Tuesday, June 19, 2012



Are the cutbacks at Eielson AFB the end? 

As the Alaska delegation tries to stop or at least soften the economic blow of the military brass cutting back the troops stationed at EAFB, this may be only a beginning unless we speak up. Soon after Dan Gavora was awarded the “FAIRBANKS’ BUSINESSMAN of the YEAR” award, as CEO of DOYON UTILITIES, he and his posse(Inland Pacific, a Canadian Investment firm that owns Fairbanks Sewer & Water and follows a Bain Capital mandate) filed for utility increases averaging 65%, demanding $$$MILLIONS in additional money from the U.S. ARMY. Imagine if GVEA sent you a bill that allowed it to take another $200-dollars each month - would you be upset?  Well, with Gavora and DOYON running the Ft. Wainwright and Ft. Greely military base utilities(heat, water, sewer and electricity) under a "privatization contract”, such increases if allowed will “RED FLAG” these bases and if the defense spending triggers come into effect this January, it is the cost of the utilities that are a prime factor in sending a base onto the BRAC list – or “Black List”. Such increases requested by Gavora, which are un-necessary and just another way for the 10-shareholders of FS&W to enrich their lives courtesy of the U.S. Taxpayers, these increase requests must be turned down, OR ELSE! We as residents and property owners have a say in this matter, as the increases are before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. It is time to voice a complaint, to the RCA, to your local representatives. In fact write protests to Doyon Limited, the parent company. I have been warned, through reliable sources demanding confidentiality that the military is already looking at options with Gavora’s rate increases. The ARMY is very upset upon this “privatization contract”. If these rate increases are allowed, Ft. Greely may become an un-manned base, with the Missile Defense Shield controlled form Clear AFB. Ft. Wainwright will see the troop count drastically decreased, as the military will do everything possible to eliminate the burden upon the U.S. Taxpayers, like cutting back the utility infrastructure to a point wherein it’s is affordable at the rates demanded by Gavora and company. More money for services means less troops! If we as residents let this slide by, we owe it to ourselves to be left with a housing market that will make New Orleans look tame in comparison from the after effects of Hurricane Katrina. OUR TAX DOLLARS should not be at work this kind of rip-off, a Hurricane Gavora is headed our way! We must stop this “American Greed Scam”!
Protest these Rate Increases at RCA.ALASKA.GOV

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