Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dr. One's Sad Day

It is really sad, that former President George H.W. Bush and sonny boy George W. Bush could only find a “Hacker” to publish their memoirs. OK, I'll lighten up on the senior! “Senior, senior, do you know where we're headin'? Lincoln County Road or Armageddon? Said, Son, this ain't a dream no more, it's the real thing". Thanks Mr. Dylan! Now it appears the only thing that reveals the 43rd was anything but a genuine “Town in Texas missing an idiot”, well the hacker's entry into “heirloom for family only” E-mail accounts while Dubya was assigned to the Awful Office, it speaks for itself and we see what the BDD - Bush Dysentery Dynasty - stands for, with H for Hilarious and W for war. And those self-portraits, with Dubya in the bathtub or taking a shower, they speak for themselves. In fact the Laplace Transform Think Tank has already published their recommendations as too what these portraits reveal and Pierre Bonnard is choking in his grave. But I am glad that Bush was a 2-term “terminator”, as this Yale graduate actually found enough time to light the fuse for WWIII and then when it is all said and done, we will find socialism as our only way forward to life, liberty and that pursuit to happiness – which is OK in my book as we Americans have proven to ourselves that we cannot trust “Caps Lock” by the Corporation – a.k.a. Capitalism. And Obama is doing one hell of a job, by continuing on what George started and what accounts for Dick Cheney's legacy, hitting people in the face when they are not looking. My sentiment that we may have secretly went engaged in WWIII rings on high. Now I am sure that some may laugh at this WWIII pitch, but just look around, as it is not a war of the worlds like some had thought would dub the next great war, but a WAR upon our very own existence – a war here in the Homeland. The III being the “three strikes we're out”. Today, with everything else put aside, it has come down to this. Choose your weapon, either the 1st Amendment or the 2nd for this duel – it is that simple. And sure Obama is carrying on the BDD tradition, as we have found ourselves in the corner. This is what happens when a “puppet” gets to take over the helm, Bush I'm talking about, and with unabated power behind an IQ missing we find that we are sent down this dead end road. Look, Obama is not doing what he would like, he is just trying to get us out of hot water. I'm talking the word of “assassinations” gone wild like rabid skunks through “Dr. One” attacks. It may have come about with an original attempt as a pacifier, but once we set down that path of “Killing Fields from On High” from far away and in the sky, with this new secret weapon of hi-tech collateral damage part of the fallout wherein the game plan calls for blowing the intended target and surrounding victims to smithereens and pay the crippled a stipend the sentiment, no wonder we as a nation are on “Failure Alert”. And once down this path, believe me it is a path of no return. See, we eventually sell our technology, and in this day and age no matter how much we try to safeguard its intended audience, it gets into the wrong hands. Gun runners care for only one thing – misery money! See, a Drone – “Dr. One” – is only as good as its sidearm companion – a hellfire missile. So how did it happen, how did we get in this predicament wherein “another” president has to bail out the illegitimacy of his predecessor through “secret like assassinations” on would be terrorists? Here is the real memoir's secret ingredient. What is going on today with Obama ready to dig in for another 4-years, well he fell right into the neo-conservative “trap”. George is gone, Dick is gone, but just as that administration blew the face off of Miss Liberty, for reasons of greed and wealth, we have become our own worst enemy. It is not some Al-Qaeda aliquot plan of attack that scares me today, sure they can cause harm, but on a scale nothing in comparison as to what we are doing to ourselves. We are all guilty, accomplices this crime, upon humanity – our own kind on our own home turf! We have become a pathetic War Machine that relies NOT on peace, but war to keep the economy running along. If this is NOT sick, then gag me with laughing gas. Look, with this secretion - whatever it is called - coming to a defense contractor near your local, it means total destruction of the economy. Said again, America has become but a War Machine on steroids. As our highways and byways crumble, the defense industry is making $zillions$ in profits. This is so troubling, that even though the New American Century's project to “democratize” the world failed on its face, in reality it started WWIII and as we spend $zillions$ to keep the War Machine in high gear in efforts to keep the economy from collapsing, well we must start wars to engage the stuff that is coming from “our” Armageddon factories. Once again, we all have blood on our hands as there exists blood on the tracks of progress. Is this what America stands for? Was this on the menu, like a “special”? If so, then we will go down in the history books as the shortest lived mighty power, as with this type of all powerful and self-destructive agenda, it can only have an ending that is not in our favor. It is time to “KILL” the War Machine. Every good standing American should say NO MORE Military waste. We must, if need