Friday, July 6, 2012

House Arrest

I am growing suspicious and at the same time somewhat scared, each and every day passing since the Supreme Court found that Obama's Health Care Act passed the muster with respect to its Constitutionality, as the silence from the neo-conservative wing following the high Court's ruling is bothersome. Silence is not this factions “Modus Operandi”! Even though the “spot-lighters” like Limbaugh have not much good to say upon the high Court's opinion, these blow-hard hot-air puppets have not the inside scoop to what may be brewing “underground” with respect to crusades against Obama and his unprecedented win before the supremes. From the Court on high, “Equal Justice Under Law” means a win for the “People”. Yet, there appears to be many disgraced this outcome, so the silence prevails and casts a doubt, the fallout could be devastating. And such silence is something to contend with as a grave concern, as it doesn't fit the past, doesn't fit the PNAC demand mandate. PNAC – Project for the New American Century – now operates under the disguise of the American Enterprise Institute, still the same “club” of wealth lord war whores, still trying to take over the world through a mission statement that “promotes Global American Leadership”. See, when the “Yellow Cake” take us to war lie surfaced, it sent many PNAC followers and believers into hiding, into backyard bomb shelters, due the fact they could have been listed as an accomplice, to war crime acts targeting Bush and Cheney. Realize that many Bush administration appointees cannot visit a foreign country, including George and Dick, as they could be arrested for such crimes, and the U.S. could not come to their rescue. Why should we? So with such threats on the horizon, the PNAC merged with the “Institute” - same war lord mandate. Now AEI was handsomely awarded “think tank” funding under the Bush administration and receives megabucks from EXXON, in efforts to eradicate the hype and scientific database on “Global Warming”. It is a “mind game” institute. And this entity, it also engages in defense contracting opportunities, as war has become a ways and means to bully the U.S. Treasury. Basically, well funded is the “Institute” and its plan of destruction. PNAC started its world takeover movement during the Clinton administration. But Clinton said “no way in Monica hell” to their wishes, until the “killing field” movement saw a reprieve when the Bush dysentery dynasty came into power, as the Bush Doctrine was borrowed from PNAC, but miraculously sidelined when Obama won the election. And with the troops coming home, the entire “mission” is failed. But with 8-years of successful abuse, mind you, this kind of wealth and power doesn't give up so easily, as the momentum stalled for “global takeover” was given a “Charge of the Right Brigade” with the appearance of the Tea-Party. The roots of the present movement can be found right here in the Homeland, forget about foreign soil opportunities for the time being. Those roots, it follows a plan to attack “big government” for being so cowardly in accepting this “global dominance” opportunity, in efforts at eventually advancing the movement. Once the Tea-Party performs and the “government” is so weakened and frustrated, then the PNAC mandate takes over, with the control it needs to further its destructive agenda. It is like a German tank, there may be no stopping the madness. It is very scary, this kind of thinking and mandate. Now with a party-line that has lost all credibility, when the GOP “mission accomplished” was signatory to the PNAC advancement there came an actual neo-movement to take over the world, to ram “Capitalism” down the throat of every unchartered regime through “change”. Even though the PNAC mandate advertised “Democracy”, it was really a ways and means to introduce “Capitalism”, which is socialism's enemy. Well that attempt lost out and an administration bent on civility overthrew the “movement”. But it doesn't mean an end to the “mission”! See, this silence from the Right, from the William Kristols' and likes of the William Kagans' out there, it is an eerie silence! What are they up too, as it is indeed something of no apparent good towards the furtherance of true “Democracy”. And there comes other signs of confusion and dereliction that may be directing this movement into dire traits, shoved into a corner, with an exit strategy that could find this nation on a crash course with itself. They don't give up! The outcome so far may be exciting a self-inflicted revolution. Take the fact that the GOP cannot produce a candidate to go up against Obama, to debate present issues with some semblance of accountability and credibility, all the more nuances of a failed party. With that in mind, when a party has most of the wealth and loosing its power, there is no doubt something evil going on behind closed doors, that if left without trumping and thus finding unhindered success forward, it will unleash a torrent of a storm that will make Hurricane Katrina tame in comparison. To reiterate, there is a plan of attack that will bring this country to its knees, begging for mercy's sake. There is a conspiracy brewing, no doubt about it. I as an American, and most likely share this same