriotic message and a Paul Revere call to awaken the militia within. Like captured in the beginning of this writing and reiterated, “Citizen Pirate” can be defined as “True Patriotism”. Look, corporations in America are not “We the People”, but use the Red, White & Blue to fool. So I had entered the sin zone of no return and had before me a mission of utmost importance. Tear down the mission? But I wasn’t a drilling engineer or a down-hole specialist, yet keen on observations and I did see something of interest that held my attention. One night a surface safety valve went into a conniption fit because a maintenance technician screwed it up then walked away, when the chow bell rang for the end of the day shift. And like already mentioned, Pioneer was in no way shape or form hiring qualified people, as it couldn’t pay out what was required in efforts to get seasoned technicians. So it meant guys straight out of the technical and trade schools, many from the lower-48 as with Pioneer “local hire” was another joke. So with “new blood” trying to fix things complicated and with no on-site mentor experience to set them straight, nothing was fixed right and it amounted to a Band-aid approach! You cannot fault the inexperienced, you must fault this “Independent’s” mindset to have failed to study what it takes and costs to do business in the North. And as soon as these kids had a few months on-the-job experiences under the belt, they would move over to the “Big Oil” fields and find wage increases and benefits twice as good as what was taken home from working the “Oooguruk”. Again said, I had made my money in Alaska, so stayed onboard for other reasons. So for many with a future, there came no incentive to stay at the “Rock” and the only ones hanging on were either facing a DUI or other record, as you can’t get a job with “Big Oil” if you have a DUI current on the books. So as the day shift cleaned up and settled in for a night in a crappy cramped camp, I watched in amusement as this safety valve hammered the hell out of the well and neighboring piping. And nobody watching the control room “board” had any idea there was a major malfunction causing a major hydraulic disruption. “Why? Must I reiterate, inexperience proves a point! And there came more important things for the operators as demanded by the management, like chipping away at leftover urine sculptures, because this place was on the cheap wherein it couldn’t even afford a “Porta-party”! Now these surface safety valve devices are designed to safe out a well in a hurry, like in a split second and controlled by sophisticated automation computers. See, man cannot react fast enough when the “you know what hits the fan”! Split second decisions are required in an emergency, especially out here and so close to the water as a blow-out would be disastrous for man and beast. Now for safety reasons, this valve can be commanded from its open position to the closed position in seconds, and when the control system senses something wrong it reacts by commanding a closure and the valve remains in this safe position until an orderly start-up can be achieved. But only when the condition that caused the malfunction is cleared. Orderly is the key, as what was going on down-hole upon this well with an erratic valve with a mind of its own, it was not good by any stretch. And when piping is jumping around, no telling what is happening inside as “cavitation” effects can see pressure spikes on “Tilt”! So I intervened, to access what may be causing this banging nightmare. With the valve now on “Quaaludes”, through a safe-out procedure common in the industry, I commenced to fix the problem. But when the problem was fixed and an orderly start-up was initiated, the well was stubborn to return to its original production rate. I fought with it all night, finding the same damn hesitation, trying to establish a rate that would make the management smile. Honestly, I didn’t give a rat’s ass, except for the fact I had found something that aroused my interest - as a candidate for my “Citizen Pirate” campaign. I was on to something! When I reviewed the computer generated “Event Log” and subsequent historical production rates, it was easy to see a direct relationship indicating negative consequences, that this out-of-control “hammering” from the valve cycling had been going on for some time along with alarms to warn the operations - but nobody paying any attention. Need I say more? I could see by the production trend that this “hammer” action was causing some rather peculiar shortcomings, as the well was going into hibernation. I questioned a drilling engineer about this “hammering”, wherein he laughed and called it “packing” and that was the worst scenario for a producing well in this kind of formation, as the pressure surges can cause increased “erosion”, basically the well was caving in under pressure and filling in with migrating sand and other down-hole crud, from the “hammer packing” and the effect it has on the velocity gradient. Basically, the entire