Friday, April 27, 2012

Who d'Blame Game

Star Date - Age of the Neanderthal School Superintendent: Anchorage was at one time long ago a city of “Brotherly Love”. But that facade may have been all in efforts to win over the 1994 winter Olympic bid, for the year there came no snow to the bowl – a meager 5”! Since that lost cause attempt for the torch, Anchorage has sunk way down in the ranks of a “City that Cares”. We see this disconnect on the streets, we witness it at the voting booths. The streets are no longer safe, just ask Forbes. Imagine, Anchorage wins 2nd place for ugly city life and Fairbanks is next in line – based on national crime statistics! Tourists, you best stay home! And now we have reason to believe that the voting places are “suspiciously” rigged. So who is at fault the most recent city election defined as “chaotic”? One shall realize that an election result that casts doubt on the process is what can erode away the very foundation this country was founded upon – liberty and justice for ALL! As some have warned and reasoned, has it come time in America wherein the U.N. must send in refugees, foreign individuals to oversee what is going stupid in the free world’s elections – since Gore versed the House of Saud with an outcome that changed “We the People” to “Money talks and Democracy walks? And where in hell is the “Last Frontier” leadership upon this latest activity to thwart democracy in our “Republic”? I forgot, they left on the M.V. Susitna for an inlet fun cruise sponsored by “Alaskans for In-Justice” which goes to show that the Corrupt Bastard mentality is still alive and well here in Alaska – Ted’s legacy lives on! Talk about a story of a “Johnny Rotten”! Did we learn anything from the “Bastard” follies? But seriously speaking this serious matter at hand from what appears to be underhanded dealings upon the “right to vote”, the only thing we see from the leadership is Damn Sullivan yarning and going to bed early on assembly meeting night when the agenda included the hijacked election. He is supposed to be taking his job seriously! And Governor Parnell's wire on this issue? A no-show voice as the election results so far are in-line his “Dominionist” liking, even if a majority of voters were disenfranchised and low and behold, the 1st time in political history wherein the local pollsters went wrong! See, like it or leave it, Proposition #5 was alive and well and on the road to victory until Jim Misery got sidetracked on thinking he could play God and sent out a “Twitter”, something about all good treasonists – members in good standing fake religions like can be found at the Anchorage Baptist Temple – they should try and vote away any equality statement. Bottom-line, this Hitlerite should be incarcerated for “war” crimes on home turf. I find no difference upon those standing against equality for gays and Hitler's dreaded desires. To cleanse away a race to extinction. Same with the coward Catholic Bishop, preaching at the pulpit to his lemming followers that the “Prop” would cause more race riots in and around Anchorage. Where do these idiots find such fodder? I stand corrected, as pure “snake oil” lullabies promotes their hatred upon God’s children, those that should be freeing themselves away from lunatic teachings, instead of siding with such hypocrisy of theocracy. And yes, these pulpit maniacs are all rolling in bed with Jerry – the devil is alive and well at the tax-free temple. So the bellwether was wrong? And now we face the facts of a sunk proposition that would have helped Anchorage regain respect with respect to issues of equality, wherein people could be free their partnerships with others. The election was tainted. Until we get it right on equality, Anchorage will continue to sink as the most undesirable city because of its unsafe streets and other disconnects upon civilization. Look, there isn't much wiggle room left before we find ourselves the top winner of the “Corrupt Bastard & Crime” state, and instead of carrying a “torch”, how about flame throwers for protection? And yes, as is the usual time tested retreat, the leadership that should be taking the stance of concern have bent over for a Scott Walker mindset – in essence to hell with the PEOPLE. Now had the proposition been for “Stand Your Ground” and there came voter irregularities, well I am sure Wayne's World “war machine” would be alive and well with Ted Nuggethead's guns running amuck, shooting at anything that moves to the left would be in full support their “Stand”, even if illegal baiting! Now, if the Bush Rat was still around, even from way far away over at Lake Clark, the election officials would be running for cover. The lazare-faire attitude following the recent election in Anchorage is testament that the Scott Walker “mentality” is alive and well here in the 49er – an undercover evil signifying what is too come. So who is at blame and what is at fault this most recent disconnect? Simple, as today we are starting to see the “No Child Left Behind” fallout, as it is truly a failed undertaking here in Anchorage. This is what I am getting at. The political clout that made the Anchorage school super now retired to sign on to the Bush Doctrine in return a whole bunch of Federal “pork”, wherein our student population was held hostage by 8-years of the Bush Doctrine, it has allowed for a generation here in Alaska that knows not what it is doing or getting into and has no idea how to protect their rights of passage into the future. Had the “Left Behind” worked, the younger generation would be out in the streets, instead of excepting the cowardly smirk as fostered by the religious right when they deceive to win something that is not theirs to begin with – freedom from religion I am talking about. Anchorage has taken on a sad disposition, as religion has polluted the environment way beyond what the EXXON Valdez proved by crapping all over Prince William’s Sound. Had the program worked, we would see the youth of Anchorage protesting in the streets, for equality, for “voting” without irregularities, for safer streets. And what is wrong with an “equality” statement? Why does the religious leadership feel threatened? Look, if I get to Heaven and find “My” God against equality, then I choose hell for the rest of “My” life. And where are the union leaders this issue? And if you don’t believe me that the system has failed wherein we have a bunch of uneducated trying to further under-educate, just do the math. According to the election committee appointed by the mayor, only 33 voters testified that they did not get to vote, when at the same time the committee acknowledges that over half the precincts went short on ballots. Seals broken, on voting machines with the sentiment that it was a “normal” day at the precincts? And there is this aura, like let's not go there. Why NOT? So yes I pick on the pathetic following called “Alaskans for Justice”, as this idiotic group of wannabe 1%s are attacking the very government that found Ted Stevens had befriended the wrong individuals. Why I ask, Instead of getting involved in issues beyond reasoning and desperado like behavior, why not engage in things that would make Anchorage a safer place to live, instead of fending for Dead Ted. Look, Ted was a crook, no doubt about it. Justice was served, and now these idiots with a whole lot of extra time want to attack the system, that worked. So had we not engaged in bribery and fraud over the years Ted was in office, as we are all guilty by association Ted's ways and means, we could maybe be proud of what Anchorage, and Alaska stands for – besides failure. We should have indicted Ted a long time ago, the evidence was there and had we been righteous and proactive to right a wrong, we could have achieved what many other states and cities have achieved – a clean slate. But we were held hostage, and the “No Child Left Behind” was the straw that broke the you know what. We should have said enough is enough and “hell NO” with our election decisions and fought for “individualism” over what Ted promised to deliver and passed this on to future generations, then maybe we could be proud of our youth, just like what is happening in Madison - wherein the “PEOPLE” still have a dream! But don't hold your breath that anything will come of the election results, as right now the “crooks” are in hiding, like Jim, like Jerry, as they believe their God created a world based on inequality, a practice they preach and justice is like an Anchorage traffic signal, just a suggestion.

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