Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The National Rifle Association “Leadership Team” offers the following comments:

I choose to own a gun because I am a good mother.” - Maria Hell

A sweeping gun ban aren't just a possibility in a second Obama term. They're a near certainty.” - Wayne LaPierre

Well, my friends, it looks like we had better put in a good supply of powder and lead.” - Jeff Printz

If a guy can't rape his wife, who's he gonna rape?” - Wayne Anthony Ross

Sarah Brady[the wife of Jim Brady, who was shot and gravely injured in an assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan] is a dirty whore.” - Ted Nugent

There wouldn't be an issue with domestic violence if women would learn to keep their mouth shut.” - Wayne Anthony Ross

Over my dead body will I let the current regime, the Obama administration, continue in their abuse of power.” - Ted Nugent

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