Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tattletale Airlines

How does one here in Fairbanks know when August is upon us? What tattletale sign demonstrates that summer is done with and yes, we must get ready for that long and cold winter? No, it’s not the fact that the Tanana Valley Fair has begun and all those “Fryolators” are engaged in aiding and abetting patronage obesity! Nor is it the fact that this morning saw ambient temperatures fall to a single digit above the ice-point, nay the fact that the loss of light amounts to about an hour’s difference, in exchange for darkness. So sorry, it’s not the fact that the Alaska Railroad is applying herbicide along the tracks and that stuff you smell…don’t eat that rosehip! Had enough this test? Well the clear and convincing sign of the times that August has arrived is from clear cut evidence that our representative body seeks a different class act then those they supposedly represent - that’s us. As they continue that practice of banning together with those that “have” a whole lot more along with a continued unprecedented ignorance towards those that “have not” an extra red cent, a genuine disenfranchising reinforces political abandonment to uphold the Constitution. Just more evidence that they give not a damn about our struggles to enjoy what remains upon life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness – the almighty American trinity. They are free-loaders and have no qualms about an approval rating that is making the United States the laughing stock other reputable nations. Hugo Chavez finds a higher regard! And guilty by association a pathetic misfit Congress is especially emphasized by Alaska’s very own delegation. What I am getting at is this. Members of Congress should try to be more like us, live like us, get bothered by the same burdens as we experience day-to-day so that they can know what it’s like out here engaged in the battle of survival and then be more able-bodied to provide genuine representation. Unfortunately, representation today “For the People” is just a facade. Back to the August follies here in Fairbanks. When one takes a ride by 5904 Old Airport Way, the evidence sits there right on the tarmac. Just take a gander over the chain-linker. This is the location of the out-of-sight private hangar of the elite, those that feel the airborne cattle cars manufactured today to make us feel like sardines is not their forte - like said already, the have and the have less desecration movement. When the call came from the 1% faction of “with us or against us” and was waged upon the Congress through a rolled up cocaine snort greenie - genuine $100,000 Woodrow - guess what, a House full of “Turncoats” heeded that warning and jumped ship. Anyway, Sadler’s Business Park & Hangar is the place wherein we see the private jets of the 1% faction, like the Koch Brothers, familiar touchdowns. So come August, when Congress takes the “5th installment” vacation, this time-off lasting an entire month in duration, well that hangar sees many “express” jets arriving -  the kind only the jet set can afford. But with ample seating capacity, there appears to be room enough for guess who? Yes indeed, our preferentially treated “Alaskan delegation” – namely MoanaLisa MurCowpie, Don Young and Mark Begich seem to enjoy this benefit. Their office aides have all the excuses in the world as to why it is OK to act like a leech, I have just as many counter-punches – it’s not by any stretch of the imagination acceptable behavior becoming a U.S. Senator or U.S. Congresswoman – sorry Don! And if not a hitch-hike aboard a corporate “lobby” jet, just hire your own “corporate jet” or call in the Alaska State Troopers, as the chief has a luxury liner that is not used for criminals. How do you think that Discovery camera crew gets around the 49er to collect pathetic footage of Alaska’s alcohol problem, most of the time that camera targeting a particular victim, the Alaskan native population? I guess when Congress signed, sealed and delivered the Native Claims Settlement Act, the right to privacy was forfeited by that seed money to start those “Native Corporations”! Yes, here in Alaska we have Congressional free-loaders at work like flies on shit and most likely the case, all at the taxpayers’ expense. This “private party” on high goes on all year long, all out-of-sight the general public. When MoanaLisa shows to woo her pathetic followers, the 1st question asked should be, “Who’s your daddy?” I mean, “How you get here?” And the excuse that their time is valuable and they must meet with their constituents so the “private sky” is allowed – bullshit. It is a well-known fact that 99% of their time is spent with the “Lobby”. Like said again, be like us if you really care! And of course MoanaLisa and Mark Begich or Don Young could not share the same plane to visit in comfort their constituency, as that would be bipartisan, which was banned with the 112th. Yes, for the last week this hangar has been excited with activity, private “corporate” jets coming and going like there was no tomorrow, and the latter is what a politician reacts too - so does everything in efforts to ward off the possibility that there is a life besides that of a free-loader. But once stuck in that rat race, well we see what it brings – an approval rating equal to a pack of flea-bitten monkeys. So it is a nauseating sight. As they prance off those jets, relaxed form leg-room accommodations that allows over extended reach, no lines for security checks as TSA doesn’t exist for this class, no over excrement bathrooms only to be rushed away in private motorcades to woo the voters with down-right pathetic fibs. Wow, that looks like Don! I got his attention and he’s acting like he was caught in the act. Wow, that FAA “N” number on the fuselage looks like it belongs to the insurance lobby.  Hey Don, whose plane you flying on? He’s pointing to something, like trying to answer my question? Oh man, he’s flicking the finger. Or is it his IQ?


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