Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's Public Trust?

So we find some successful political redistricting here in the Anchorage bowl, not really a problem except it has been proven that this maneuver is performed for no apparent reason then to disenfranchise the voting population. See, if a district has too many democrats, then the solution to pollution is dilution - the GOP motto. Yes indeed, the GOP redistricting plan of attack calls for a take over, well calculated to tilt the scale to the “new” majority in this once stable neighborhood of south Anchorage. So we find areas for years under the influence of democracy are now under the influence of lunacy. Yet there is nothing wrong with it, no matter what the outcome delivers! Now even though getting caught red handed with “disenfranchising” attempts designed to discriminate may bring an indictment, for some reason politicians can do no legal wrong and get criminal immunity through the appeal process. Just ask Tom Delay, still a free man, even after a conviction down in Texas. But once the plan of attack works and the legal ramifications wither away as “We the People” today is heard but as a suggestion, well a politician realizes that the only avenue to re-election assurance is through kissing the constituents asses - with gifts. It is bribery! And that is what we see happening with the DOME. This sport complex supposedly is in an area in south Anchorage that came under the redistricting fallout, wherein it became the exclusive right of Senator Leslie McGuire. And soon after there came gifts! Bottom-line, it is a violation of the “Public Trust” doctrine to that which is occurring, especially here in this case, a violation under the state's Constitution. See, most of the money in the state coffers is direct cash from the resources or investment income from money garnished through resource development. And the state Constitution is adamant that the resources belong to “All” the citizens and therefore any benefit of such must be appropriated “equally”. Herein exists the problem with the DOME, and how it has found money to do something that will benefit but a few. I will never use the DOME. In fact, what the hell is it really, some secret palace located somewhere and enjoyed by some elitist like fan club? All I know is the fact that at one time or another it was a controversial venture, as it was tied to the Change Point denomination. And even though the ministers of Change Point say there is no affiliation with the DOME, only as a neighbor, sure there is a connection as the church attended by Sean Parnell invested in the DOME, through loans and who knows what else. And if the DOME's parking lot is not up to municipality standards by August, guess what, no “Certificate of Occupancy”. Which means it will move into bankruptcy once again, and Change Point's investments may dwindle away. And without money that finds no taxation, imagine not having a “war chest” to help Jerry Prevo fight down any move towards “A City of Equality For All”! Now Governor Sean had nothing to do with the state loot earmarked for this extravaganza, a parking lot, but doesn't deny it either, as he knew about it and let it move on through the check writing process. His signature is on the giveaway. Look, the Change Point was just another wasted and failed project. The best thing the state could have done is stay on course and keep this multi-million hi-teach building and equipment a fish processing plant. But to turn it over to a church for nanoseconds on the dollar? It was a political move, just like Leslie MaGuire's $1.5-Million gift, which will benefit a few, once again a violation of the “Public Trust” doctrine. It happens everyday, as “We the People” of Alaska have been blinded by the corruption. Leslie knows this is wrong, as does Sean, but there comes no repercussion. See, Leslie's husband was the test case for the Corrupt Bastard's Club. It meant jail time, but after that the entire corruption follies took on a dementia that has left this state a laugh, and a reason why many of us have become sick and tired and decided to pack up and move somewhere with affordable energy. To a place with less political corruption, as it is the latter that insists on the high price Alaskan's pay for keeping the family jewels warm in the winter. Look, Alaska has still some of the largest recoverable oil reserves, yet we pay the highest energy prices in the nation for the longest time period, as winter up here lasts at least 8-months! Bottom-line, this “gift” by Leslie to benefit but a few, it is criminal as it is a scam upon the Alaska Constitution. In fact, just the other day Parnell was quoted as trying to tell other business men about the Constitutional mandate that the resource wealth must be shared by all so there was nothing he could do about the high cost of heating fuel in and around Fairbanks - the Mayor of North Pole called his bluff! Talk about a double standard. Maybe this is where the separation of church and state fails! Now Leslie was no where to be found when the news hounds asked questions about the earmark for the DOME, in her new area of “Political Control”. But are we looking for an honest answer from her? Remember the time when she caused a disturbance on an Alaska Airlines flight out of Juneau, including throwing a glass of water about when flight attendants refused to serve her alcohol – when the plane was delayed on the runway due weather? She was escorted through the airport by police for questioning. In the recorded police interview, Leslie repeatedly said she did “nothing wrong”. She said she was unfairly targeted by a flight attendant. The airlines pressed no charges. Not because it was an untrue scene and attack, as flight attendants are professional and know when a passenger is unruly and a possible harm to other passengers. It went by the wayside, due the stench of Alaskan style politics. But if that were you or I, we would be on the NO FLY list. Preferential treatment? No different then what is happening with the DOME. It is yet another violation of the public trust doctrine, by those that should know better their actions, or in Parnell's case, the governor's inaction! Bottom-line, if the DOME cannot go it on its own, then it should be closed down. What is wrong with kids running outside? This is Alaska!

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