Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pakistani BlackWater?

Before there came an end to “There's a town in Texas missing an idiot” Bush Dysentery Dynasty years - Stardate 2001 through 2009 and lingering fallout invades tranquility even today - wherein this country was sent down a crash course dead end street, this despicable administration of “Monkey Men” proved to the world that Americans have lost touch civility and chosen instead cruelty upon their fellowman. Sure the “monkey” was addicted, to power and wealth. Now Obama is getting a whole lot of hatred from the Limbaugh Rot about taking down Osama Bin Laden, as it is the anniversary of that successful expedition and of course this nation is in heat with the upcoming presidential election. Viagra sales are hitting new highs! And imagine that, the GOP has nothing to throw at Obama except candidates that lie and cheat their way through life. But before the House of Saud was dismantled and the vice without a heart went homeless, Bush killed the $25-million reward – Dead or Alive – upon Bin Laden! Why? For some reason, Bush decided to let the killer go free without a bounty, akin to that 9th inning “Executive Privilege” pardon. And the conspiracy theorists have reason to believe that Bin Laden was offered protection. Let's face the facts, there still remains many mysterious facts surrounding the 911 attack and how it was pulled off with such success. We must also remember that there is unequivocal evidence that Pat Tillman - a great American hero - had Bin Laden in the gun sight, until he became a casualty from “friendly fire”. And Bin got away? Here is my take on this “oorah” surfacing over Osama and Obama. BlackWater could have easily taken down Bin Laden, and pocketed the $25-Million. But that amount is chump change in this day and age upon the discipline of security for high-end officials. And remember, BlackWater owes no allegiance to the Red, White & Blue as it is a mercenary militia for hire. Now if the Pakistani government wanted Bin kept alive, BlackWater would be the outfit to call upon, for protection and secure transport, as this outfit can trump even our own military with respect to weapons of choice and experienced boots on the ground, plus the mercenaries get paid a whole lot more money then does an American troop. But even though many Americans are on the BlackWater payroll, protection for Bin Laden could be considered treason, through “offering” protection to the enemy. So the bounty was lifted, which meant BlackWater was free and clear to do what it does best, protect for a profit. This is the only reason as to why a sitting president would lift a bounty against a terror subject like Bin Laden. It is a simple fact of the matter! “WAR” has become nothing short a business venture which can reap humongous profits, just ask the Carlyle Group – daddy Bush's venture into the lucrative defense business. Yet, when asked about lifting the ban, the Bush administration provided some lame excuse, that the bounty was focusing too much attention upon a single individual. So Bin Laden was given protection at a cost and the neo-conservatives went into hiding happy, as Bin's plans included an assassination attempt upon Obama. And that was the ultimate going away present from the Bush Dynasty, just what the “neo-riggers” wanted. See, if the assassination would have been pulled off, it could be blamed on Al-Qaeda and at the same time placing blame on the Obama administration for going too soft on terror. So it backfired on the New American Century dream. But this is a following that cannot be trusted. They have money, they have air time and will continue to plan destruction upon an administration that does not fall prey their pathetic “global” takeover plans. I fear for Obama, I fear for this nation as we are not supposed to be proposing Hitler like advancements upon anybody that believes in something other than “Capitalism”. Obama for now is a saving grace “timeout” as we almost ended up in World War III. But that “timeout” is interfering with the neos' plan and we must be vigilant and aware that there is a secret society out there that is plotting against your future, against the future of your sons and daughters, because they believe wealth gives them the voice for all the people.

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