Saturday, December 22, 2012

Don't Eat That Salmon!

That salmon you purchased in the latter of 2010, or any salmon processed at the “Campus” in downtown Anchorage around that time still in your possession, you may consider downing a protective face mask and surgical gloves to secure it away in seal-tight baggies and asking for a refund! And don't throw it away in the dump, as that is illegal and you could find yourself facing John Law! So, get a refund and let the fish processor worry about the “proper” disposal. See, if that stuff was processed at the “Campus” in downtown Anchorage, well that salt like lick on the fish flesh may be something else, like “friable asbestos”. The company that runs the “Campus” was just fined, by the U.S. District Court, as the company management knew buildings used to process salmon and other fish contained dangerous levels of asbestos, but ordered workers to demolish such structures for renovation in March 2010. “Prosecutors say the work put friable chrysotile asbestos - the most common variety - into the air”. Sure its the most common, and one of the most scary because it is well known to promote mesothelioma. Experts in the field will tell you this, that it only takes a single fiber to cause the “meso”. Yes, a single loose fiber falling on the smoked salmon or lox then consumed, it could cause you to end up with one of those breathing bottles and fending for your life as some attorney tries to nail down where that “fiber” came from in the who's to blame game? According to one prominent law group well versed in asbestos litigation, “...ninety percent or more of the illnesses and deaths associated with asbestos exposure have been brought on by chrysotile asbestos fibers.” We are fortunate to some extent in Alaska, as the existing Workmen's Compensation guidelines allows a claim for the “meso” to be not barred by any statute of limitations. Remember, this dreaded disease takes time to show its ugly face. But is you were just trying to enjoy a piece of comfort, good luck trying to defend the fact that it was somebody else's disregard that sent you to an early death bed! So, don't eat that stuff that may have been subject to asbestos contamination, as this stuff when disturbed, it can get into clothing, carried into air intakes, you name it. And it was from a demolition, which finds all kinds of out-of-control battering! If that salmon was any where near close this operation, even the processing equipment if not de-contaminated following this disregard to proper disposal, you may be at RISK! It is that simple. Mind you, the management knew about it and demanded workers to continue on. WHY? Look, I just went through an asbestos abatement process, covered by my home-owner's insurance. I was faced with some roof leaks following trees falling during the “Big Anchorage Bowl Blow”, which punctured then stained a small portion of the ceiling. But it was that pop-corn ceiling, the kind that has asbestos sparkles embedded for a reflective effect. It is somewhat safe because it is not friable and being higher up, it remains for the most part undisturbed. But industrialists and insurance agents will not let workers get involved with any kind of re-work wherein there exists a possibility of contamination – due to concerns of liability! So it required a careful and expensive abatement process to repair the damage, $17k, as my entire house was turned into a protective cocoon. Yes, it looked like a scene from Mars, those guys in protective suits, air sampling, three days of abatement work for a small house – after that, a $5 dollar can of paint fixed it up. It was costly, not the paint from Home Depot, but getting rid of the asbestos according to LAW. So the reason, look management is stupid at times when it comes to the bottom-line. MONEY said contaminate downtown Anchorage! Remember, all it takes is a single fiber entering the wrong human orifice – then we must wait as that seed of destruction takes years to develop into a cancer causing tumor. So if you were around downtown in March of 2010, when this stuff was in the air, it may be too late. Yes, that seed may have already been planted and it is just a matter of time before you start choking up blood, yellow matter custard - yuck. Hail to the worker that blew the whistle on this criminal activity and not only stopped it, it is now of record. Sad thing, the fine and probation is nothing as I am sure this venture is a multi-million dollar extravaganza controlled from a mansion in the lower-48 – so the management is laughing all the way to the bank and really doesn't give a rat's ass about anybody's health and welfare and concerned only about their own wealth! Merry Christmas IDIOT! It is tough for justice and the judgment, as no real harm can be proved just yet, with evidence that wayward friable asbestos fibers has harmed anyone - it takes a whole lot of time for this disease to develop. But if you think you may have inhaled a fiber from this activity, you may be in time able to go after the estate, just remember the case number from the EPA. So what is this “friable” thing anyway? If you have ever been around friable asbestos, look out! And a good example of how it reacts to a disturbance, it is like a mature puff-ball mushroom, with all those spores going airborne from the slightest of pokes, thousands of teensy-weensy little fibers suddenly airborne and not intimidated by the slightest of an inlet breeze, to go every which way loose. That's what happens when once good asbestos has diminished in character and becomes disturbed by idiots thinking they can get away with it. Jail time should have been the ticket herein, but like already mentioned, trying to prove to a jury that there could be future damage, it is tough. The system does not work that way. What harm “now” skews the verdict making it tough for a righteous penalty. Fortunate thing, this outfit was caught red-handed and the prosecution has warned that asbestos fibers did enter the Anchorage breathing air, which gives you a one-up for future litigation. So if you were in and around downtown Anchorage, around 5th Avenue or may have consumed any product that may have been contaminated during this demolition experiment over at the “Campus”, jot that down in your diary, and for heavens sake - Boycott?

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