Sunday, July 8, 2012

That Time of the Month!

Subject: Potential Junk Mail
Dear Customer:
Your e-mail Guard service has detected potentially dangerous mail and saved it for your review in the “Personal Quarantied Message Center”.
Sender: Congresswoman Don Young
Subject: Congresswoman Young's Washington Report
Wow, I guess it's that time of the month – AGAIN! See, this “quarantine” occurs on a regular basis, each month when Don's “Washington Report” tries to infiltrate my computer's privacy, through a “worm hole”. Maybe it's a Congressional “Sticky Fingers” virus used by the House members, as an underground ways and means to get this garbage to the constituent base. And I never signed up for this “crap” from the “Congressman for All Neutered Alaskans”. Which meant for protection I had to sign up for that “E-mail Guard”, as before paying out extra to be on the safe side of things entering the “hole” I went “stupid” and opened that stuff from Don – even though my computer had the nerve to warn me otherwise. Well next thing you know I'm receiving all this “porn” along with invites from locals, older women in Don's age group – over 75! In fact, pictures started to be glued to my flip-flop's memory, with cranky like Sarah Palin wannabes! Yuck, talk about flip-flops. I wonder, does Don get a little extra on the side for this? You know what I am talking about, you rascal! And does he find humor through immunity this attack? Anyway, maybe Don is pissed at me, as I did go out on a limb and publish some embarrassing and incriminating pictures on a local Alaskan “blog”, “twenty-seven eight-by-ten color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining that each one was to be used as evidence”, pictures of the VECO grill, with Don's initials carved into the iron-work! Bill Allen was smart, to finger-print the infamous barbecue with his accomplices, he was good with the rod, being an ex-welder. But please Mr. Congressman, give me a break instead of trying to break into my peace and quiet and right to be let alone. And as a “person of interest” and still under the microscope, you must be a fool to mess around with such things. And I thought that Eric Holder's Justice Department was beginning to go soft on your involvement in that Coconut Grove fantasy scam, why chance it? Yet you thought it was in the best interest of continued and unprecedented GOP back-stabbing to vote him in “Contempt of Congress”, for “Fast & Furious”. Think back, remember Oliver North? I hope the book comes flying your way. Hey, if “only fools rush in”, you were the 1st to cross the Finish Line. So instead of wasting the taxpayers loot, as we will end up defending your ass, why not do something constructive, like getting a “Presidential Pardon” for Pete Rose, so he can enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. One last thing, do you know this babe?

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