Saturday, February 9, 2013

Merlin the Magician

NO, NO, NO! We must just say NO! Bill Clinton is out and about already campaigning for his wife, as there exists today amongst us an enemy, a voter faction that believes Hillary is fit to sit where bill once sat with Monica on his lap. Must we go where no rational nation should go, beyond that town in Texas missing an idiot? When is enough truly enough. No I cannot forget what Bill did to the “Office”, turned it into a “Red Light” district then when he was evicted, Bush turned it into the Awful Office. But enough on what Dubya did when in that office and attached to puppet strings, as there exists enough evidence that it was the “Clinton Clan” that ruined that office forever. To those yelling out loud give Hillary a chance, NO! Look we must not forget what was behind Operation Merlin, when Bill must have gone sidetracked away from his duties as president for more important Monica enjoyment. Back when Bill was smiling – because Hillary was at home and Monica was allowed to roam – there came the famous but now forgotten Operation Merlin, which backfired and today is allowing Iran to have at its disposal a nuclear weapon. Iran has that weapon of mass destruction, no doubt about it, as Operation Merlin was a project that was supposed to supply the Iranian nuclear scientists with a bomb design, blueprints and all but with a hitch of a glitch. The project was supposed to deliver a “flawed” design, it did until the scientist that created the “bomb trigger” went to work for guess who, the Iranians and knew about the flaws and so corrected those flaws – for a price. See, now that scientist is free and clear, as he didn't supply the blueprints of destruction, Bill Clinton did, and all that scientist was doing was fixing things in fear he would be called out for the “flaws” and placed on the Iranian intelligence hit list! But it was a plan that had “backfire” written all over it from its inception and today we realize that it allowed the Iranians to move forward exponentially to achieve the goal of owning a bomb. It was like giving a 3rd world country a car without a steering wheel, just go on E-bay and you can get anything you need. In fact, maybe the CIA should post the blueprints for Operation Merlin on DIY! But because of this flawed plan which is indeed a dereliction of duty unbecoming a United States President, if we wake up tomorrow morning and find that half of the middle east has been melted and turned into glass, we can thank Bill. This should not be forgotten, as it will have dire consequences as the fuse for nuclear annililation in that region of the world is smoldering. In fact, the “Nuclear Clock” for that conflict has been stuck shy of high-noon, like the battery is warn out! So today we pay and pray. See, that rogue nation has the “bomb” courtesy Bill Clinton so we pay dearly to the Israeli government, to at least try to hold off on a first strike option, as things have changed now that Iran has the capability to seek revenge with equal destruction upon Israel, which at one time held superior power in that neck of the woods. At the same time we pray that Iran doesn't hit the launch button. Yes, we are paying out handsomly for Bill being derelict and allowing the “Operation Merlin” to set in motion a course of destruction ahead of its time. Take this into consideration when you think aboust casting a vote for Hillary, as to take a naïve approach is like siding with the enemny! So we cannot have anybody affiliated with the “Clinton Clan” get anywheres near the White House. Now when Obama picked Hillary for the Secretary of State, at first glance I thought that was acceptable, as a pay back for allowing Obama to prove he was a better leftist candidate during the 2012 debates. But it looks as though that plan has also backfired, as Hillary in her role has been blaming the Bush administration for allowing Iran to achieve the goal of owning the “bomb”, in defense of her husband as anything “negative” that can be assigned to Bill, it drastically affects Hillary's chance at the 2016 race already in focus. With that said, we must ask ourselves, was Hillary's silence the reason and attempts to place blame where blame was not due turned out to be golden and she now finds a 61% approval rating? From wherein comes this approval is another “Merlin” the Magician” magic wand moment, as it cannot be based out of any credible independent and true to life polling upon those in the know and familiar with the Clinton Clan past! Look, Hillary cannot go to the WH without Bill! And when Bill's “Dream Team” includes Nancy “Rabid Skunk” Pelosi getting back the gavel, am I missing something? No, as it is just more of the same on the beltway and we see yet another fallout of why “Term Limits” is so important. We need a “purge” in who and what is attempting to ruin our present government. And get this, according to scholars well versed in U.S. Constitutional law abiding, even though a sitting President can rule for two terms, it is not supposed to be consecutive terms! Based on the fact simple, as to campaign for a singular party when Commander-in-Chief, it goes against the grain of the Constitution as the President is not supposed to take sides and be “President for All Americans”, yet we let it slide by. Why? Because we as nation have become afraid of what the Constitution really allows, and that is how a nation in the desert is no longer missing a nuclear bomb!

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