Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State of the Eunuch

OK, so Obama tells us that he is in the lame duck alley, during the State of the Eunuch Address and with that it is time for the Commander-in-Chief to give up the hoops and join a Reggae band. Life after the “Oval Office”, what does it mean? Carter writes a sex novel, Bill hangs out with the walking dead – Keith Richards. Did I forget any past presidents still licking? Qualified that is. Anyway, Obama retiring is what I took away from the speech, so don't look for anything to occur or come out of that “Office”, except watch out for on the loose Dr. One! Par for the course, when the “lame duck” infiltrates the freeway. I don't get it. As an hourly worker in a “Right to Work” nation, I get a job and placed on probation, in a few weeks time the honey-moon is over with and I must perform or else face the Scott Walker plank walk! For politicians, why is it that they never get probation and after two-weeks on the job, they get to go on a honey-moon for the rest of the season? Something is haphazard backwoods here in America between politics and wage earners. Look, we still have no reasonable assaultt weapons' gun control, and during this speech by Obama a crazed individual that already killed some men in blue uniform, he was being barbecued to death! NEWSFLASH: Crazed LAPD cop goes after cops, kills fellow officers and retreats to Uncle Tom's cabin. SWAT team surrounds cabin, on-site commando commander gets word that another fellow cop has died after being shot at by crazed cop, commander says “Burn the bum out”. Cop that was a cop and now a crazed killer tries to retreat the heat, SWAT bullets force him back into the burning hell hole, there is no way out as justice is served, back-woods style. See, things get out of control when things are out of control. Do you really think the lawmen gave a rat's ass about this guys “Justice”? Had he been taken alive without any roughing-up as there existed a zillion cameras focused on the burning cabin and maybe two-cameras on Obama's speech, this crazed cop-killer would have been a hero in jail - for killing cops! And we all know what happened before when the law roughed up a person of interest! Things are indeed out of control here in the Homeland when a cop killer gets rewarded. No different then how our representation gets rewarded, by the “Lobby” for things unbecoming righteousness – I guess it's considered “retention” pay. And for what I have learned over the years with the waste in the “please don't touch” defense appropriations spending free-for-all, let the “Sequestration” get a grip on the U.S. Treasury bleeding, as that waste stream needs a Band-aid. Anyway, during this “Lame Duck” speech, I saw clowns in the audience, sore-losers, crooks and crocks. And many GOP invitees had empty seats as a sidearm companion for protection, as with no guns allowed, their protection comes about by that “Ghost of the Lobby” accompanying them in secret to this “Circus”. All in all, it must have been a free loaders invite, who let the dog in? Look, we have heard it all before, more of the same, and if we realize a 10% performance as too what was sold to us, then our return on investment is still sick. It all sounds good, but constipation has taken over our Congress. And Boehner's body language, like he was suffering from a Mitch McConnell hernia or Sick Cantor hemorrhoid while listening to Obama make fun of how the GOP has been castrated – read between the lines this speech! It is the subliminal message that tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me...And Waxman, looks like he was experimenting with Clemens' steroids. And Pelosi, she had this frown like she was in the back of the bus still! But if one went into this speech as “I am an American so I'll listen as there's no football” and with a sense of satisfaction that the “Circus was indeed in town”, well have another laugh. So, I fell asleep, like did the entire cast of the Supremes. No shows? And yes, Cha Cha Marco Rubio was under the influence while acting as a spokesperson for the GOP following Obama's State of the Eunuch Address. Hey, this nation has lost something and our bragging rights are hanging in limpo! Yes under the influence, as it appeared from confused speech along with sweat and other reasons guilty there were strings attached and he was not acting on his own accord and owned by something suspicious! Why else did he almost fall off the stage? But the “Mystery” has been solved. There is NO IQ for the GOP in Congress. Case Closed! The fact that the GOP losers club – which includes Geb Bush – have gone “poolside” which is how the wealthy go “postal” in efforts to drafting a Cha Cha Marco Rubio as the next prepresidential pimpersonator, it goes to show that somebody is derelict in doing their job at making sure every jail bed gets a cell mate! Sure Cha Cha Rubio is an impersonating