Friday, November 30, 2012

Don “Nincompoop” Young

“My Fellow Alaskans”, please hear me out this beg for forgiveness as I have over the years cast a vote for a genuine and bonafide nincompoop, likewise many in the same boat – therefore forgiveness is warranted and granted all around. So next time around and coming soon to a voting booth near you, please vote for anybody other then Don Young! Even if a write in due no other choice your political ideals, like Phineas J. Whoopee or Tennessee Tuxedo or even a Chumley, as with Mr. Young a ”change” must occur. See, Mr. Young may be once again that candidate of choice due his antagonistic behavior and the fact he believes in building many “bridges to nowhere” and adamant about continued “Big Government” bounties on the capture of “rabid skunks” - a.k.a. Nancy Pelosi. We all have come to realize that those “bridges” are intended never to see even foot traffic and just his ways and means to robust the local jobs' market – and jobs means the incumbananacy rules. And like he has been heard saying time and time again from underneath the coconut grove tree on fairway #18, “who cares if there are no roads at the other side of that steel beam eyesore”! But there exists a single reason now more then ever to exercise that voting right on somebody we can trust. And with due respect, upon a single all important issue needing your HELP. No it is NOT the Te-Lu Transportation bill sponsored by Young and dubbed the most expensive and wasteful highways' appropriation bill ever at issue. Indeed that “bill” never delivered anything really worthwhile to shore up our aging highways or bridges in disrepair and black-top so wilted away from sea to shining sea, as this bill proved to be what the critics said it would amount to – just more wasteful spending not accomplishing anything close to what it was supposed to render, just spending legislation akin to building “Bridges to Nowhere”. OK, Coconut Grove did get a very expensive highway exit re-make from Don's pork handout, and in return Don....! And No it is NOT the fact that Mr. Young has supported “All” of the U.S. Taxpayers' funded failed projects here in Alaska, which today totals 169 at last count, including the failed “wood chip” facility and MIA MV Susitna, once again akin to “Bridges to Nowhere”. And it is NOT at issue the fact that Don infiltrated the offices of junior representatives with his loaded guns and the excuse he was “hunting for those rabid skunks” - a.k.a. Nancy Pelosi - when the Alaska Railroad was found in contempt of Congress. Yes, through contempt upon the U.S. Taxpayers when the rail bosses fraudulently listed all of its Alaskan track miles as a “commuter service”, wherein Don changed the language of law allowing this “rape” just so the rail could continue to “rape” the U.S. Taxpayers for another 2-years - continuing the ”Pie-eyed Piper's” decree in a “with us or against us” follow-me dance across that “Bridge to....And it is NOT the fact that Don was totally against the Obama Stimulus loot, not to mention that Alaska once again reigned the superior, on a per-capita basis taking in over $1800 per individual citizen when the average elsewhere was more in tune to $800 per household head. The main reason Alaskans with any sense of an IQ should cast a vote towards decency and away from corrupt politics in efforts to NOT afford Young more time, it is the single fact that for some way too many years by now Young has OK'd taxpayer money - your hard earned income confiscated - to reform the “Tax Code”! Yes $billions$ has been spent as a political tool wherein “We the People” think somewhere in that House of War-Lords there exists someone who cares about the “Code” and how it is totally out of tune for the middle class. See, Young knows it is an outdated “code” that bears semblance to a candy counter missing the store clerk and a bunch of kids on summer vacation having nothing better to do then you know what! So our hard earned money is spent to study this “Code”, and the only thing that has been accomplished is the fact that more loopholes for the wealthy in the form of a “Secret Code” finds merit. It is like this with Young's affiliation with the “Tax Code” reform. The dam is leaking so we fund a study on how to fix the leak and are not really adamant or focused on the issue at hand, for a reason finding definition under the auspices of nepotism, as somebody is receiving “free water” and that most likely involves a rancher in disguise of a CEO from a multi-billion dollar scam limited liability firm – an American corporation getting away with “zero” taxable income. In the meantime the efforts to shore up the leak, it weakens another breach, but we continue to concentrate on the original leak, not realizing that the entire exercise is indeed that “pointless exercise in futility” and based on the fact that the “new” leaks are loopholes and we all know who Don shares that back pocket with? It is “pacifying” rhetoric, as we think the money spent to upgrade us to 1st class has merit. Sorry, not this time around! We