Friday, September 21, 2012

Mitt's 47%

Who said OK? While the U.S. Congress plays hooky once again, by taking 7-weeks of paid vacation under what is defined as a “District Work Period” - a.k.a “gridlock so let's go home” - the crooks continue to trash the U.S. Treasury. How many “vacations” does one need? I can see taking time off for “good behavior”, but taking off time with so much unfinished business, it is a mind-boggling proposition. How about detention instead! Can we refuse to pay these derelicts? After the luxury of taking the entire month of August away from the daily congressional duties, which seems to be nothing accomplished except a continuation of disenfranchising the America spirit – “No Taxation without Representation”, the “Do Nothing 112th” decides to give up. Not only will the 112th go down as the stinkiest and stingiest of all time, it will be of record the Congress that was AWOL above and beyond. Doesn't this fall under “cruel and unusual” treatment? It is cruel, but I guess not entirely “unusual” how representation has become but a pawn for the lobby. Why the Sergeant-at-Arms lets this continue on, he must be getting kickbacks. And with this extended reach vacation, it is time that could have been utilized to pursue the ever increasing rip-off upon the Medicare system by the medical billing lobby. MD's no longer bill the patients, especially if elderly, as it has become a premeditated prefabricated racket influenced by corrupt organizations. Sound familiar, yes it's called RICO. My dad gets billed for things that never happened, as with many similarly situated with respect to medical coverage, he is a victim of what is called “upcoding” - it works and makes $billions$ for the crooks. So with 7-weeks off, when the entire Congress could be pursuing this “upcoding” crime, the U.S Treasury will feel a loss estimated upwards $150-Million bucks - of hard earned taxpayers' loot appropriated through billing out for medical procedures that never happened. See, it is very easy to pull the wool upon the elderly, especially those suffering from memory impairment. The crooks realize they can get away with it, as in this case crime does indeed pay! Even though the G-men have laws against such “Fraud”, the crime “fine” accommodates this proliferate pilferage. Basically, it pays to cheat the system. And we as a nation united are concerned about a growing deficit? How about growing deceit upon a representative body that seems to be inbred with crookedness. They know all about this “upcoding” scam, yet refuse to act. Political Tidbit: With 260 working days this almost finished 2012, Congress will work 122 days, which is about 47%. Wait just a minute, that number rings a bell! Isn't that what Mitt Romney was talking about, maybe he went mixed-up. Government freeloaders? It defines Congress. Lazy deadbeats? Yes, right on with Congress again. No responsibility? Wow, it is starting to come together! No real job and a victim? What can I say. Maybe Mitt was onto something, as it appears more then not that he may have been talking about the 112th Congress, and supposedly as a representative body, it is “We the People” that get caught up in the spin - we are the accused wherein guilty until proven innocent rests its case. Thanks Mitt, as we now realize what was behind your 47% comments.

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