Sunday, August 26, 2012

Romney Energy Policy

Wow, Mittfit Romney has unveiled an American “Energy Independence” plan of attack, to help soften the blow of energy costs out-of-limits. Remember, it’s an erection year and his plan comes on the heels of the GOP convention – delayed because of an “itsy bitsy penis weenie” – a.k.a. Paul Ryan. Honestly, to not gain even a single advantage point in the “polls” when nominated to assist commandeering Mitt’s pirate ship, the one taking all of America’s taxable loot to  segregated offshore heavens, well something is off course.  And “Energy” is a big issue for Americans, just like the “birther” issue. With “energy”, it is very simple, as everything revolves around the refinery gate and slate. It is the bellwether of any economy. And in Alaska, especially up and around Fairbanks, the reasons behind the high cost of keeping a 60-watt light bulb glowing is starting to come to make sense, but pure nonsense. See, chemicals utilized at the power plants are “KOSHER” approved, blessed by a rabbi from the Jewish Halakhic clan. And the chain of transfer to keep a product genuine “KOSHER”, it is an expensive proposition, as it must get re-blessed along the way. In this case, twice as much as the run-of-the-mill stuff, so that factor – double dipping – it defines why electricity is so damn expensive – and it’s a necessity! Hey, don’t plug your car in over-night at 50 below, may as well call in sick! And ain’t no rabbi going to save your job! And why else would the Golden Boy of the Valley CEO get run off, had to be something perverted. And worth the risk of a $400,000 dollar a year bonanza? Could be from practical jokes:

But Mittfit has come forward with the ultimate campaign fluff, for energy “Independence”:
Romney's "American Independence Energy Plan"

Now anybody taking issue to “Romney’s Energy Policy”, depicted in this age-old discriminatory gesture, what is your problem? When the “birther” issue is still a bother as it was most recently re-kindled by Romney along the champagne trail, it speaks not only of continued attacks upon Barack Obama, attacks upon a United States President in good standing, attacks upon the Commander-in-Chief, attacks upon a righteous citizen and statesmen, it places the entire Afro-American gene pool into a life of incarceration – it means discrimination is alive and well. Remember the “back of the bus” days? This attack on Obama, it is a subliminal attack on our brothers and sisters of a different ethnic creation. And I thought Donald Trump had expired? This is no joke, if this nation has come to that place and time wherein we think a Mittfit has a “future for all”, then we have all purchased a ticket to ride that “pirate ship”, but for most of us, the added attraction this voyage, we get to walk the plank! I hear Mittfit, “More Don Perignon please”!

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