are still on that upgrade “waiting list”. So no matter what Don has done over the years with respect to the “bringing home the bacon” fixation, Don has been instrumental in letter you SUFFER the consequences of an antiquated system of merit, yes suffer unless you are on the receiving end – a.k.a. wealthy one - and this is an action unbecoming a U.S. Representative. Ask Don one simpleton question, what has all that “Code” reform loot proven? He knows the answer, as loopholes allowed the wealthy can only bring riches to his “War-Chest”. That's what it is all about nowadays on the beltway, pacify the constituents with a few jobs, make a killing for the lobbyist and Don gets re-elected. See, honesty in politics is “Not the Best Policy”. That is Don's legacy, smiling at us when that smile is truly Don's way of screwing us inside out. If for no other reason, look at Don's record on the “Tax Code” reform and how many loopholes for the corporate giants and the wealthy has advanced forward since he has been vacant Fort Yukon for that house on the Hill. It hasn't helped me, and in fact it has hurt America to the brink of a weakened economy. See, America is a strong nation, so it takes time too take us down. Young's actions or inactions upon legislating a “Tax Code” that is “For the People”, it has hurt this country almost to the point of a no return doomsday scenario. So it is time to have doers, not soothers in D.C. As this is the time to vote Young to retirement and get some new blood that finds truly a representative meaning for the working class and if money is spent once again to fix that leaking dam - the “Tax Code” - and we see some of those loopholes damed up, then such will allow the water level to rise, which would be good for the U.S. Treasury. Imagine, a surplus once again based not on you or I working harder, just fix the damn leaks! Don has failed to fix what is well known, due his close affiliation to crooks and his approximation to K Street. Don had the chance but knew better to NOT make the Treasury secure against the marauders, those K Street bandits he become affiliated with after all those years on the Hill. Sure it is an addiction, wherein he gets hooked and we get crooked. Don, please Go AWAY! In fact, maybe as a retirement gift Alaskans that once trusted your judgment can take up a collection to buy you a van so you can ride the wicked roads and play out a “Where's Waldo”, to see if you can find anything worthwhile the Te-Lu Bill. And maybe in your travels, just maybe you could be on the lookout for the MV Susitna. See, you do have a future, what every senator and congresswoman should be required to perform, hit the roads to see what they have accomplished. Please report back to those that made you so, the voters that were tricked into believing there exists a Congress that gives a rat's ass. And Don, just imagine the fun you could have being a full-time bounty hunter, for that ultimate “Rabid Skunk” you have been after all these years. So please Alaskans with a conscious for a future without corruption, vote not your constipation but through your conscious and vote Don out, and then maybe we will find decency returned to the representative branch. What's that, he won the General Election, by garnishing “All” the votes. Not mine mind you, as I took the Willie Nelson approach this time around. See, we give him that gold plated knife to stab us once again. Alaskans, you are pathetic in your political choice, and it will come back to haunt you, always has and always will. Here it is in a nutshell. Going back to the Alaska Railroad as an example of how and why we cannot trust Don. The bosses of the rail should have been arrested and sent to jail, for ripping off the U.S. Taxpayers. It was a fraudulent attempt to rob the Treasury, so a big fat salary and bonus could be enjoyed, at our expense mind you! And when it was about to come to a screeching halt, Don came to the rescue, by changing a law that would have meant jail time for some and not stopping there, by changing the wording so the abuse could continue on. It is “Grand Theft Larceny” at its best. It is the “Buddy” system gone bananas. And NOT to your benefit, but for his buddies, all at our expense. Is this the kind of monster you see fit to represent you in Washington? What a joke , and that joke is on you! Hey they are robbing us, it's OK cause Don said it was OK as the Pie-eyed Piper reigns for how many more years? Watch your back, as he is back and that tune, it sounds familiar. Teach your children well, I doubt it here in the “Snake Land”...... those two legged snakes I am talking about, creepy crawlers on the loose. Thank you Willie, for teaching this child well! What's that, how many bags of untallied votes from the General Election were found in a crawl space at a building at the corner of 6th & G in downtown Anchorage? Makes sence, as I didn't believe “All the people could be fooled all of the time”, by casting another vote of confidnce to Don! Maybe there is hope.

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