formation was under “stress” with consequences destructive. I didn’t want to get scientific, so here it is in a nutshell. Take for example the disturbing of a honey bee nest. With patience, one can rob honey from the hive and not really disturb things. Ever watch how a bear attacks the nectar comb? Same thing here, no damn difference! With the patience, that orderly thing, the hive continues to produce. With the bear, it means total destruction! I understood what that drilling engineer was telling me, and it made my plan of attack even more acceptable and amusing. And what he had told me made common sense, as a column of oil suddenly short-circuited away from its intended destination, well the well would be subject to the effects of the phenomenon known as “water-hammer” – without the water. And since the safety valve under failure with the accompanying cause and effect culminated by rapid and aggressive pressure disturbance, what made things worse off this “failure” was the fact that an additional sub-surface safety valve was not doing its thing to combat this “hammer-packing” destruction. By law, two valves are required to cease a blow out. That is the main reason these super fast valves are incorporated into the well-head “tree”. But in this situation of a malfunctioning surface device, the sub-surface valve was staying open which compounded the problem. See, had it been a true “Emergency Shutdown” and in control of the “SIS” - fancy name for a redundant safety system - then both valves would have shut in, to prevent the pressure problem from ever occurring wherein a pressure wave is allowed to penetrate by descending back down-hole – wherein it can cause damage. What was going on upon this once good producing well was “destructive”! With one valve remaining open and the other in a crazed mode, this was no doubt subjecting the well to enormous disruptive forces, pound for pound from the effects of the “hammer-packing”. So I started studying this crazed phenomena and spent a whole lot of time analyzing how I could continue on this destructive mechanism on all the producing wells, without getting caught. Yes, a plan of attack that would purposely subject the producing wells to this out-of-control routine. So this appeared to be my true “ACE” in the hole, as I had proof that it could work, that it would work to weaken the production and in turn hurt Pioneer’s bottom-line – which amounts to robbery upon the loot! And within a few days when finally there came no more “hammering” after fixing the problem, the well never again regained its position in production, not until several weeks later. And even though it appeared to have regained consciousness, this well still found shortcomings after that, as it would wimp out in no time flat when management tried to get “blood out of a turnip”. So this caught my curiosity and now I was indeed losing sleep trying to implement my strategy. Look, it was a simple and typical case of out-of-control “hammering” that may be the key to destroying the producing wells, and it all made sense. Considering Pioneer was spending between $15-million upwards $40-million to “spud” a well, this was a ways and means to throw a wrench into their plan. And I was having the time of my life orchestrating this plan of attack. I even wore a pirate’s eye patch when I was up to the no good. Take that back, I was acting to protect the environment. If these wells could be forced into hibernation, Pioneer would have to spend $millions$ in work-over attempts and it may be not worth it – that is what I was hoping for in the end. That in turn would maybe see this place go on the auction block, maybe shut it down for good and a return to normal for Harrison’s Bay – cleaned up and returned back to its original owner – Nature. So over the months of April through October of 2009, when on-site for a two-week hitch, I would make it a point to send the wells into “controlled” fibrillations, sometimes for hours at a time and at the same time keep the sub-surface valve open. Basically replicating what I had observed on the “test” well. In fact, I can remember sometimes an entire shift with the “monster” in control! It was chitty-chitty-bang-bang, in step to Toots and the Maytals on “Pressure Drop“! When I was performing these maneuvers, nobody knew any difference, as it was usually at night when I would let my underling operator - a contractor- stay in the control room while I roamed the well bays in search of that reward of well production destruction, causing the producing wells to go into hibernation. Good thing the piping was stout, as the entire well-bay structure would shake, rattle and roll. But anyone in the vicinity that felt the earth shattering movements, they thought it was the drilling rig making the noise. This went on for weeks, went on for months and with time it was beginning to show this “hammer-packing” was causing something way down-hole to fail. And it was always a gas at the morning meetings, wherein nobody could explain as too why production dropped