sentiment with many fellow Americans, I for one cannot trust what the opposition is up too and fear for what may be in store, what may evolve to fruition from this “silence of the lamb” period until such time my right to vote for the Commander-in-Chief comes too be. There remains about 120-days before we get to exercise that voting right through ritual, plenty of time for the neos' to inflict emotional doom. But if in reality a timeout wherein the PNAC planners are plotting, I have reason to believe - though speculation and a conspiracy inkling - that this country will never see the likes of another election. At least the possibility of “delays” in any outcome exists, as to what party will maintain the helm, or will it be another time wherein it becomes the throne? Look, when the 1% faction wins the title, it is no different that a country as a kingdom, something we fought against by declaring Independence. Alive and well here in the Homeland, there is a faction that bases its beliefs on “discrimination”, on “prejudice”, upon “total contempt and hate” upon this “my government and its fellow men, women and children”. Such filth of insanity is alive and well, wherein religion plays a central role in the “Hatred”. Look, America has one bad habit that may never be resolved, that being the “Land of the Free for All”! It is supposed to work, but why hasn't it? With PNAC, with wealth and greed, with political dereliction, with ethical representation missing in action, with religion to, there is brewing today on this Homeland a very dangerous scenario that if left to prosper, it will mean suffering for all when it is all said and done with. And when we hear and see Mitch McConnell promoting this “hatred” upon the very government that protects our liberties, is there not something wrong with this picture, with the true message at hand? Of course, as it is borderline “Treason”. Why has not the Sergeant of Arms arrested McConnell, for “Treason” like rhetoric? Mitch is using his 1st Amendment Right to assassinate Obama, it is that simple. While under the umbrella of “Congressional Immunity”, McConnell struts around the nation, voicing that it is his main job as a U.S. Senator is too destroy Obama. Wasn't he “sworn in” to uphold the Constitution? And isn't protection of the Commander-in-Chief paramount that duty? I don't get it, as if allowed to continue, McConnell will succeed in inviting and arousing a “war lord war munger” to take that advice into consideration – Obama's destruction I am getting at! It happened already, with Gabrielle Giffords, when Sarah Palin thought it proper to place the Arizona Congresswoman on the PNAC-undercover “seek & destroy” map, in the cross-hairs. If we loose Obama, well the fallout could be very depressing to Democracy. Like lighting the fuse of destruction. Just how many attempts have there been on Obama's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, since McConnell went on this rage and rant against a sitting U.S. President? Senator rage at its worse. I bet it would be scary to have such confidential “attempt” statistics, and even not directly connected to McConnell's “Obama Hate Speech”, there is more likely then not a connection. Once again, why has not the Secret Service been over to investigate and interview Mitch, to see if he needs a psychiatric evaluation. How complacent are we when it is right in our faces? Look, an individual from an opposite party in the minority may be inclined to not stand face on face with issues that of the majority, but to use the Congressional pulpit to conceive such rhetoric, to get away with it day in and day out, there is something truly wrong this picture – it shows a very unhealthy America. If a Muslim were overheard saying the same things as Mitch takes liberty upon, what do you think would happen – how about Guantanamo for a vacation? When a U.S. Senator can get way with this type of targeting, this harassment, it is not free speech, it is “Treason” speech. Look, there is nothing secretive about a plan and plot to assassinate Obama's dream! We would be nuts in denial to think otherwise! And the fact of the matter that Obama has the convincing edge for another “Four More Years”, the heat will be on from the Mitch McConnell's and underground “skull clubs” like PNAC and AEI to make sure it doesn't happen, as the GOP cannot stand the fact that a “black man” has control the destiny of America and that they may have to endure another term, without a fix for their addiction, of “Global Dominance”. Of course this is what is going down behind the scenes. With so much money invading the American political system, so much filth, once a system of merit proud of and “For the People, By the People”. So we must start “Today” to bring this calamity in the making to its knees. I plead, as should any righteous American that values what “freedom at last” remains and demand the Sergent at Arms arrest McConnell, regardless of what immunity he enjoys as a bigot. What's that, the Sergent can even arrest the president? Well if McConnell and Eric Cantor and the rest of the PNAC whores continue to attack the decency of the office of the Commander-in-Chief, then Obama is already under “HOUSE ARREST”!

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