Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Sad Memorial Day

I was hoping to get closure on a very delicate and sensitive situation involving the hold-up of a military promotion, a well deserved promotion for a Lt. General Herbert J. Carlisle, placed on hold for unrelated reasons by Alaska's U.S. Senator Mark Begich - closure I wanted before this day that honors our men & women in uniform. Closure herein was upon my complaint against Mr. Begich for using tactics unbecoming a U.S. Senator. Look, for a sitting U.S. Senator to use this type of creepy blackmail against the United States Air Force, against an individual with nothing too do with Mr. Begich's hardon over the closing of Eielson Air Force base without reason that meets his criteria, is there not a law against it – the “blackmail” to deliver or else? I thought so, and filed a complaint with the Senate Select Committee on Ethics to “censure” Mr. Begich. What a mistake and a waste of my time, as the response from Barbara Boxer's office left me spellbound and adamant that soldiers nowadays continue to face the sad fact that this country has not learned from our mistakes, in the way we treated the troops following the end of the Vietnam war. I am starting to get sick and tired my party affiliation! If every vote counts, Obama may be in for a struggle. Just for spite over this careless disregard promoted by Begich, I might just vote for the other side this time around. And if there are any legal wits out there that can discipher this message from the Committee Chair's office, as too why my complaint has no merit, please help out this citizen in need of a legitimate answer. According to the Committee's Chief Counsel & Staff Director:

This will respond to your letter of complaint against Senator Mark Begich. In the absence of evidence of improper conduct or violation of rule or law, it is each Member's prerogative to determine how these responsibilities will be conducted. A member's votes, legislative action, views, opinions, public statements, associations, or choice of appearances are the kinds of matters which the Committee has previously considered to be within the discretion of each Member and which will generally not be reviewed or commented upon by the Committee...the final judgment with respect to such matters is reserved for a Member's constituents and voters. Based upon a review of the information which you have provided, and in view of the Committee's decision respecting such matters, the Committee has concluded that no further action is appropriate with respect to your complaint and the matter is dismissed.

Sad it may appear, here it is in a nutshell. There is not a single individual out there from sea to shining sea that would argue against the fact that Mr. Begich's tactics are borderline “Treason” like. But for this committee under a democrat, if they had the balls to open up an investigation, that could only lead to evidence enough that Begich should be put away, incarcerated for “Treason”. Am I the only “AMERICAN” that finds Mr. Begich's holding hostage the Air Force and promotions out-of-touch reality? There existed more than enough evidence to pursue “censure” against Begich. The Congress is afraid to act, not only on important issues facing our nation, but cannot find the guts for “Old Glory”, to fix what is broken. So that is why we see this pathetic correspondence. It is indeed a “Do Nothing Congress”, even on issues important to the citizens. The way I read this lame excuse to do nothing, well it appears that each member of Congress gets to police his or her own actions, or inactions. Isn't self incrimination against the U.S. Constitution? This law and no order seems to fit the perfect “Mobius Strip” pattern. How do these things get passed? Simple, we are not looking, or too busy tending our own hen house while the Constitution gets ripped apart, shat on, spat on by botex babes. The bottom line, how can this Memorial Day be honorable when we see demeaning things going down, like Mr. Begich's blackmailing! If I were Mr. Carlisle, I would sue Mr. Begich personally. Anyway, I used to honor this day, but today I refrain, as when a Congress does not give a rat's ass about our troops, then we have before us a doomed democracy! Please help, sign a petition to “censure” Mr. Begich:

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