Sunday, May 6, 2012

COWARD's Eight

Congratulations to the COWARD's “Eight” assembly members that voted to advertise to the world that not only is Anchorage a city that has been taken over by perverted right wing-nut religious fanatics, at the same time this city “Once of Brotherly Love” is now ranked Number 2 - nationwide - in the category of “VIOLENT” crime ridden downtown streets. Hear that yelling, it’s not celebration by rappers, but rapers running wild along the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. And this trend to become an unsafe place to live but a safe haven for corrupt politicians whose MO is rape with a smile for loot, we can thank the current bastard at the helm. He cares not for his fellowman and probably aspires to a Scott Walker “mission”. I thought “Hitlerism” was a thing of the past, seems not the case. Look, the Anchorage mayor who has the power but not the guts to manage the affairs of this city has not even the decency to keep the sidewalk bus stations clear from ice and snow, for those that rely on this transportation network. Budget issues? Not when he turns around and pads Knucklehead Sheffield's wallet, for a job well-done? How many more years will the Port of Anchorage be on hold? Realize that this screw up is already costing you at the market! It is estimated that the cost overruns and scheduling delays have increased the price of cereal alone – the bellwether of consumer economics – up some 3-cents per bowl of cheerios. It adds up! Now the same thing happened when the Ted Stevens' Airport was remodeled. Remember how long those “non-earthquake” columns remained as boat anchors, rusting away until the lawsuits were settled, wherein the airport lost a whole lot of U.S. Taxpayers' loot? Once again, the crooks made out. Same thing here at the port project, engineering idiots taking advantage of a knucklehead IQ. It is not a mistake, but a planned maneuver to “rape with a smile for loot, just like occurred with the current election under suspicion - a planned sabotage wherein we find a mayor missing in action his duty. Why? Because the plan worked. Had the mayor come front and center with concern, the assembly would have sidelined any certification, until....So when the latest city election went hijacked by Jim Misery - head honcho of Perverted Family Council - hijacked because Proposition #5 was an equality based issue of importance but one which goes against the grain of preachers bent on “Stand Your Religion” it's OK to shoot innocent victims in the back even if they want food for their family, well the fact that the COWARD's Eight decided to honor the corrupt election results, I for one am ashamed and scared as an ex-Anchoragite. See, I moved out when Forbes made it clear and convincing that in order to be safe in and around Anchorage, I had to hire a loaded gun or Wayne's WAR machine for protection - here in America! If this city can't get it right-on with issues of equality, then it best get used to being in the Forbes' limelight, for “Cities Not Fit for Human Inhabitants”. The cop out, for certifying this election is sickening, based on the fictional fact by a private attorney that was at one time a “prosecutor” for what discipline is still a mystery, a Mr. Petman convinced the COWARD's Eight that “failure to follow the certification procedures in place before the election could result in federal constitutional violations.” Wow, can you imagine the Fed.'s armed with a Constitutional Law subpoena becoming involved in this so far mess and voting booth scandal, then maybe Misery and Perverto would finally be placed behind bars. But we are so, so afraid to confront this religious freak show that is trying to take over “tranquility” here in the Homeland. Just go to a Sunday service and you'll realize first hand that “peace” is a word banned from the pulpit of Perverto's snake-oiled circus show-time. It is all doom and gloom and gay bashing, and they call themselves “holy” and mind you, think they are Christians? As the true saying stands, “Loving God doesn't mean hating your brothers and sisters”! They're a bunch of tax-cheats. And when the smirks of success showed the morning following the tainted April 20th election results, I am sure following the “legal” opinion as the cop-out and hurriedly certifying the suspicious election, I bet once the posse of “eight”, the COWARDS, I am sure they left for some secret party wherein the VECO grill showed up once again to entertain victory. That icon shows up whenever there is a political win for the Corrupt Bastards' Club. When this cast-iron “mastiff” like icon was confiscated by the FBI some time ago, when Ted was under indictment, I was attempting to buy it, and use it down on 4th Avenue to sell the “History of Corruption” here in Alaska – on a bun! Think about it: Bill Allen's Weiner, Hulk's Hero Dog, Don's Shorty, Sheffield's Wannabe, Dan's “Where's the Beef” Ego, Franks Frankster! But with crime headlining any future prospects in the tourists' industry especially here in the Number 2, I must do what I can do to protect my fellow travelers before they enter the abyss of hate. So I am starting a campaign, to warn off tourists that may be thinking of visiting this city;

Dear Tourists. If you are entering Alaska, at the Port of Anchorage, please do so at your own risk. This city is ranked NUMBER 2 with respect to violent crimes against women, and that crime spree comes as an edict from the religious factions that lay claim this territory, wherein the preachers can legally shoot another human on the run in the back, in cold blood, just for stealing food to feed a hungry family. So don't be alarmed if you see rapers at lodge and preachers shooting the hungry. It is not some remake of a wild west show, it is real live chaos. If you do visit Anchorage and must leave the security of the airport, do not walk in front of the Bill Sheffield Train Depot and please beware of the following areas. Do not, I repeat, do not venture down towards the Anchorage Baptist Temple or wherever Jim Misery hangs out, but if it smells like perversion, stay away. If you come in contact with any individuals associated with this freak show faction, especially at the airports, call TSA immediately, as traveling aboard a high flier with their likes aboard could be detrimental to your wellbeing. And remember, these goons have permission to shoot innocent humans in the back, while they are running away from dumpster diving. It’s called “Stand Your Religion” and it controls politics in Alaska. As a matter of fact, you would be safer planning a trip to Mexico, no matter what the authority's tell you.

So to the COWARD's EIGHT, have fun this summer trying to convince tourists to stay, keep your guns loaded, and watch for that PAC check from the preacher, as I am sure it will make your summer worth all the “disenfranchising” upon the rights of the righteous, which does not include your type. Rape with a smile for loot, the Corrupt Bastard's motto, it lives on!

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