impostor, just like George W. Bush, a “puppet” is what the GOP needs. No strings attached just doesn't cut it with the present day GOP, just ask Obama. They have tried to place a noose around Obama, do not try to deny it! And I was hoping that the 113th Congress would just stay home, but they are not wanted at home either so hide away on the beltway as it is the only place in America that abides by a completely different set of rules – wherein immunity lets them get away with DUIs and rape – it has become nothing but a “crooks” hideout. Sure America is getting raped and robbed and if Congress isn't under the influence of the lobby... Dear Mr. Putin, do you have a big spaceship we can use to blast our 113th Congress away so they can do us no more harm? In a recent poll, it was scored that most Americans didn't care or want to see their Congressional representative anywhere near their kids! Mea Maxima Culpa ring a bell? Look, all hope is almost gone. Even with an approval rating that makes laughing something worthwhile and about the only thing we get from them in return for posing as impostors, the GOP Congress continues to show the rest of the world that it is possible to have inherited a “Minus IQ”. Brain-dead ring a bell? And when is enough truthfully enough? This nation should have demanded “Term Limits” as without it we have an in-bed inbred voice making “loophole” legislation that looks good up-front, but those loopholes – are such “holes” accidental? NO, the loopholes are carefully crafted as a ways and means to discredit the Constitution. But here is something to consider of great importance and indicating the possibility that we have been raped and robbed some more. Scholars – most from other countries that have been around the bloc – some of these scholars have been intrigued by the U.S. Constitution and thus went into sibilancy as it was dissected. Maybe I meant celibacy? Regardless, when “Term Limits” comes up as a subject matter, they cringe! Why? According to these experts, there exists already in the U.S. Constitution “Term Limits”, inherently. See, when a person of interest is elected to serve a term as a representative, the Constitution allows for more then one term, but not consecutive! See, when a senator a is sworn in, it is supposed to be for the good of all men, women and children, no matter or bother as to what side of the isle is found that “lobbyist”. So it means that when in office and held accountable to that sworn endorsement to uphold the Constitution, a representative cannot campaign, cannot use that office for any self inflicted gains, as that goes against the grain of the “Representation” clause and creed and this is how our Founding Fathers intended it to be - “LIMITS”. The designers of the “Constitution” were not stupid, so wording is provided in this “Great emancipator” that if dissected, it brings home the “limits” established some 200-years ago. So if a U.S. Senator or U.S. Representative wants to play the game, for the duration he or she must refrain away from any activity that uses his or her position of power to further a selfish agenda or any efforts to campaign for consecutive terms, it can only come about after serving the initial term then voluntarily or involuntarily vacating that office, then hitting the campaign trail again. So it provides a “buffer zone”, which is what we need today. And if one were involuntarily let go, what does that really mean? In the meantime, somebody else has taken over the duties. It is a self-policing system that our Founding Fathers envisioned, with such inherent “Term Limits” without getting stubborn and using actual wording to the effect that says “TERM LIMITS”. As we see today what happens when the same people show up, time and time again, we must have such limits enacted immediately. In fact, send the 113th home for a rest until we get an opinion on these built in “Term Limits”. This makes sense, but nonsense to those that feel it is their seat to keep for a lifetime, that elected position. And if not “Term Limits” how about age restrictions? There was a 102-year old women that was honored by Obama, with respect to voting rights. She appeared younger and stronger and more lively then half the old-farts that are still lost in that House on the Hill – especially that Orin Hatch! So NO, we will never see any indication or movement towards “Term Limits”, as it already exists! We just need a Supreme Court that takes it upon themselves to stay awake and deliver, but dereliction of duty is in the pandemic stage, and that is leading this country to the self-destruct mode and Dr. One may be the straw that breaks the... And in ending, we don't need destructible interference from outsiders, as we can get the same kind of gratification from our Congress, they can do it all by themselves with a little help from their friends in high places!

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