Wednesday, February 6, 2013


BEWARE, the Crazy SHITHEADS are comin' North. See, now that the Alaska State legislature has bent over to the Cruise Ship industry bent on turning Alaska into a giant toilet bowl, it is time to once again make a “BEWARE” to those that think Alaskan salmon is healthy to eat. With this new legislation that allows bowel discharges into the nearsighted waters along Alaska's coastline, the “crap & piss” that will be discharged into the pristine water-ways will cause the salmon to taste like crap and cause alarming flesh yellowing from the “piss” bathing - science has proven this with the discharges from off Pt. Worzenoff over towards Anchorage. And we can thank MoanaLisa MurCowpie for this legislation, as she has been a fool for the Princess for a long time and finally got her way which is their way or else, all in efforts to pollute the waters wherein cruise ships migrate, which is where the salmon migrate to enter the headwaters of their birthplace to spawn. What a way to go, for years in freedom the wide open and mighty ocean then ending it with a trip through “Cesspool Hell”! Hopefully upon confronting the 1st turd from the Princess, maybe the salmon fleet will turn around and go someplace else, as it appears Russia has stricter polluting laws today then does this state! And Governor Parnell was the driving force behind this “crap”? Now we know to whom he bows down too! I wonder if his wife knows this affair he has with the Cowpie Princess? See, since our delegation failed at overturning Obama, they are trying to pick apart one piece at a time the government so directed to save our ass from “cesspool” legislation, and the EPA is not on their “Be Friendly” initiative. OK I stand corrected, as it isn't only “cesspool wastes” that will cause harm the returning wild salmon stocks. It is the allowance of hazardous chemicals to be freely discharged that will renegotiate the salmons' health and when consumed, it will cause devastation with increases in diseases like Parkinson's, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis. Sue them? Not so easy, as likewise with the gun manufactures finding a “No Liability” clause thanks in part to the Alaska delegation when Ted the thief was still alive, I would bet that the cruise ship industry finds the same immunity hidden deep within some bill sponsored by our very own team of thieves! Didn't we learn our lessons from “Love Canal”? I guess not, especially here in Alaska. So yes, heavy metals like copper along with refrigerants like ammonia will now be allowed to be thrown overboard, because this stuff cannot be economically managed as a serious pollutant, which without such “freedom to pollute” was a threat to the million man tourist march that boarded luxury liners to enjoy Alaska in the comfort of a room with a view and a flushable toilet, an industry that brings very little income to the “Lost Frontier” and leaves behind more then its fair share of pollution. Honestly, it is legislation that takes a turn backwards, using the once upon a time mandate that the “solution to pollution is dilution”, which is totally against what the EPA preaches. But we all know where MoanaLisa stands with respect to the EPA, as she would like to see that agency walk the “plank” as she honestly belives that Congress can do a better job managing air and water quailty permits! Yes, the “Do Nothing Congress” she is affiliated with, to manage pollution? So you can boycott the salmon, or if you are so daring, please hold your nose as you consume that flesh. And if your fingers smell like “crap” along with a lingering “strange taste” upon your palate, then you get my point. See, it is well known that salmon gorge themselves just before that last refrain to head up river, as they know what that means. Once they enter fresh water, the desire to eat runs away. So when these fish are hanging around the bays frequented by the cruise ships allowed to flush, they will eat anything and everything before that big wave from incoming tides pushes them up river to spawn and die. And that is when a whole lot of this fish makes its way onto a hook and into the freezer, during the last hooray. And that “Last Supper” stays with them, as that meal is not wasted but becomes the flesh baster for the tasters! Stay tuned, as this state is headed for the toilet bowl, as we have coming our way new legislation fostered by a delegation that is bent on one all important thing of ineterest, turning Alaska away from the “Last Frontier” to the “Lost Frontier”, or better said, “Alaska, the CessPool State”!

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