off – again! And I could trick the entire computer automation system into not giving up any information that would have blown my cover this plan of attack. I could silence alarms to hide it from the operators and have the valves fail from behind the scenes, an ultimate out-of-sight out-of-mind manipulation with a cause by this “rebel”! Look, it was a Siemens’ control system – and I once worked for this company on the same damn stuff. Matter of fact, you don’t need a “Stuxnet” virus to wreak havoc when an ex-Siemens technician is around! So it is the main reason today that the Oooguruk is not up to par and producing what it should have been or would have liked to have been delivering wherein the executives could be heard cheering – especially with this project so far into the gamble! Sure it was a gamble, it always is in the oil patch, but this time around I was the “Dealer” and the deck was stacked! Yes, I had become an industrial “pirate” and because of my cause, “Citizen Pirate” selfishly reaps the rewards, proving it can be accomplished. Success it was, and done only as a ways and means to communicate that the position taken by Pioneer with respect to trashing the environment would not be tolerated. And like mentioned before, hit them where it counts seemed the only solution. I was also able to reprogram the computers that control the down-hole pumps. Making them appear to be up to speed when in reality it was a “little white lie”, with a speed that would make it very difficult to lift the oil to top-side, but this was just a temporary fix as the pumps proved early on to be bothersome to the oil production and eventually shut-down. But I was trying to cover all angles in efforts to jeopardize the production goals. See, they make things rather easy these days, as every little device has with it a computer with a code, which allows it to be manipulated and fooled. In the old days when the “Analog” was king, one would have to change components to perform the same type of secret espionage, and that means an understanding of electronics. In today’s hi-tech digital world, even those without a whole lot of knowhow can make changes that can make a difference – and it makes us so vulnerable. In fact, at Ooogurk’s land based production facility - wherein the contaminated glycol went missing - I was able to re-program the gas-lift compressor to fail, which caused months of additional delays in Pioneer’s desperate attempt to use natural gas as an enhanced oil recovery mechanism. The wells were failing and Pioneer was desperate to get something going that promoted an increase in production, instead of a dismal future! “Mother Earth” was mad and taking action! And when my schedule called for time off, I could still do the same damn thing from home, as the control system had a back door courtesy my knowledge of communication. See, I once worked for GCI as a communications tech, on the “slope”. So I knew how to get a “virtual” circuit from the GCI equipment to the Pioneer site, a circuit nobody else knew about. That is what happens when the control roommaintains a “lock-box” with the key to the GCI telequipment room and the GCI technicians take too long a lunch break – said again, just give me a laptop and access as nothing is sacred anymore! And when bored again and part of my continued plan of attack, I sabotaged the gas lift compressor protective relay settings - made by Siemens - and even though this caused nuisance delays in Pioneers effort to produce more oil, the ultimate was the “Hammer”. And today we see that those wells and the associated fields have been destroyed. So bad have these wells failed that Pioneer never reached its goal and has almost abandoned their efforts and are now concentrating on a different field altogether, called the Torok formation. Matter of fact, Pioneer is producing about 30% of its original goal! It hurts. Now I no longer have a back-door, but that is OK, as that would be a cause for “Hacker” intrusion and not the kind of “Citizen Pirating” I condone. It is “Patriotic” when performed from the “inside”, as the intent is to get the point across. With this writing now made public that describes my “Citizen Pirate” memoir, maybe it is time for the Pioneer stockholders to demand action, that their portfolio has been robbed due the Ooguruk management’s environmental insincerity and insensibility. And with this “management” goes my sentiment that “you can’t have your cake and eat it to”. Now even though Pioneer did take my original allegations with some seriousness once they realized who they were fooling with and did fix many of the issues, in my book it was “way” too little and “way” too late. Does that give Pioneer an out, that they at least made an attempt to fix things that proved to be the “seed” of environmental atrocities? That is a question that remains out to the jury, as time will tell. See, that missing “biocide” talked about early on this writing, that nasty stuff that is designed to “kill”, some of it was finally located in a depository