Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cheap Thrills

All I could hear was laughter! Sick like laughter that is, from face book'm to face book'm. With modern day technology embedded in the palm of our paws, we have at our disposal – almost said an advantage – the ease at the flick of the finger an allowance for a bunch of cheap thrills. As cell-phone “twitter” addicts, we are all guilty as accomplices this passion to be front and center, for a smidgen of time our voice heard. That “send” thing can broadcast our emotions in Pico-Monster-Seconds, forwarded to an audience forever. Unknowingly, we communicate with perverts, stalkers and politicians. This technology allows us to becomes those same stalkers, those perverts and those armchair politicians. Our sentiments and opinions, wherein “think before you speak” is but a suggestion and seemingly a waste of one's time, mind splatter is delivered to millions in a heartbeat! Return to sender? Fat chance upon decency as the chameleon rules – the camouflage protecting identity theft allows this thriller opportunity on the cheap! Such technology still in its infancy and promoting a dereliction in decency more often then not, it allows for people to stray away from their true identities, so anything from the thought process finds – mind splatter! On the face off, why we are so adamant at invading our own privacies, so adamant at destruction upon the 1st Amendment, it is bothersome what this technology allows. And the laughter this morning had nothing to do with the election loonies, but a very sad state of affairs. The on-line daily news follies – a.k.a. Alaska Daily News – provided the mugshot of a guy arrested for a whole bunch of things. It was the most visited on-line for free story of the week, with respect to the reader “commentaries” allowed for through this technology to be heard and not seen. What made this news' clip the talk of the town blog, it came through fallout from the mugshot. Whatever happened to the golden rule, that of the convicted and the accuser? Armchair lawman and armchair legal advisor seems to be the most practiced discipline, everybody is an expert on every possible subject matter! Once the “mugshot” was published, the shooting began, as did the looting. No wire fraud, just plain old intolerable feedback, stuff that the FCC would ban over the airwaves, like obscenities old and new. It was an early morning barrage of cheap thrills, one sided as the accused was in cuffs and could not fend for himself, wherein the judgment of the book through its cover seemed to be the catalyst driving this subject debate – this craze? Even Sarah Palin's weekly dysentery sidebars didn't have the fanfare accountability as did this mugshot opportunity. The political scene was also vacated, an indication of what kind of “hot off the press” news seeds the opportunists – to the frenzy stage. This dude's mugshot was highlighted by a short story of crime, it was the winner above all and this is where the reading public's attention seemed to be focused. Has the political climate been so tarnished beyond respect that we have retreated away to other crimes of interest and passion? Well enough, as crime in the streets of Anchorage has made this once upon a time before Jerry Prevo ”City of Brotherly Love” an unsafe haven for tourists and residents alike. If I were contemplating a visit here, maybe a self-defense class should be a prey-requiste. In fact, how about a body guard? Yes, things were a whole lot better with less crime before Jerry started his dominionism religion. Anyway, there came this history about some guy that had an early morning run in with the cops, bullets invaded tranquility and the guy was apprehended. Something he was probably used to as from his resume, a career criminal. What a life! I am sure he was thinking the consequences this run-in situation, as he was now a candidate for the 3-strikes bracket racket. Life without parole, what a nauseating disposition. I am not trying to defend his actions, but it appears he is just another “throwaway” that has not a chance “forever” upon that pursuit of happiness. And the “mugshot” of this guy is what sent the face-off into high-gear laughter, the expert opinions and criticisms published fast and furious, like an Alaskan wildfire. It was judgment day through the cover by the under-cover! And there is an editorial policing policy with the ADN, a self-reporting abuse policy? I am sure dads and moms and kids found very cruel and unusual things to say to the convict, once the tears from laughter subsided. I found the mugshots shocking, indicative of the sick society that has overshadowed “Tranquility Base”, a society I have been engaged in for some 60-years so far - is this what we salute as a legacy? When one finds interest this criminal's background, it is by no stretch of the imagination a laughing matter. Yes interest, as why would somebody enjoy the crime to deface another's well-being? Sure the convict is branded such for committing crimes, so are those that engaged in ridicule upon a person that has been dealt a blow. And sure 1st impressions are important, and if every picture tells a story, no doubt it was a sad one with this individual. All he finds an interest upon is a life of crime, except when incarcerated. But what occurs in the jails these days, we have failed miserably our respect for others. With due respect, I feel sorry for the guy. Has this guy had a fair chance in life? Some will say we all make our own bed. So true, but in this day and age we all need a helping hand along the way. Here is my opinion, those with time and intelligence for something beyond the “cheap thrills”. This guy is the epitome of a planned exodus. He is a by-product of a thriving business, as the present day prison system requires a certain failure rate. There are beds too be filled. It is all preplanned, by the investors that have taken advantage the modern