Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Big Bang Belch?

So how much money have the U.S. Taxpayers handed over to “Peon Scientists” in efforts to dream up yet another “wet dream”? I am talking the discovery of the “Big Bang Belch”, wherein scientists with nothing better to do then to spend our hard earned taxed income because they are afraid of a real job where they might have to get their hands dirty, well they now believe that the “Big Bang” was followed by a burp! What the fudge? Next thing you know after spending another $billion$ on nothing, maybe the “Burp” will be trumped by the “Fart”, maybe the entire universe was caused by indigestion! So we have pissing contests, burps, farts, ED – a.k.a. as Explosive Diarrhea – sounds like a normal America fast food addict at work! Want to discover the rest of the theory on cheap, just follow a fast-food junkie - but from a distance! No, that isn't pigeon waste, it is “Peon” waste! Hey, why not just turn your TV to the discovery channel, for the same damn crap, it's called the FOX news' network. With Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, still the ghost of the “Bubonic Plague” Glenn Beck, it is “Peon” science at its best in the making, live and in color with true definition sound effects.

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