Friday, February 22, 2013

Buried Alive

I cannot think of anything more horrifying, be that getting buried alive! No last meal, suffocation on the horizon, dark and damp close quarters and once under the influence of “dirt”, no cell phone coverage. But it appears that “Buried Alive” is exactly what may be occurring today with the GOP. Namely, Mitch “Turncoat” McConnell & Company along with the Cantorbelles, all for one and one for all going down for the count! Sibilancy goes along with suffocation when the ditch starts caving in, and that is what we heard the other day with the GOP through Marco Rubio trying to look grown up yet with strings attached – during the water bottle stumble frenzy. He is just another Bush dysentery dynasty “puppet”, this time the strings attached controlled by Jeb. See, they had four-years to get the act together, in efforts to abuse Obama to defeat. It didn’t work and what it amounted to was nothing short a plan of attack unbecoming an American and unbecoming a member of the U.S. Congress. Of course the Bush family is far from anything “American”. So when a “Town in Texas” was no longer missing an idiot and Obama was at the helm of No Respect, what transpired was abuse upon the Commander-in-Chief, abuse upon his patrons – that being the United States of America. But going into this game back in 2008 as the 1st and maybe last time this country will see a president of Afro-American descent, Obama had his work cut-out for him, then some. It was totally unfair politics played out by the GOP, not only during the 2008 presidential campaign season, but still today we see unabated prejudice as an aiding and abetting presence – with attempts to defeat through destructive uncivil ways and means! Why some of the antagonists are still free and not incarcerated for “Treason”, I still can’t understand, except dereliction by the Sergeant-of-Arms who indeed went “blackmailed into leaving his post”. How Obama endured this unusual pain and suffering from the “Rush” and was able to win a second term at the helm speaks for itself. But since Bush vacated the White House after ruining the American economy and handing Obama a failed “state” still involved in two different “wars”, with every move so far Obama has trumped the sabotage from the “Right”. It started with an economy purposely sent to the dungeon of doom – over the “Cliff” it was. Yet Obama saw too it how to keep things afloat, wherein today the economy is not “dead”, not vibrant but OK. It is a status we may as well get used to – as it is the new age trend that has a down-side equal to an up-side, so it works. Gone are the “Glory Hole” days of unabated wealth, as today we have before us a sustainable economy – almost defined as “Socialism” wherein “sharing” is a necessity. And today, we see Obama taking advantage of the situation which has set in stone the reason we will never again have a Republican president in control of the “Oval Office”. When the Bush administration's failed economy was about to make the “soup kitchen” an everyday reality once again here in America, reminiscent of the historical “Black Tuesday”, Obama realized that he must artificially inflate the economy or else take the blame for an American Armageddon. Which is where the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act”, often referred to as the “stimulus” program came into being. And it was a do or die proposition, as it was failing fast and furious, along with a per-meditated shock and awe doomsday scenario becoming a reality, to a bank in every neighborhood across America from sea to shining sea. Now even though many states with a nauseating GOP mindset went concerned over this “stimulus” welfare coming from Uncle Sam, many republican governors never turned their backs to free loot! Look at Texas for instance. No matter how Perry screamed and tantrumed over the “Act”, Texas is “Queen” in the category of this “stimulus” freebie and remains the 2nd largest recipient of Federal “Stimulus“ bucks! And Alaska, over the hill when it comes to per capita welfare this “Act” provides as a gift from Obama – towards a state that has very little in common with the 44th President. See, Obama doesn't care about the panty line or party line, he cares about this nation! Talk about getting the keys to the city, how about the keys to the U.S. Treasury? That is why so many politicians are pissed at Obama, as they think he has not the right to give away “their” money. It ain't their money to begin with, it is our money, my money! Bottom-line, the Obama “Stimulus” has helped this nation survive the “Terrible Twos”, when George Bush was allowed two terms of endangerment. When history recites what the Bush Dysentery Dynasty has done for this nation, the U.S.S. George H. W. Bush super-carrier will be decommissioned and sent to the salvage yard and Dubya will never see the likes of his own “Presidential Library”. In all honesty, had the “Boomer” generation not given up on “change” when we started that pilgrimage back in the 60's, we would not be wishing Bush incarcerated for his crimes upon this nation, as he would never have gotten his foot in the door of politics. Which goes to show how power through money has affected the leadership and to “whom it may concern” becoming someone in politics. Look, it isn't possible any longer for the common working class to promote to their kids that “anybody” can become a U.S. President as the U.S. Supreme Court put an end too that – through Citizen's United and allowing unlimited campaign donations even from outsiders, from crooks, perverts and tax evading hypocrites! So maybe Obama was a godsend, to show the “white collar criminals” that it takes a “black man” to bail this nation out of its current dilemma and once upon that road to recovery and without roadblocks