day prison system on overload. Crime happens, based on the virtue that if there exists a law on the books, someone will break it. Remember, in the beginning there was supposed to be a system wherein criminals learned from their mistakes, do the time, then be able to enjoy freedom once again. Branded with the mindset that jail time is not worth the crime. It can work, as common sense rules. In order to succeed, criminals need our help, not our mockery and sentiment “throw away the key”! That is not supposed to be the way the penal system works. But investors bent on the worthiness of “privatization” saw a pot-of-gold with a gold vein that keeps on giving, if and only if the prison mate population remains at its maximum. If we had a penal system that worked, wherein inmates doing time used that time to repent to prosper and not captured for failure in a gang ridden detention center, there is more then enough proof that the prison populations would start to decrease. This is what a penal system is all about – if successful. But should the present day or future inmate population decrease due a system that works upon its intent, well low and behold, so would the take-home profits decrease. Not good for the investment return. Look, when an investor takes your money to build a private institute with bars, that return-on-investment wants for the life of the investment to make an income. So there is an intent, an evil mindset to promote the prison life away from decency towards that of “with us or against us”. Gangs in prison, it causes many of those incarcerated for petty crimes to find more time on their hands, brewing the “repeat” sydrome as they learn nothing else, but a life of crime even behind bars. It is so pathetic to what the authorities allow today in the prisons. And it's an easily sold proposition, as many believe that prisoners should have no rights. Repeat offenders are the saving grace for many “privatized” portfolios. Repat offenders are what the existing prison system graduates. It is a numbers game, and has nothing to do with changing attitudes. A system that works upon its original intent, like already mentioned doesn't work for the bottom-line. I would bet that many 401 plans today have a prison population making that investment work. So take a petty theft, give him some time. Matter of fact, when arrested without the possibility of a bail, just send him to prison before a trial as we are no longer innocent until proven guilty, and that time in jail will be credited should the prosecutor prevail. But that time behind bars, to survive, it breeds a new generation of criminals. Once again, teach them self-destruction and the beds will be kept warm by the repeats. It is an ugly story unfolding to what has happened to the criminal justice system – wherein “injustice” rings that liberty bell, it's cracked! But we are missing the point. The cost to incarcerate is very high. Repeats are an even costlier proposition. The more time behind bars, the more we pay. We pay for it, and I would bet that if one did his homework instead of wasting time on “twitter”, that return you see is not keeping up the pace. Payment for “privatization” comes from taxation. That property tax you pay for safe streets, it continues to escalate, as the laws through lobbying efforts are forcing the prison systems to grow and at the same time fail. The penal system of today is designed to promote a life of crime easy, the indoctrination behind bars even for the softest of crimes makes it easy for innocence to get caught up in the noose. “Privatization” is costing us more, as many are being shorted an opportunity to right their wrongs. Like already mentioned, a controlled destiny. And this is what comes about through “privatization”. It realizes not a bright future with respect to human decency as the inhumane treatment reigns, the latter with a focused intent towards the profit watch. “Privatization” seems to follow the definition of RICO – Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act. It is criminal activity on its face upon what is allowed to thrive, but the only incarceration for the genuine perpetrators seems to be behind doors in the board rooms, members drinking champaign and feasting on caviar. It is a sick mentality when as a bonafide society we have come to be this greedy, wherein we rely on a controlled prison population, a controlled destiny without the chance of reforming to boost up our retirement portfolios. Alaska, especially in Anchorage, it used to be safe place to raise a family. That is when we had a police force that monitored gang activity, monitored the drug movements and took action to send the criminals south. But when dirty politics went involved in the prisons, all of a sudden like overnight the crime statistics went crazy. Why? Profiteering hoodlums in suits and armed with protection from powerful lawyers saw the $$$ possibilities with increasing crime – so the police were the ones cuffed! This state has its fair share of scandals upon the prison system, and it continues today. All for profits and nothing to do with human decency. Imagine, making a buck on another's bad luck. It is happening also with the “privatization” of the military infrastructure, and we have bozos that believe “privatization” will help the educational system repent? Think again, like has occurred in the detention system, so will after school detention have a new breath of life under “profit” mungers - no empty seats allowed! In ending, this new technology that allows everyone to “Pulitzer”, remember this simple fact of the matter. Even though we have that right to “voice” without objection, we are also “responsible” for that speech. And the next time you talk to your broker, ask him how many repeats helped make that 5% return. Ask him how much Mr. Criminal pictured below boosted your net worth. Damn, do I owe him something? 

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