Saturday, September 29, 2012

Anchorage Update

Anchorage Update
Anchorage, Alaska - City of Brotherly Hate Update #666:

The following information is designed to provide facts not fiction to those individuals or groups interested in visiting the city of Anchorage. The streets of this north bound Alaskan city are no longer safe. That “Big Wild” slogan you hear about through travel brochures, its trademark means the “Big” possibility that you will become a statistic in America's most crime “Wild” city, so caution is advised. And this “victimization” is not from murderers still on the loose or rapists along the unfriendly coastal bike paths, mind you try riding a bike around this town, but made possible from corrupt politicians. If approached by any “sleazy” individual – well dressed, pin-stripe suit, maybe carrying campaign fliers or coconuts – do not engage in conversation. Do not let them stare you with direct eye contact. If things get uncomfortable, run and yell out the “RABID SKUNK” distress call! This will surely discourage Don Young. Current “Red Alert” areas to stay away from are 6th & G, yes the location of City Hall. If you get arrested for taking a break along any sidewalks, try to bribe the officer by letting it be known that you will hurriedly make a contribution to Jerry Prevo, Mayor Dan's campaign manager. If you need an attorney to defend your constitutional rights, then you have made a grave mistake coming here. Ask for political asylum from any of the other lower 40 states wherein some semblance of “Brotherly Love” finds an ownership and a leadership righteous. In fact, if business brings you to this city, have that “asylum” already approved.

Today marked the unveiling ceremony of Anchorage's Statue of Constitutional Liberty called “The Desecration”. Located at the downtown museum, it resembles the form of a cartoon character, the “Hulk”, in honor of Ted Stevens. The inscription on the statue reads as follows:

"Like the brazen giant of Ted Stevens' fame,
With conquering dreams from land to land;
Here at our brain-washed, city of “Big Wild” hatred
A mighty mayor with a gun, whose bullets
signify imprisonment, and his name
Dan Sullivan. From his iron clad hand
Glows world-wide a warning; his evil eyes command
The bridge to nowhere, his city's fame.
"These are my lands, your stupid people!" cries he
With trembling lips. "Don't tread on me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched I refuse any relief.
Send these, the homeless and those that betray my word,
Away from my religious sidewalks!"

It appears that the rudest, crudest, cruelest and cruddiest of a sitting city mayor can be found not “on a beach in Hawaii”, but right here smack-down in downtown Anchorage. Just yesterday, when the Anchorage Assembly finally did something worthwhile in lifting the “Sidewalk” ban by a 7-4 margin, Mayor Dan strikes it down with a veto. See, as a mayor in poor standing the citizens that have some semblance of a political IQ, this guy behaves as if voter disenfranchising and constitutional right desecration is vogue. What uncounted votes? What rights? But Dan doesn't like “crap” on the sidewalks, as it interferes with “our vibrant city scene”, or words to that effect. Even though Dan admits the veto's intent was not his goal to impede the right of free speech, well Mr. Bigot, maybe the homeless have not any other means to be heard - and it is through “action” that their plight is advertised. Send them running for cover and their situation will be ignored. And the homeless “crap” one sees out and about the sidewalks, it ain't that bad compared to other American cities, many that sport a “Brotherly Love” scene and acceptance upon the fact that this dilemma exists but at the same time provides comfort to calm this problem. So what else is in it for “Bigot Dan”? This veto is designed to only hide the problem, that of the homeless and at the same time targeting a right, the veto's ultimate goal, by outlawing crowds from assembling on any sidewalk that falls under the city's domain. I guess this is Dan's way to show his support for Mitt Romney, as I am sure when the 47% speech enlisted Dan's bigotry mindset, he had to produce something in line with that mentality to show support. Dan's actions or inaction to behave with civility, it is on its face detrimental to “Free Speech”. Don't we pay taxes for that walkway? Isn't it legally “ours” to begin with, to use for exercising our rights? Is this “veto” an eminent domain strong-arm tactic, a strangulation of civility? Look, sitting on a sidewalk, it is part of free speech, especially when we “assemble” peacefully. If a congregation to voice a concern were not “peaceful”, then maybe there could be rules enforced, as such already exists - without a ridiculous “Sidewalk” ban! In Alaska, that right to free speech also carries with it a responsibility clause, that we are responsible for that speech. But it is the assembling by the liberal ranks here in Anchorage that upsets the “jerk” behind the Dan. So the homeless are run into the streets, as are those wanting to protest the fact that this city stinks, when it comes to “Brotherly Love”. Dan's bigotry stems from the fact that this city found a move-on growing to make it more friendlier to all, with an “equality” clause. It was a righteous movement, but went sidetracked and proved that “hatred” is alive and well in this big city within a state that gives out welfare checks to all. Now those in favor this “equality” that would have become “law” and give those so denied a forum for retribution, many in favor congregated as did Jerry's evil congregation. When Jerry's dream of “All Gay & Lesbians Left Behind” started to crumble, that is when Dan went ballistic on citizens using “his” sidewalks. So he found a very convenient excuse to allow disenfranchising our rights of “Free Speech”, just blame it all on the homeless! What a cop-out reasoning. And into the streets it is, our rights have found the gutter and soon we will see more legislative crap from this crap artist wannabe mayor. Truly into the streets of death have our rights been sent! So talk about “killing two birds with one stone”, this is it. Look this guy Dan is an impostor. He should be arrested for impersonating a human, impersonating an American. Alaska is far and removed from the rest of America, so maybe Dan feels “Being American” is out of vogue, engaging in the Scott Walker mentality and living up to Mitt's dream of “47% Left Behind”! Mayor Dan doesn't even fit the definition of a piece of a punk. In fact, this is one guy I would like to challenge in the boxing ring! It is fighting words, as there comes no excuse for his authoritative action, this veto. He should be stunned out of town. And while he is at it, let's layoff the police force, the firefighting troops, let the “people” fend for themselves. It is shameful upon any Alaskan that may have cast a vote with trust in such a stool pigeon – and this guy has aspirations to go after Mark Begich's U.S. Senate seat? Hey voters, remember the insurance fraud episode with Dan. But this has become Alaska's voice, not based on civility, but based on a shameful inheritance, that of the Ted Stevens & Don Young stench. Politics is so damn corrupt here in the “Lost Frontier”, maybe it is time to find a better place to enjoy the humankind side of civilization – as it does exist. Wherein “My Brother's Keeper” is not trumped by inhumane power mungers bent of infiltration by false worshiping a god that condones “Hate”? Just ask Prevo, as “Hate” is his motto! Dear tourists. If contemplating a trip to Alaska, please take note this WARNING: STAY HOME! Especially if you value your life, liberty and that pursuit to happiness, as the “Big Wild” can prove you wrong those birth given rights!

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