from GOP sabotaging, maybe we can get back what was taken away by the thieves. But said again, the “current” conditions came by way of a plan, to fail this nation as a means to fail Obama. It didn't work, yet! Now the Obama “Stimulus” program ran its course, providing government money in the form of “grants” - which means free – in efforts to maintain this “status quo” until it was time for Obama to accept the invitation to run for re-election. It was planned this way, very cool it was! Had the GOP found a competitive candidate that ran a campaign upon a mandate of “less government” and “less entitlements”, come the swearing in had the GOP won, that “status quo” would have seen the death grip take hold and those soup kitchens would have become an overnight reality – as no way in hell would Romney or the Tea-Party mentality been able to convince themselves that another “Stimulus” was required – surely the democrats would have said – No way! So what happened the other night with Obama’s 1st “State of the State” address during his 2nd term, he made it clear and convincing that a 2nd round of “stimulus” was coming to the union halls near you. Read between the lines, as the 2nd round is alive and well - once again for another 4-years. It will end in November of 2016, just when things are heating up for the next presidential race. Like already mentioned, if the GOP finds somebody to overthrow the Drats, whomever is the unlucky will base a win on less government – which is a self defeating prophecy. If the GOP wins, come the swearing in the unemployment lines will be swelling to the brink of disaster. In fact, if the GOP gets back into office, there won't be any workers available to erect that “Inauguration” stage – get the point! And here it is in a nutshell. Obama has taken the “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” approach and fought back, with a planned out attack that is superior to what was being shoved this way by the “Turncoats”. Be that the annihilation of the GOP with steadfast – the reason Mitch McConnell is so perverted, as he believes that in order to make the GOP once again powerful, it means destruction of the beast - that being Obama. Get it yet, as Obama has sent to Washington that “Trojan Horse”. Basically, the GOP is dead as is the Tea-Party going down for the count, just look at the recent polling wherein forever republicans are starting to have doubts about the GOP's survival – no matter how Karl Rove thinks differently. Talk about a coward! So today we have an economy that relies more and more on “Big Government”. And it appears that will remain the saving grace for future generations, as Obama's equation to success is simple and is working, so he can just slide by for the next few years. Once again, it will be round two of the stimulus that will save this nation today, at least for another 4-years. If another democrat lands the helmsmen position in 2016, we will see the stimulus handout repeated. And if by luck the GOP gets into office, it will be but a short lived victory unless that party follows what Obama has started, as too not follow his lead would be disastrous and without the “ACT” even the business owners will be crying for help, once the “stimulus” spigot is shutoff. It is an excellent plan of attack, cannot loose, and if repeated in the future it will bring the same success to America. It is “BIGGER GOVERNMENT” that promotes success of this nation and its economy. There exists no other solutions as even “Corporate America” relies on the “stimulus” just like any “mom & pop” business. Don't believe me, well just look at the smile upon Obama's face, as it is a face of success and triumph! And with that, he can now rub it into his fellow obstructionists. So Obama has become a comedian, enjoying the fact that he out-smarted an entire cast of idiots believing they had a better solution. Rove is furious over Obama's win. Cheney is furious over the win. George Bush doesn't know the difference, so it is hard to tell what the “puppet” thinks. The entire GOP Congress is furious, and watch out as there will come many wasted hours and dollars spent trying to ruin Obama and his plan for the future, through false testimony and impeachment hearings for every little thing possible. Look how McCain is behaving, a real sore loser as he is smart enough to realize that the GOP is doomed and he will never ever be anything else but a failed senator and realizing way too late that Sarah Palin ruined his chances at the throne! Mitch McConnell, what a joker! See, most recently and on several occasions at the “House” podium wherein this “turncoat” finds an audience still wishing the “Confederacy” was alive and well, Mitch has made fun of Obama, with words to the effect that Obama was still out campaigning. So what does Obama do, look he has a flying palace at his disposal – so he can “campaign”, just to piss McConnell off some more. In fact, when the camera zoomed in at Mitch during one of his crying sessions, you could tell he had lost his best friend and his blood pressure was on “Tilt”. So watch to see Obama take the stage as a comedian, to play more golf, just to piss off the GOP. What does he have too loose? Nothing and can only gain by watching many GOP candidates up for re-election go down for defeat. Said again, this plan placed into effect during Obama's 1st term worked well and will become the game changing plan for a good long time. In fact, it might be pretty fun the next few years as this nations 1st Afro-American Commander-in-Chief trumps every move coming from the disenchanted Congress. Another Lincoln? You betcha! Or in words of Wayne Lapierre: “The only way to stop a bad Congress without a plan is good President with a plan.” Gotcha!

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