be, stop paying the bill - by conscientiously objecting too taxation on our income that supports anything beyond a “strong military” and only that necessary to fulfill securing the “Constitution”. We must start telling our employer to NOT take out that money so required today to keep the “War Machine” afloat. We should demonstrate our displeasure through our own “Sequestration”. We must continue to pay for troops, in fact they deserve a handsome raise, but we are producing tanks that will never be used in combat. We are producing all kinds of contraptions that will end up in the recycle dumps just because we have found ourselves in the ultimate dilemma – building stuff not for what it does with respect to national security but what it does to provide jobs and Wall Street's fascination with these killing machines of mass destruction. We were tricked into this mentality! Why not put that money towards a good use, like finding a cure for breast cancer? Why not apply our hard earned taxable income to create a transportation infrastructure that works? If you still don't get the point, here it is where it hits the hardest. Just recently the CEOs of the major defense contractors had diner with Obama, to voice their concerns about the sequestration, as for them it is castration. For every dollar that you turn over to Uncle Sam that is turned over to the defense budget, 30-cents of that goes towards the “salary” of those in high places! This “War Machine” is producing “$millionaires$ with “trust fund” families that will understand only one thing, get it going, through more “Wars”! It costs $850,000 for each troop in boots in combat in Afghanistan, with most of that loot going to logistics from the “privatized” War Machine. For every one of those “War Bucks” that goes to fuel the War Machine that produces jobs for the civilian ranks, 3-cents of that handover is regurgitated as a salary for our men and women in combat – pathetic that we have a Congressional delegation that caters too the Wall Street boss over the young kids that sign up thinking somebody cares! Let me say this about that. For every dollar you drop off at the IRS, some guy never in uniform is getting a paycheck that allows him to buy not one, but several mansions and money that should be used to make military service inviting, that money is hushed away in an offshore account and unaccounted for. When in return you get military superiority and protection, but that rich bastard gets the same kind of protection, maybe more! Look, we as a nation of hard working salt of the earth people, we are getting taken for a ride. With the political system “broke”, wherein we have a Do Nothing Congress and a hidden agenda mindset, we are loosing the battle. This is “OUR” country, not theirs to destroy. WAR is over, and why we continue to promote the War MACHINE, we are shooting ourselves in both feet at the same time. It is crippling! It must end now. We need a third “Party” to break this spell, a “Peace Party” that is bent on “Peace NOT WAR”. We have it in us, as back in the 60's and early 70's we came out in droves to excite the “Peace” bandwagon – was all of that just a mirage? I see more young kids walking around with peace signs then ever before. They are silent, as they know what is right but continue to let mom and dad try to duke it out with “Authority”. But it is NOT the “Authority” that drowns out the sounds of peace now so silent. We have headed back in the wrong direction, and Dr. One is testament to that as “Greed” has become a replacement for Liberty. But the next generation will put up with only so much. And it is such an easy answer our wows! If the idiots in office gave a rat's ass about us, “Term Limits” would still be not just a suggestion and already instituted as a reality checks and balances. “Term Limits” insists on NO WAR, as it is an automatic eliminator this discriminator. And we can do better at what we were as a nation once good at. I am talking “Bigger Government” as the latter did a much better job before the goons started siding with “Big Corporations”. See, “privatization” works on paper, until that plan gets renegotiated by the board, wherein “Greed” then takes over. “Big Government” is what we need once again and made bigger, wherein all workers could “unionize” under one umbrella, think of the possibilities! If all workers in America had one and only one “union” and contributed to a health care plan, the issue and fighting over ObamaCare would be a dead issue! We must act and change the course we are now on. We are being held hostage, by “Corporate America” that wants less government when at the same time they want to gut cut workers rights? “Corporate America” is a sin, as they insist on more “War”. A NEW America has freedom away from the WAR MACHINE! If we get rid of the “War Machine” mentality, unemployment would be unheard of, as we could then take the profits garnished away by the wealthy “War Lords” and create more jobs, through infrastructure refinement. We are the “government”, so we need “Big Government”, as it is the only way to freedom. The “Bigger” we are, the smaller the corporation becomes, it is that simple. And if we get rid of the WAR MACHINE, then those that feel strong about guns, they can have a hey day and play out their militia mentality! Only problem, with peace there comes no ENEMY of the People!

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