of a toxic concoction in a well’s conduit - conveniently hidden away and allowed to leach underground and snake its way into the bay. When I discovered this death trap, I was told to clean it up, sure as the boss said to do it. But when I asked to have it analyzed beforehand, that went without interest, that it was safe so please don’t bother us with such trivial pursuits. See, a grab sample could have been “thiefed” and sent over to the Kuparuk lab, and maybe for a few hundred bucks produced for the record a full-blown analysis and then we would have known what we were dealing with. Safe? Not so, and I am sure that in time a worker’s health will show that the release of that stuff has compromised that individuals health. I have never been the same since coming in contact with this stuff, it’s the twitching that bugs my wife! But with the Torok, it is in essence a last ditch effort to recoup some of the major loses this “Independent” has endured. Was I 100% successful? No, but I have made a mark and come front and center now with this information that we can no longer trust the oversight, wherein there comes a point in time where we must become “pirates” and take matters into our own hands. What my “pirating” cost Pioneer in lost profits is easily in the multi-millions, and a best guess estimate of well over $2-Billion in lost revenue. And of course Pioneer will never admit to it that a worker got away with this pirating, as that would prove to the outside world that they deserve not a permit to operate in Alaska. And of course all the state “oversight” gurus will also deny this could ever take place and they will laugh this off as a conspiracy without merit, but what do they really know as they never showed up to perform their duties so know not any difference! In fact, if they really want something to get excited over, I could tell them how I rigged the production measuring computer to show less oil coming from the Oooguruk, for purposes of state royalty. See, that “pirating” finds “excess” oil for Conoco, which pays out a decent royalty rate to the state, so the corrupt measurement helps my bottom-line. Do I fear reprisal this writing? Prove it! YES. I would say Pioneer is stuck up Stool River with a broken paddle, the latter a gift from the regulators – don’t come back now, ya hear!

 The Finish Line: It worked, and after some time to reflect on my “Citizen Pirate” exploits, I find it reasonable without reconsideration to let the “corporation”, let that person behind the mask of disdain realize a beware that there is a faction alive that is not afraid to raid their henhouse, to wreck havoc on the bottom-line and this Rolling Stones’ song tells my story with a catchy tune!

Please allow me to introduce myself 
I'm a man of wealth and taste 
I've been around for a long, long year 
Stole many a man’s soul and faith 
And I was round when Jesus Christ 
Had his moment of doubt and pain 
Made damn sure that Pilate 
Washed his hands and sealed his fate 
Pleased to meet you 
Hope you guess my name 
But what's puzzling you 
Is the nature of my game 
I stuck around St. Petersburg 
When I saw it was a time for a change 
Killed the czar and his ministers 
Anastasia screamed in vain 
I rode a tank 
Held a generals rank 
When the blitzkrieg raged 
And the bodies stank 
Pleased to meet you 
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah 
Ah, what's puzzling you 
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah 
I watched with glee 
While your kings and queens 
Fought for ten decades 
For the gods they made 
I shouted out, 
Who killed the Kennedys? 
When after all 
It was you and me 
Let me please introduce myself 
I'm a man of wealth and taste 
And I laid traps for troubadours 
Who get killed before they reached Bombay 
Pleased to meet you 
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah 
But what's puzzling you 
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby 
Pleased to meet you 
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah 
But what's confusing you 
Is just the nature of my game 
Just as every cop is a criminal 
And all the sinners saints 
As heads is tails 
Just call me Lucifer 
Cause I'm in need of some restraint 
So if you meet me 
Have some courtesy 
Have some sympathy, and some taste 
Use all your well-learned politesse 
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah 
Pleased to meet you 
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah 
But what's puzzling you 
Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down 
Woo, who 
Oh yeah, get on down 
Oh yeah 
Oh yeah! 
Tell me baby, what's my name 
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name 
Tell me baby, what's my name 
I tell you one time, you're to blame 
Ooo, who 
Ooo, who 
Ooo, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Oh, yeah 
What's my name 
Tell me, baby, what's my name 
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Ooo, who, who 
Oh, yeah

CopyRight 2013 S. Pam MaGee


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