Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Probable Cause

It appears that complacency has once again become Americans' favorite pastime. It starts out as subject denial wherein many still believe that “you cannot fight City Hall”, so retreat away any concerns. Then when those that think differently, that it is possible to take down the empire and find no compromise in efforts to make our voice heard, the politicians enable the “wasted time” gridlock clock – the gift from the “Lobby Reform”. The clock ticks by with civility stalled, the outcome finds this “complacency” as we get fed up thinking that they care about how we care – even though we still pay their retirement. What ever happened to the U.S. Congress? Maybe that is the problem, already retired at the Taxpayers' expense, for nothing in return! But I guess with baseball and barbecue season here in the Homeland once again, we are more in tune to the feeding frenzy then to realize that we have been fed nonsense once again upon nonsense again, by the crooks – the politicians are the guilty. And of course with an election year, we cannot always trust the party “snitch” to follow-up upon what is really happening that could and will burden our freedoms if left unintended. It is so true today, more then ever before through history that “you can fool most of the people most of the time” - just ask Scott Walker! Welcome back, welcome back, wow it is truly amazing what filthy money can buy! Sure it buys a politician's soul, and since they have not a heart to begin with - get the drift as too what “We the People” are up against? But when corrupt money can influence the outcome of an election, especially a re-call election, then this nation has hit bottom – the U.S.S. Titanic is alive and well and on a crash course with the enemy - ourselves! Too bad negative bonus points, based on outside monetary influence, too bad it couldn't be used as a dis-qualifier in any and all “voting” campaigns. Even though there is a not a whole lot of blame to go around now that “money controls”, the Supreme Court takes the cake in Citizens United, for defacing the Lincoln Memorial. I have these nightmares wherein Justice Scalia is running around Lincoln's shrine, in a thong and yielding a can of spray-paint - on a graffiti high. See, Citizen's United was indeed the litmus test, that when given the chance, the Democrats blow it. The guy chosen to defend against Walker's union busting Koch sucker dynasty was a looser. It is like a major league baseball team in the pennant race, you made it this far and the series is tied with the final game set to begin, and the pitching coach puts the worst ERA pitcher out at the mound. What can one expect, except.... The “snitch” you ask? With the Right Wing, the FOX. With the Left Testicle Missing party, MSNBC. As many of us in the know paid undivided attention to what was going down in Wisconsin, well we were blinded by the Right! June will go down in history as the day the “Constitution Died”. So “Bye, bye Miss American high”! And we can blame the United States Supreme Court, for actions unbecoming our civil liberties. Sad fact of the matter, this most recent ruling from the high Court will find fallout on all walks of life. But like most rulings that come in the form of an “opinion”, because this Court is afraid to mandate remedies accept through “speculation” only, this latest “opinion” was designed to target a certain group, a certain following. I am willing to bet that it is the “Left” that will early on see the side effects of this high Court's “opinion”. So here we go, to define this “complacency”. In June, the high Court of Scalia rendered a decision in the case on record titled Reichle v. Howards. This was the case wherein a Mr. Steven Howards was arrested by secret service agents on duty to protect Dick Cheney at a Haliburton Halloween contest, where Dick was competing for the honorary title of most untrustworthy humanoid monster without a heart. Having shot people in the face was a prerequisite as a contestant. See, Mr. Howards thought Dick was having heart palpitations, as Dick's mouth was doing that weird thing again, with the drool – a.k.a. the “Yellow Cake Lie” drawl and twitch. In actuality, Mr. Howards was protesting to Mr. Cheney, when agent Reichle overheard Howards mutter something to the effect of “how many baby's will Dick kill today”. And when Dick went unconscious and aloof, as he has not a conscious either, well Howards responded to the situation at hand and supposedly shoved Cheney – performing a best placed effort ERT heart attack fibrillation – and was thus arrested. No “Good Samaritan” immunity allowed! Now Howards sued the secret service, saying his Constitutional rights were violated, as he was only exercising his free speech against the Bush dysentery dynasty wars. Howards lost out his case before the supremes, based on the speculative opinion of “We conclude that, at the time of Howards' arrest, it was not clearly established that an arrest supported by probable cause could violate the First Amendment.” The verdict means the arrest stands, based on “probable cause”, even if it was an exercise in free speech. So what is this “probable cause”, what does it entitle an individual with respect to being arrested, or being free to exercise a right? According to the “in a nutshell law” guide, “Probable Cause - a reasonable amount of suspicion.” Even hearsay can supply probable cause if it comes from a reliable source or supported by other evidence, according to the Aquilar-Spinelli test. Arrested for “Hearsay”? This high Court ruling allows for more of the same “profiling”, it allows for yet another “shameful” like and wide open form of abuse. It welcomes abuse, especially with respect to this “opinion” so lame. So what, Mr. Complacency may say! Well low and behold, as soon after this early June case before the Court, wherein this new “opinion” went into effect, as even though the high Court only renders an “opinion”, it become law - so it went tested. Low and behold, as a “black” mom was arrested using this “probable cause” theory against her 1st Amendment “Right”. Sure enough, the local police in attendance a high school graduation down South Carolina, well the “white-man” lawman thought there was probable cause, from Mrs. Shannon Cooper exercising her thought to be right to free speech, by celebrating her daughter's graduation ceremony by cheering loudly! Her response when cuffed, "It all seems like a bad dream, a nightmare of what was to be one of the happiest days of our lives. I cheered for my baby and I got the cuffs. I am a proud mom," said Cooper, a beautician from Florence. "And as soon as they said Christin, I stood up, started praising, woohooing and cheering it up for my baby. I was like 'Go baby! You did it'" Now Florence Police Chief Anson Shells said people attending the ceremony had been warned to “behave during commencement ceremonies. If they failed to do so, they would be escorted out", he said. Cooper was charged with disorderly conduct and booked in Florence County Detention Center, where she stayed for several hours until posting a $225 bond. Two others were arrested during the commencement service. “They were disruptive enough that officers felt they had to be removed and that they had violated the law”, Shells said. So the 1st Amendment has been targeted, not directly, but it now finds some semblance of control that can be executed by the police, through this “probable cause” thing – with hearsay an element of surprise to incarceration. And an arrest comes not by actions of violence, or inebriation, but by voicing ones “opinion”, which includes acts of celebration! Sad, that this is the outcome, with this precedent set stuff, from an opinion by a minority with other intentions, as the high Court has become a political “whore” for the “split” - the GOP v. Dems. And had not Dick been a Dick while in office, under the Bush administration, this never would have happened and the 1st would have remained the most powerful weapon we have here in this America, at our disposal to be heard. But Dick doesn't care, as he wines and dines in the class that believes freedom is not free and must be purchased, with the highest bidder the winner. The high Court, why should they care, as they seem to have taken on an Eric Cantor rage. So I ask, what is in it for us, the proletariat class, the hard working salt of the earth race that keeps this country going? Isn't it time for a “GENERAL STRIKE”. Just to prove to ourselves and the 1% faction that we still have the power of the “PEOPLE”, to be “HEARD” and not ignored!

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