Thursday, December 20, 2012

Destructive Wealth

OK, I apologize for my previous shots aimed at the NRA, for their attempted roll in gang land style massacres during the Obama reign. But I still don't apologize for taking shots at Alaska's NRA spokesperson Wayne Anthony Ross – a.k.a. WAR, for his comments on rape: “If a guy can't rape his wife, who's he gonna rape”? Or how about his other pathetic comment: “There wouldn't be an issue with domestic violence if women would learn to keep their mouth shut.” Just ask any Alaskan Native elder about this crazed waste of words and learn how “rape” and “domestic violence” has ruined their culture! It is assholes like WAR that turn away future members this organization, whose main mandate was supposed to focus on hunters' rights - not explosive diarrhea of the mouth! Anyway and forward looking, the Sandy Hook massacre should be that sign we have been warning ourselves about for some time by now, that WEALTH has become a destructive force here in America. Don't blame the guns. Don't blame the NRA membership that enjoys hunters' rights. Don't blame Obama, nor the GOP voters nor the other side of the isle voters. Don't blame the teachers for taking up the discipline of education and failing to take on a second major, in the self-defense category. Don't blame Adam Lanza, the assassin. Don't blame a failed Congress... Take that back, all blame, total blame this atrocity rests in Congress and that body alone. Not for failing to heed the warning of a close encounter bow shot dictating a mandate for stricter “gun control”, but failing to make public law that keeps America the Beautiful! See, the lunatic punk that had access to mom's arsenal, he may have been sick in the head, but his parents had all the resources available to help his case but chose abandonment. Yes, abandonment! It was a broken family, according to what has been made available the news media. But with the little information thus far released, it isn't hard to paint a meaningful and troubled picture of what was going on in this kid's head full of anger. Wealth brings with it preferential seclusion, and that may be what caused the kid to explode. So please read on, as it is wealth alone that has allowed this killing spree. When the devastating news of the massacre in Connecticut hit hot-off-the-press, I was truly pissed at the NRA, for being so stubborn that factions denial and spending habits to deny any gun law restrictions, even for guns that could harbor grenade launchers. So who is to blame in my opinion, once again all fingers point to a failed Congress – for abandoning America with respect to fair taxation. The 1% verses the rest of us was front and center this last election, which let the cat out of the bag that over the Don Con Young years, Congress has been very generous to those with wealth over those that keep this country moving forward – the working class. It is no longer a fair and equitable society here in the Homeland, as from sea to shining sea, we see how wealth is destroying everything. It has caused the separation between a common cause. Now the murderer's dad was the chief “TAX” accountant for a multi-billion dollar conglomerate called General Electric Energy. This is the outfit that builds power plants, jet engines, nuclear submarines, you name it. And a very profitable corporation even when the United States' economy was tanking, as this business is also involved in defense contracts – very lucrative type contracts when one considers how many wars the U.S. is still involved with abroad. A company that has steered away from paying its fair share of corporate taxes – like so many America corporations. Matter of fact, some believe that GE pays little or no taxes on corporate income in the $billions$ and at the same time through creative accounting, most likely dreamed up by the team that “dad” supervised, comes up with whittled-out loopholes and may even receive a refund from the U.S. Treasury! Now when a company like GE finds room for a “refund”, it ain't like what you and I deserve, we are talking a refund in the $millions$. The company wins big time and if a person's salary is tied to a “rip off” - those that think it is alright to rip off Uncle Sam for a self deserved profit - we see how this type of behavior sets the seed for destruction. Look, we want to be fair, we want to pay our way, but when the wealthy demand less for more, we have come to dire straits the American way of life – they win, we lose! Maybe the kid was smart, maybe he saw through dad, as bragging privileges are something we get so wound up in - especially with that dad & son thing. Dad wants to be successful in his offspring's eyes and wealth finds that stamp of approval – case in point the growing number of “estate babies” that will never ever have to work a single day at a meaningful job! Sad, that so many today will never ever have to learn the true American way of life – it's tough, but that is what makes us so tough! So maybe on weekends when all was rosy with the Lanza family relationship, maybe over grilled hot dogs dad would brag about how he saved his company a bunch of loot in the category of Federal Taxation. Maybe this bothered little Adam. Maybe he was, before going ballistic, a true patriot and saw corruption in his father's ways and means. Look, our first job responsibilities are to protect our country – what are you laughing at? And mom, well besides being known as a survivalist which points in the direction of a Tea-Party “hate” government mentality, well little Adam was probably on the brink. Imagine that, being raised by a dad that maintained pride in ripping off the system and a mom that hated the system, like parents with a single goal – treason. Imagine again, using this message to foster contempt upon the Constitution - it may not have been through direct family time educational exchanges, but subliminal messaging takes a toll on the subject. And mom was an investor on Wall Street, another corrupt scene. Has your portfolio recovered? Look, all that money still missing by the middle class investing – it wasn't torched! When you add together the parents backgrounds, Wall Street and corporate taxation scams, it speaks for itself. Then there was a divorce, wherein the old lady received a $2-million dollar mansion, alimony in the tune of $300k a year – that's 3x what I take home and have been at it for 30-years by now – along with an agreement that dad would pay for Adam's college education. This story is reeling with wealth! You realize how much a Yale education costs these days? Hey dad, don't have to worry about that anymore. So dad must have made a boatload of loot, in his “TAX” accountant job at GE! This is the millionaires' club at work, that 1% faction that wants less taxes on their income and lobbies for more and more loopholes – for what? And when the Misses was down and out, she could gallivant off to that queen's palace in New Hampshire, the OMNI Resort – which boasts a New Year's Eve celebration for a measly $400 bucks a night! What's in your wallet. This is filthy money at work. When a CEO gets a bonus for attracting ways to rip off Uncle Sam, they get what they deserve, their own destructive ways thrown in their faces. Bottom-line, this filthy wealth comes about by individuals that believe that road to Richy Rich riches, that climb to become a member of the 1%, that it is OK to rip off anybody that gets in your way. Maybe sonny boy was compassionate, and with Glock and Bushmaster as his rich mommy's only companion, well for some of us their anit' no compassion from a barrel that remains cold steel with a single worth! Bottom-line again, when we look back through the Congressional roll call and research what has happened to fairness, we see that we hard workers have been blinded by – treason! So if anybody out there is looking for a signal word that speaks as to what happened down in Newtown, well it is called treason. And if that is not enough and you are looking for the culprit, well that can be found at the House on the Hill. This massacre has little or nothing too do with “gun control” as it is unrestricted wealth that lights the fuse of destruction, filthy wealth that brings us to a point in time wherein other nations are asking, WHY? We understand the answer all too well today. Case closed!

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