Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Christmas Wish List

Here is MY Christmas list short and sweet;

Please, will somebody “crap” on Eric Cantor.

And get this tidbit from the Sargent of Arms: The preferred Christmas gift wanted by members of Congress was not the Olde Brooklyn Lantern, but a blind man's “White” cane, as they cannot see their way forward with any light so provided and have proven to US they are all “blind” or “visually impaired” upon their sworn duties to protect the U.S. Constitution, so maybe the cane finds something of value this misfit gang of ignoramus.

Wait. I do have another Christmas list wish. Please, will the Sargeant at Arms lock the doors of Congress before the ignoramuses return from the holiday break, before the swearing in of the 113th scheduled for January 3rd? Think of the money we would save, just in heating costs for a do nothing cast of do nothingers.

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